Food Makers Youth

Food Makers Youth
Not as usual, this time I try to bring articles about health food. But wait, not that I know is a nutrition expert. I was just learning about health food is my hope, by writing this article, but I can share useful information for you, indirectly, I also learned to know what are the health food follows its function. So 100% pure material I took from the outside, I was dirty from my various sources and summarized into one.

Okay, here goes ....

Food you eat as fuel in your vehicle. If your vehicle is always filled pertamax plus fuel, but more powerful, the engine will be much more durable. Similar to what you eat, will have a tremendous impact on the performance of your body. You pay attention to your diet, eventually you will get longer life. Than you spend a lot of money to youthful products (anti aging) that claim to be the 'magic' slow down aging .... hmmm ... my own opinion a natural thing (the food we eat) would be much better, because it is processed and produced from within the body itself.

There are many foods that can keep your health and also protect you from deadly diseases such as cancer, dementia and osteoporosis. These foods also help reduce the fat in your body. As you know, being overweight increase the ratio of the short lifespan. I do not want to scare actually because it has become common knowledge. A study says that excess body weight especially in old age can cause your exposure to risk of heart attack. Cancer institutes in the United States estimates that weight problems have resulted in 90,000 people die each year.

Here are these foods:

putihBawang white onions can indeed cause your date to be unpleasant (from bad breath caused) :), but it became a favorite garlic cooks to add flavor to dishes without adding calories. Is allicin, a substance responsible for the odor and taste of garlic. On the other hand, allicin to be a very potent antioxidant. As you know, antioxidants are very important factor to make you stay young.

How garlic can be a very powerful antioxidant? The study says that eating garlic can stimulate the body to produce more hydrogen sulfide (the body's natural antioxidant compounds), relax blood vessels and blood circulation.

Dr. David W. Kraus, a professor of biology from the University of Alabama and author of numerous articles about the benefits of garlic, garlic advised to destroy the first and silence for 15 minutes before cooking. This is done so kasiat garlic can function optimally.

Actually, the food is the enemy of the people who are fighting fat and cholesterol, and some refer to it as unhealthy food. But behind all the negative assumptions about the egg, the egg has 9 essential amino acids and 6 grams of healthy protein contained in each egg. Eggs also contain lutein (helps prevent macular degeneration, which is a medical condition experienced by adults where there is a decrease in vision due to retinal damage), zeaxanthin (good for the eyes and helps prevent cataracts) and choline (important for brain and nervous system). Eggs are also classified as foods that naturally contain vitamin D (food rarely contained therein vitamin D).

To counter negative assumptions about the egg part of the community, a recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health shows that actually there is no correlation between egg consumption to heart attack.

blueberriesPigmen contained in blueberries are powerful enough antidote to stress. As you all know that stress will not make you younger or in other words, accelerate the aging process. The pigment also helps the brain to produce dopamine, which is useful in stimulating happiness, strengthening memory and coordination. Research shows that ½ cup of blueberries every day is very effective for improving memory deficits and the coordination of brain nerve cells.

Spinach - vegetables that may make you vomit when you were little, but also can make a very strong Popeye :) - the vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and also contain substances that can fight cancer such as sulforaphane, beta carotene, vitamin C and fiber. Spinach also has been investigated by Australian scientists, can improve your memory.

brocoliJenis other vegetables that are rich in antioxidants are broccoli. Broccoli plants that belong to the family of great help in fighting body toxins and cancer. To maintain the important enzymes in broccoli, some nutrition experts recommend eating broccoli in a state still fresh (raw) or at least cooked by steaming.

Broccoli is also a type of plant that is rich in calcium, where calcium is needed to prevent osteoporosis and helps the absorption of vitamin D.
Salmon fishing

You may have heard that fishy fish like salmon and tuna are very useful to help prevent heart attacks by making blood vessels 'lubricated', so that blood flow to be smooth. Salmon is also rich in Omega 3 content, a substance that is necessary for brain development. Omega 3 is also very good for health because of its function to reduce excess weight, improve your mood and nourish the skin. So that salmon and tuna frequent consumption of the people who are doing the diet.

Ok, good food makers ageless article can be a reference and add new knowledge to you about health foods.


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