Criticism can be a painful thing. But if the critics are given a good reason, critics can give you a new entry for yourself and your life.
Most of the tips in this article may be used to overcome the criticism leveled at you with a better way. But here I also want to show that it is useful to re-examine your goals when you feel you must criticize someone. By examining yourself, you can get to know your life today and do you think about yourself.
1. Understanding Through Experience
"Do not criticize what you do not understand. You will never be in a position that person. "- Elvis Presley -
"Any fool can criticize, accuse and complain, and most fools do that."- Benjamin Franklin -
It is easy to fall in the trap of always criticizing. But do you really understand what your critics?
Based on personal experience, I find that people tend not to criticize if he had been through it and understand it. Different if the person only has knowledge only and have never experienced it myself.
It is easy to act like a boss, always knowing what is right according to your own views. Criticize and make you feel comfortable as if you are correct.
But in the end, those who criticize will not earn any profit or benefit.
2.Remember Who is Finally Getting Benefits
"It is not critical that you provide to be taken into account, not the person who dropped a strong person or someone who only intend to do better but do not do it. Benefits of criticism will be accepted by people who were in the arena: whose face was filled with dust and sweat and blood, who are struggling, who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and failure. But the biggest benefit is received by the person who won success; someone who has the enthusiasm, dedication, a person who spends time doing something worthwhile; someone who knows that eventually he would gain the victory. And if he fails, at least he fails after trying very hard. So where he is not shared with people who are negative and the cowards who have never known what it meant victory or defeat. "
- Theodore Roosevelt -
Exceptional sentence and thought that you should always remember. Especially for those who are out there and choose to work hard. Options that are not taken by everyone. You can just stand aside and mengktitik, which of course is the easier option.
But only the silent witness of life and not live it is not the best decision. Because every time you stand on the side and just watch life goes on; you may not do the things you feel. Attitudes like this make you feel uncomfortable with yourself or for your life.
3. Focus On The Things That Help You
"An artist does not have the time to listen to criticism. Someone who wants to be a writer to read reviews, while someone who wanted to write did not have time to read reviews. "
- William Faulkner -
If you're doing what you want to do, fail, learn it and repeat it constantly; means you did something that you think is valuable.
Keep your eyes on the ball. This term is very beneficial for you to stay focused. If you're playing and look to the side of the field, you might see some people scoff and encourage you. But to get the results you want, you have to focus. Focus on what you are doing in the field.
The problem is if you listen to the voices of those positive, then you will inevitably also have to listen to his negative voices. How did you get through this problem? Do not define yourself by what other people think. Instead of doing that, be yourself by focusing on the positive things that you think and do. And get to know yourself, not what others think about you.
My opinion about the compliment - that was always my opinion make the handle - is a compliment is a good thing and I appreciate it. It is nice to get compliments, but sometimes I get too excited until I forget myself.
The opposite of this thinking is when you receive negative criticism. You can digest this kind of criticism without too many negative emotions blocking your mind. This allows you to appreciate the criticism that is given (if indeed there is something you can learn).
Basically the idea is to work with do not care what others think about you. If you think about other people's opinions, you will be someone who relies on the opinions of others and letting others control you.
4. Do not Accept Criticism
"A man interrupted a lecture given by a number of insults Buddhism. Buddha waited until he was finished and then asked, "If an offer of a gift but the gift was rejected; who is the owner of the gift?"
"Belongs to the person who offered the prize," said the man.
"Well," said the Buddha, "I reject your invective and demand."
Do not accept criticism leveled at you. You do not have to accept it. So criticism will belong to those who criticize.
It is certainly easier said than done; let others keep their own feelings and opinions rather than letting the feelings and opinions are a part of you. Even feel responsible for the opinions and thoughts of other people.
However, a person can do when he realizes what Buddha described. Then you can refuse the prize rather than thinking that you have to accept the gift. This may not always be successful every time, especially if you're emotionally and brittle. However, this still need to remember.
5. Who are you talking about?
"When we judge or criticize others, criticism is not directed at the people you critique; criticism says something about our personal needs to be critical."
- Anonymous -
When you criticize someone, what it means for your criticism? And when someone criticizes you, who is showing her true self?
If someone attacks you personally or removing words that destroy; remember that criticism which he uttered not always about you. Criticism became a means for people who give criticism to release or channel their anger, frustration or jealousy. Or a way to force the point of view or their respective ideologies as the right thing. Or he may have the habit to provoke others to invite debate, a fight or to get attention. In this case, the problem is that person. Not because of what you do.
Remember that people are only human and maybe he was having a bad day or week.
This applies not only to others, but also applies to you. When you feel the need to criticize; ask yourself why at first. When you criticize people who actually do not need your criticism, remember that you are hurting yourself and push your mind and ego with this kind of attitude.
6. There's a Better Choice
"I have not found anyone, regardless of position, which does not work with even better to give his best if he is gaining recognition as compared to when he worked under criticism."- Charles Schwab -
So, what one can do other than criticize others so that they improve? One way is to encourage them to
focus on the good things they do and how they can continue to improve themselves and do not mess things up.
As said Schwab, and just as with that you understand from your life, by giving encouragement to others, for example, give encouragement to someone at work will have positive effects on mood, productivity, enthusiasm and motivation.
Energy will flow to where your attention is drawn. So wherever your attention is drawn - criticism or encouragement to others - your energy will get stronger. Someone might argue that the criticism will help and deliver results. But the real criticism will upset others and disturbing emotions.
7. Accept the Fact That the General Will Always There
"Criticism is not something we can avoid easily by not saying anything, and do not be yourself."
- Aristotle -
Because criticism is often a form of self expression of people who give criticism or as based on a lack of understanding of something, then there is not much you can do to avoid criticism. But you can reduce the interaction with people who are very negative and critical. Or keep the focus on the things you are doing instead of the existing criticism.
But whatever you do, some people have a need to criticize.
Whatever you do, there will always be people who do not like things you do, and it is something reasonable.
As Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"Do it according to what your heart say - because you will still receive criticism. You will be damned if you do, and damned if you do not do it. "
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