Starting Wonders Of Small Things


"Success is the accumulation of small businesses, which do repeatedly."
- Robert Collier -

Do you have important goals that you want to accomplish in your life where you have to start with great zeal? Or targets that you have tried several times to reach it but it always fails. To the extent that you think, there are areas in your life that you can not seem to succeed.

You might be a great success in your career, but you can be difficult to exercise regularly at least twice a week. Or you get a smooth opening of business this year but your diet program always fail.

The problem may be you try to change too quickly or too much. Here I will try to share the experience how to make a permanent change. This process obviously takes time. I can not give you a way how to make changes in the 'overnight' because I've never done it and I think it is not possible.

Usually people have a commitment at the end of each year to make changes in the new year. If you're like most people want to make these changes in an instant, it is likely you will fail.

Try to remember back now, is there your targets this year are not being met

I will help remind. Maybe you want to:

- Lose weight by 20 kg
- Quitting smoking
- Reduce caffeine
- Jogging around the complex every morning
- Wake up at 5 am every day
- Starting an online business starting
- ..... (Please fill in yourself)

All these are important goals in your life and requires effort to change it. It would be better if you do the steps are more patterned and controllable even more time consuming. Why? Because once you change, your changes will be more permanent than you do in a hurry.

Identification of your current position

Before embarking on a change, you need to know your current position to be where, for example: how much you weigh now, how many cigarettes / packs you smoke per day, how often do you drink coffee, how many times you exercise in a month, and so on.

Take small steps to achieve them

Maybe there will be a very large distance between your current position what you want to achieve, and you seem to feel they have no power, passion or discipline to achieve it.

As I've mentioned in my previous article: How to Stay Motivated to Finish What You Already Started: If you only think about how to reach your target soon, most likely you will experience frustration / stress.

Break your target (break down) into smaller activities, for example: if you want to lose weight 20 kg, divide the target into a ½ kg per week. Yes, you will spend 40 weeks to lose weight, but your time will surely pass.

Do not underestimate your ability to achieve something by doing the little things. Instead of you trying to reach the target quickly, by doing things the 'radical', say only eat once a day or drinking a laxative, but after 1-2 weeks you give up because it does not hold. You mean just a waste of your valuable time and this fact can actually hurt you: you may think "it is true, I can not succeed", "am I right, I can not get a consistent and disciplined.", Etc..

Okay, enough theory, now I will give some practical examples:

Target: stop consuming caffeine
Current position: drink 3 cups of coffee every day
Step: to reduce drink coffee once a day for the first week (a total of seven cups a week), week-2 to a total of 6 cups a week, week-3 to total 5 cups a week and so on.
Total time required: 8 weeks

Target: get up at 5 am every day
Current position: wake up at 7 am
Step: plug your alarm 15 minutes earlier every 1 week - do not immediately set back to 2 hours! Trust me you will suffer.
Total time required: 8 weeks

Target: create a 100 page ebook
Current position: 0 pages
Step: every day you write a page, except Saturdays and Sundays you write 2 pages. So for a week you write as much as 9 pages.
Total time required: 11 weeks

You can see that the above targets to be plausible and highly likely to be reached with small activities, including targets that you have ever tried to grab it but failed. Whatever you want, you can achieve it as long as you do not want instant results. There is no instant way to achieve success.

Hopefully this article useful to you. Good luck.


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