Anthony Robbins once said in one of his books that is actually a process thought to ask and answer questions. He then added that people who succeed are those who always asks himself.
Here are 101 questions to make your life extraordinary:
A. What do I want?
2. For what things am I grateful for?
3. What is missing in my life?
4. Do I see new things in this world every day?
5. Do I take the time to listen to others?
6. Am I having fun?
7. How do I make this life more cheerful?
8. What I want more in life?
9. What is not so I want in life?
10. Am I always looking for opportunities?
11. Did I capture the opportunities are there?
12. Do I have an open mind?
13. Am I flexible enough?
14. Am I quick to judge others?
15. Do I always take the risk?
16. Do I appreciate what the other person?
17. Do I appreciate what others do for me?
18. Who do I want to go?
19. Who are the people I want to meet?
20. What are the adventures that I want to follow?
21. Do I care what others think about me?
22. What makes me happy?
23. Does that make me happy?
24. Is there anything that I delay?
25. Do I always thought of myself?
26. Would I like to hold a grudge?
27. Do I always remember the past'd read?
28. Do I let the negative thoughts of others affect me?
29. Will I ever forgive myself?
30. Did I laugh often?
31. Did I laugh often enough?
32. Do I surround myself with positive people?
33. Am I a positive person?
34. Did I provide enough time to take care of themselves?
35. Is my secret ambition?
36. Do you want people to remember about me at the end of life later?
37. Does success mean to me?
38. How can I give meaning to the lives of others?
39. How can I serve others?
40. What is it that I can do better than others?
41. Are my three greatest strengths?
42. Do I move toward the achievement of my dreams?
43. Did I tell other people what I really want in life?
44. Where do I think a good day?
45. Such as whether you want one more year? 5 years? 10 years from now? 20 years from now?
46. What kind of environment for the good in my life?
47. What do I do if I want to have no fear?
48. Do I want to do if money is not important?
49. What are the reasons that I often say?
50. Do I enjoy what I do every day?
51. Will I be on the right path?
52. Am I kind to others?
53. Am I kind to others?
54. Do I take something for nothing?
55. Am I doing the most important thing right now?
56. Are there things in life that I need to give more attention?
57. Am I using my time with the best?
58. What can I do today that can make the biggest difference in your life?
59. What am I avoiding?
60. What are the things that I can tolerate?
61. Do I make that clear goals with time limits achievement?
62. Do I hold the promises I made to myself?
63. Do I hold the promises I had made on others?
64. If I want my life perfect, what should I change?
65. What I am looking seriously at the moment?
66. How do I make my life simpler?
67. What activities I'm doing but I did not enjoy it? Whether it really be done? Can I delegate it or pay someone else to do it?
68. Do I see myself as a creative enough?
69. Do I allow myself to be creative?
70. Can I be someone who is spontaneous?
71. Am I too critical on yourself?
72. Am I too critical of others?
73. Can I see the problem from a different angle?
74. What are the things that I have completed?
75. What are the things that become a source of stress in your life?
76. How can I reduce stress in your life?
77. Where are some of my money used?
78. Can I manage my finances?
79. I know where my financial plan for the future?
80. What are my time to be used?
81. Have I made an efficient time management system?
82. Does 3 of my biggest priorities in life?
83. Who is the most important person in my life?
84. Who loves me?
85. Who cares about me?
86. For whom did you work hard?
87. Is the place I live and work environment have been arranged in such a way that gives comfort to me?
88. Do I have a healthy lifestyle?
89. Is my mistakes?
90. Will I be able to forget the mistakes I have made in the past?
91. Do I allow myself to do the failures?
92. Did I learn my failures?
93. Am I quick to respond when something goes wrong?
94. Are my beliefs have been working well?
95. Do I loosen the rules that I have created for myself and others?
96. Is my childhood dreams are forgotten?
97. Who are the idols / character which I emulate?
98. Am I original? Am I being myself or trying to be someone else?
99. What if ...?
100. Why not ...?
101. How can I ...?
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