20 steps to a successful Career Change


Do you feel stuck in your career that you feel need to change careers and change direction? There are a few thoughts that will help you in taking such a bold decision, which could change your life.
But is it realistic to talk about a career change in the current economic conditions? ..... Precisely this is an important time to plan your career. So take control of your job and do not wait for external factors (such as layoffs) a change in your career.

You want something better, or realize that you have more capabilities, but you do not know what to do. You realize that you are ready to take care of things more important and the things that will give you more respect. Now is the time to review and see your true potential.

Create your own steps you would take to make a career change.

Maybe you have some ideas for a career that you want to do, but you do not define those ideas clearly so that you do not take proper measures.

You need to develop strategies and action plans. Then you will know what your goals and easily determine your next step.

The right strategies will give you permanent results and changes according to your desire. You do not want to find yourself in a position similar to your current position is not it? Strategies that will help you arrange your move and clarify your priorities, rather than doing things in odd jobs and the loss of your precious time, which would likely cause confusion.

To prepare a work plan and determine a new direction, you should think about the following points. The goal is to find the right profession because you are unique individuals.

Vision, mission, and goals you: how you look at your life, yourself, profession, and your relationship 5 years from now?

Your personal values: things what motivates you and what things are important to you? For example, if you want to help the community and the people around you? Do you want power? Do you want creativity, diversity, freedom, respect, money, and a sense of security?

The strongest points, talent and expertise you: what kind of personality you have? For example, you are an honest and enthusiastic. Identify the skills that you have also been very useful in your daily activities.

Opportunities and sources or resources you have and what you need? What should you do to get what you do not have right now? For example, look for more information, doing market research, hang out with the right people.

Life, career, or an ideal business: responsibility for what you want to take? Do you want to lead? Want to lead the profession part time or full time? Do you want to stay close to home or are always traveling using public transport? Do you want to live in the mountains daaerah? Do you prefer a large organization or small business?

What do you like best and what things are you good at doing? Desire, interest in what gives you inspiration, what you like and you do not like? For example, if you are adept at using computers? Would you like to repair the machine or home furnishings? Would you like to photograph? Are you good at math? Do you like helping others solve the problem? Are you good at cooking?

Do you like working with people in your workplace? Do you prefer working with creative people? Do you prefer a friendly people, or people who still maintain professionalism in the relationship? Do you want to communicate with your boss or supervisor regularly gives you freedom?

Focus on the things you want. If it takes you further and approach the career you choose, your options will give you satisfaction and success in the coming years.

20 steps to a successful career change

A. Start by analyzing your career! What have you accomplished today? What are the things that motivate you and make you enthusiastic about your job? What is the purpose and your future ambitions? Do you use your skills and talents to the optimum? Do you feel satisfaction and commitment? What things are important to you? What personal values ​​do you have?

2. Perform market research on your new career. Since you find what your dream job, continue to investigate job opportunities that are available. Speak to a career consultant, executive coach, or a headhunter. Send your resume to companies that interest you. Even if there are no vacancies available at the time, your resume will be included in the company database and the possibility the company will contact you in the future if there are available positions.

3. Perform analysis of your skills and talents. What are your strengths and what things should you improve? Of the many skills you have, the skill does that make you have more value in the labor market? What skills you can use in any other position? For example: if you are an expert in building communication and relationships with others, then you can use your expertise in a position that requires communication with consumers.

4. Find a mentor. Survey showed a significant relationship between the mentor at work with a coaching career, especially for women.

5. Estimate how much satisfaction you towards your current profession? Make notes about your thoughts on the problems that arise in your work and find the things that often appear. Aspects of the job what you like and you do not like? Does your negative feelings affect your work, culture or people working with you?

6. Work on interests, values, and your expertise through a variety of sources. Remember that you have success in your work, what projects you completed with ease and what business activities you like. Your objective is to identify the things that you like and what skills you have.

7. Exchanging ideas to define your career choice by discussing the values ​​and basic skills you are with friends, family and co-workers who you believe created a network that will also give you advice and assistance in finding a new job that suits your needs.

8. Conduct research and comparative studies of several areas that you are interested to identify targets that require more research. Your objective is to discover what areas, where the company, and one which one should you pursue.

9. Read more of what you're interested, find research and statistics, and Increase the amount of your relationship.

10. Learn the things done by 1 to 2 people who worked on the profession you are interested. Spend hours or days to see how they work and learn, so you do not have to feel like a fish stranded on the mainland if you decide to change your career.

11. Try to work as a volunteer or intern first. So you will see how proficient you will do and learn the job without any cost.

12. Find opportunities to learn, which connects your past with your new profession. Many private schools and universities that offer courses for professionals.

13. Find ways to develop new skills in your current job, which allows you to open the way for change. If your company can provide the latest technology training or specific skills, express your interest.

14. Think of an alternative role in your current job, which will be very beneficial for your knowledge. For example, if you are a retail store manager in a company big enough and was tired of working hours and weekends where you have to work, think for melekukan other roles within the company that you can do as a representative example of the company's sales division.

15. Establish rapport with people who can help you change careers. Important steps you should take is to find people who can help you find the job you want. If you are seriously thinking about it, you'll find someone you know, old friend or acquaintance who has a relationship with your dream job.

16. Establish rapport with people who can help you find your dream job and ask for a recommendation letter that gives the assurance that you are the right person for the position. Better yet, ask the person to talk about the good things about yourself and ask her to provide support to the company where you apply for a job. But beware, lest it seem too much help.

17. Get some work experience. Even if you do not have experience in the job you want, it's not too late to gain work experience. You can gain work experience relevant to finding a job (even without pay). You can take part in large projects that require an external partner or take part in a government project or a voluntary program for young people. You can find that kind of work over the internet.

18. Adjust your expectations. You have to adjust your expectations of success, especially if you are someone who is looking for a new job so you do not disappoint your expectations. Even for a Michael Jordan was one of the world's best athletes, he must accept the fact that he is not the "Air Jordan" when he was playing baseball with the White Sox team.

You can rise very quickly in your new career, but of course there is a price to pay. You have to prove you are worthy of that position in front of clients, colleagues, and your boss. Brilliant past does not guarantee a better future.

19. Take advantage of your skills and experiences. Even if you decide to take a career that is really new, remains a fact that many jobs require similar skills. We do not live in the past where a person can not be a farmer, blacksmith, and sailors.

Most jobs, regardless of any company, requires some basic skills such as sales, communication and time management. If you are successful in some areas it is almost certain that you can achieve success in all kinds of jobs. And if you consistently do that you can do to take advantage of your experiences.

20. Believe in yourself. Smile, increase your confidence and pursue your dreams! If you do not do it, no one else will do it for you.


In conclusion, there are three steps you should follow to make a career change with suskses. The first step is to get recommendations that open opportunities for you. Second, by increasing the skills and experience you get from your previous job. And the third step comes from yourself; to mengembil emerging opportunities in front of you and do your best. Do not hesitate. You can do it!


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