How do you eat an elephant?


How do you eat an elephant? ..... The answer: in one bite at a time.

This is not really you eat an elephant. This is just a saying. Maybe some of you have heard the saying is.

We often fail to apply the maxim in our lives. If you draw an elephant as a great destination where your life depends on the goal, then you yourself are planning on a disappointment. Why is that?

This is not just about big goals that you pursue.

Many people make a major mistake to only focus on their major goals. If for example you wanted destiny to become a bestselling novelist and famous, wow amazing, it is a very big goal. It is not good, but if you are so dependent on personal satisfaction in achieving your goal, you just will not be happy for a long time (perhaps during your lifetime).
Has a very good long-term goals and needs, because it will make us work hard and do our best to achieve it. However, for any long-term goals that you created, you also need to have a medium-term goals and short.
If you become a bestselling novelist and famous are your long term goals, if he thought the smaller goals that you have to accomplish during your trip was? Maybe for now, you should seek the right and create a character who would you include in your first novel.

The beauty of small goals.

When you have small goals, there are some benefits.

First, small goals gives you something so you can focus. If you want to become a bestselling novelist and famous, how you can make it come true? If you do not know the specific things you should do, you will be frustrated. Coupled with time, you will be confused by words that are always in your mind: "Why have not only reached my goals," while on the other hand you are not sure what you are doing. But when you have a small goal, like I mentioned above, namely to find the right character first, you will definitely be more focused and get inspired to do the next action.
Second, you'll enjoy the satisfaction in achieving your goals. Although it is a small goal, you will feel much better, you will feel some relief when you check this list has been completed (whether it's in your paper work or just in your brain). You find a character to the success of your first novel, it means that you have been through some long trips and you're on the right track towards achieving your big goal.
Life is a journey, not a destination.

Satisfaction of your life will be much higher if you look at life as a series of small goals, compared with one important objective of which you probably will not reach it. Not that you should not have a big goal, you just have to have big goals, but not least you also need to have small goals so you can better focus during your long journey.
If for example you want to lose weight 20 kg, it is a wonderful thing. But do not just focus on one major goal that's all. If you do that, then every time you weigh your weight, then your mind would be haunted by the statement: "why I have not gained weight I want?" And you'll begin to think of failure in your brain.

So start to break (break down) your large goals into goals that are smaller (see also wonders Starting From Small Things). There are lots of small goals that you can do even if you only lose weight 0.5 kg. Maybe you need to read books about weight loss, learn to make healthy food or following a fitness club. The series of small achievements will keep you on the track and keep you feeling good to keep your own life.
So it is better if you stop to eat an elephant all at once and do not forget to enjoy small bites during the trip.


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