7 Thinking About Patience is enduring

7 Thinking About Patience is enduring
"God grant to a person of genius without patience, and patience for others without the genius. Achievement that can be achieved by a combination of two things are often surprising. "
- Walter C. Klein -

"Patience is a partner of the policy."
- St. Augustine -

"If I had made a valuable discovery, it is more a result of my patience than any other skills that I have."
- Sir Isaac Newton -

One of the most helpful skills that can be owned by someone if he wants to develop is patience. Patience and perseverance can help you through all the challenges.

But why is it difficult to be patient? And how patience can help you in life?
Here are seven timeless ideas that may help you answer the questions above.
A. Can Impede Social understanding your step.

"What about the current society, with all the things that almost instantaneous, could teach patience to its young people?"
- Paul Sweeney -

All things move very quickly in today's society. All the things that are already embedded in an instant many people's minds.

I did not believe this is against the state of today's society. I say this to give a little explanation of why patience is difficult to understand and use to your advantage.

Not take into account the social understanding of patience. Demands of today's society is to do something immediately. And after the accustomed manner, you may want to have a lot of things immediately. So thinking about maybe a little patience .. weird.
2. You will get it with patience.

"He who has the patience can have what he wants."
- Benjamin Franklin -

Thought this might not be so popular among the people. They may not want to hear it. But this is done by successful people. Their patient.

Maybe some people think that success is the fruit of the great talent they have. Talent may be the cause. But people may not see the hard work they went through for years before they achieve success. Or they choose not to see the other side and rationalize it into a "talent". So they do not have to think about the fact that they have the opportunity to work hard to achieve that success. Even the opportunity to realize the dream that they have today.

It would be easier for some people to conclude as a talent, and still dreaming of an almost instantaneous success.
3. Do not Give Up.

"Patience is very important: one can not immediately harvest the land which he had planted."
- Soren Kierkegaard -

"Not because I'm smart, but because I am facing a problem much longer."
- Albert Einstein -

Because people ask us to find the fastest way of doing things, then it is easy for us to give up after you have failed up to 5 times. It is very reasonable, but what happens if someone keeps trying to? And for any failure of the person to gain more expertise to solve the problem?

I think that people make the mistake of giving up too soon. Your mind may have a time frame to achieve success. Such frameworks may not be related to your frame of mind in the real world.

Quite useful if you break away for a moment from the perspective of the advertised and let reality seep into your mind. Learn from people who have achieved the goals you want. Encourage them to talk, read what they say in books or via the internet. It is not going to give the plan as a whole but can give you the perspective needed to achieve your goals.

Not that you never stop, but this sort of thing will help you survive you much longer.
And it also does not mean you have to do the same thing over and over again. We recommend that you do the work and gain experience. Take heed of what you can learn from real life. Then change your actions and try again.
4. Provide your patient benefit.

"Excellence is accepted by others in comparison to others is to keep yourself calm and in control in every situation."
- Thomas Jefferson -

While others lose control, you can stay calm and be patient. While others gave up after trying a few times, you keep trying. While other people running around looking for the fastest solution to their problem, you stay in your lane.
5. Patience is a form of protection.

"Patience is the protection of the errors as well as clothing to protect you from cold. If you wear more clothes when the air gets colder, the cold will have no effect on you. If you develop a sense of patience in you when you make a mistake, the error will not affect anything on yourself. "
- Leonardo Da Vinci -

This point is very beneficial to you. With patience, error or failure will not end up like the end of the world. Failure no longer have the emotional power over you to make you give up. If you keep doing what you believe and continue to adjust the way you do things then your life will improve.
6. Get up Patience.

"Patience can not be acquired overnight. Build patience as well as muscle building. Every day you have to work. "
- Eknath Easwaran -

"We will never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in this world."
- Helen Keller -

The more patient you are, the easier things around you. Patience is the same as the muscle that you build over the years.

As Keller says, life can teach you to be more patient. In tough times sometimes you have no other choice but to be patient. Times is what will strengthen your patience.

When we are young we get the things we want easily from parents and other adults. When growing up we Study abroad that people do not give all that we want. If we want something we must learn to be patient.

If not, then we will be trapped in a situation where we take these things is not to your liking. This can cause a feeling of dissatisfaction within yourself.
7. Be patient with yourself.

"Be patient in all things, but the important thing is be patient with yourself. Do not until you lose your courage as you realize your imperfections, otherwise think to fix it - every day begin anew. "
- St. Francis de Sales -

It is very important for you to remember if you are in the stage of developing a personality and your life. Because things may not always match what you want. You will fail, you will give up because of fear, you will do things that you know you should not do.

Do not impose yourself or give up. Be patient with yourself. And try again the next day.


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