6 Powerful Ways to Be Brave

6 Powerful Ways to Be Brave
"Begin, courage and bertumbuhlah become wise."
- Horace -

If you are shy, hesitant, or passive, you risk having a life filled with routines and goals are not achieved. Progress that we see today is done by those who dare - scientists, politicians, artists, and others are not waiting for opportunities, they create opportunities. So if you want to be someone who is brave and can not be stopped, here are some ways you can do to start your momentum.

1. Pretend You Are A Brave.

If you trade places with someone who is very brave, what would they do if they were in your position? If you know someone who dared to imagine how they would act. If you do not know those people, who dare to think of a character from a movie or book. Spend an hour every day for a week to pretend to be them.

When you do this, go to a place where people do not know you and do not be surprised to see that your actions may be other than normal. Try to do and see what happens - you might find amazing things when you are brave, and you may feel confident to apply this attitude to your everyday life.

2. Take the initiative.

When you have doubts - particularly in interacting with other people - keep your ego and take the first step. Ask your colleagues if they want to go to a cafe for a drink after work. Tell the people you love that you have 2 tickets to a concert and you want that person to come with you. Give your best friend a hug and apologized for the mistake you ever made before. Berkediplah smile and look attractive at checkout.

3. Do Something Out of allegations.

What can you do that will surprise some people who know you? Wearing high heels? Bungie jumping? Dance classes? Brave men are not afraid to try something new, and one reason they are very interesting to be around you is because they continue to keep you guessing.

You can start from something small, maybe wearing clothes with colors or styles that you do not normally wear, or visit a place that you do not usually visit. In the end, you will reach a point where you have an idea that makes people open-mouthed when you say it ("Are you serious? Rafting?" Or "You must be kidding. You want to buy the shop in the street?").

4. Ask for What You Want.

Rather than waiting to be recognized for your efforts person, or expect someone to consider your needs, go and ask.

Some people feel that asking for something is the act of a greedy, selfish, and rude - and it's true, if you ask for something that does not belong to you. But if someone is holding something to your right, they are greedy, selfish, and rude.

After all, what's the worst thing that could happen? They said no.

• Ask for a promotion or raise that you later and you have done.
• Ask for a discount. Menawarlah. The phrase "What is the best price you can give to me?" Is an easy and powerful way to save money.
• Ask your credit card annual fee waived.
• Ask for help or advice to relatives, friends, or people who are totally unfamiliar.
• Ask for clarification if you are not sure what people expect from you.

5. Taking Risks.

There is a difference between sloppy and take risks. Careless people do not take the risk .. they did not think about risks. On the other hand, a very brave understand the risks that exist, and have decided to remain on the decisions they make, ready and willing to accept the consequences if the reality is different from what they expect.

Think of an athlete who takes risks every day. Were they careless? No. They take a measured risk. You may make a mistake: we all make mistakes. But not doing anything is also a mistake, something that can take you to the emptiness and regret. For some people, taking risks and failing is a very valuable experience than doing nothing.

Conversely, do not confuse courage with aggression. Aggressive often impose your opinions or actions on others. Courage has nothing to do with the people around you; courage is overcoming your fear and take action.

Remember, although you will feel very excited in doing something new, there remains the risk of failure due to lack of experience. You take very failure; failure is not the opposite of success, failure is an important component of success. The opposite of success is nothing.

6. Rediscover Yourself.

In essence, courage comes from within you, from what you believe. Courage is not about what you do, but who you are. If you do not know yourself, you do not have to be brave.

Start to appreciate your uniqueness. Find things that make you different and show the people around you. Devote the attention and care of yourself because no matter what anyone else says. That is the essence of courage.


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