Happiness Is A Decision

Happiness Is A Decision
On this occasion, I will discuss the topic of happiness. I'll try to share the thoughts of happiness to my readers as well. Hopefully useful.

For me, happiness is a positive and exciting feeling, that every man could feel the deepest of his heart. Many people are trying to find happiness in the wrong places and it ended with his life far more suffering than before.

Why did this happen? This is because we look for it ... outside of ourselves. We expect something or someone gives it to our happiness.

A sage named Rumi was once said, "We're looking for diamond necklace from room to room that actually exist in our own neck." It was the same when we are trying to find happiness. We look for "everywhere", and we never know exactly where happiness comes.

I think you all agree that happiness is independent of the things that smell of materialism, such as: driving a luxury car or have a position / title of the prestigious (though these things can bring pleasure to your life).

Happiness was not dependent on others, as you have people who are important in your life (although it's love and presence of these people can add to the fun).

Happiness was not dependent on something that happened, for example: if you stay in place, will be good and if you left the place, it would be good.

Happiness is not to be found everywhere in the world outside.

The biggest obstacle to our happiness is a false idea of ​​our own. For example: thinking about someone or something that makes you happy. Maybe you feel the joy of someone or something, but happiness is actually a false and temporary. When you are not with someone or something, the joy it would go well with him.

I will give a few illustrations to explain.
What was it about .... hmm ....,
Oh yes just this: you never felt a broken heart? I think most definitely been there. Usually what people do when they are broken-hearted (including me of course :))? I then went to a boarding house / friend 's house and asked her to talk, play and go somewhere. I forgot this time of grief. I was so happy with my friends. But when I returned home and alone, feeling sad I return envelop.

There's nothing wrong if you were doing the same thing as I did. But I want to emphasize here is: Where can someone actually find happiness?

Stop searching out what can actually be found within you. Make the decision to be happy.

Okay, let me repeat once again:
Happiness depends on your own decision to be happy.

So happiness is a decision. Anytime, anywhere you can decide to be happy or not.

Okay, below is an acclamation. I quote from an article out a while ago. Aklamasinya good enough. You can repeat and read aloud:

I, {your name}, decide to be happy now, regardless of the weather, other people, the world or anything that happened to me.

I'm with confidence knowing that God has given me the right to be happy.

Therefore, I claim that happiness is mine and I belong to happiness.


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