5 Mistakes When You Try Doing Something


"Choose a method and try that method. If it fails, admit it and try another method. But most importantly, do something. "
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -

"Often the difference between success and failure is not because one does not have the expertise or ideas, but the courage to take a risk on an existing idea and implement it."
- Maxwell Maltz -

What is stopping you from doing something? Here are five mistakes I have done many times. And I still make mistakes, but not as much as I did before. I continued to improve gradually.

These are actions that can make you hold back, even stop yourself from taking action and getting what you want. In fact there are more than 5 things, but now I want to focus on 5 things that in my opinion can stop me and other people in general.

A. Too Seriously In Thinking of Something

Thinking often mention as the best thing in this world. In some cases, actually inhibit your thinking. In my opinion: I was not the result of my thinking, I was an observer of my thoughts. Thinking like this makes you not so tied to existing ideas. And to avoid the idea that what people say is the truth. Often this kind of thinking is useless and will only fulfill your head. And you realize that you do not have to take too seriously these thoughts. You can forget it if you want it.

With this perspective, it's easier for you to take a distance from your thoughts and control them rather than letting yourself be controlled by these thoughts. Common sense is important, but often we realize we are thinking of what to listen for and thinking which is just nonsense.

2. Too Seriously Consider Your Emotions

There is time for you to listen to your emotions. But often it's not a good idea. Again, for me emotion is something that I observed. This allows me to take a distance from the emotions and not your emotions too seriously considers, unless such emotions can help you in certain situations.
If you have negative emotions that you refrain from taking action, then what can you do that you do not really take seriously your emotions?

One thing you can do is to accept the fact that there is a feeling inside of you. Instead you deny your feelings and do not accept these feelings; let go and accept those feelings. By accepting these feelings without giving any label and just watch; you can reduce the negative feelings that arise in a matter of minutes. Then you can continue your activities without feeling the negative things in you.

Another way you can do is to look at the situation you are facing from a different angle. If you see something to fear, you probably will not take any action. If you change your viewpoint, you can change the emotions that appear to be positive nagatif. The easiest way to change your point of view is to ask yourself: what good things I can take from this situation? This way you can begin to see things through a new perspective and more positive, and at the same time trigger your passion in starting something.

Not too take seriously the nature of mind and emotions are the same as other things you normally do. This is a habit that you build and grow stronger. Slowly you will mempu release yourself from the burden of thoughts and emotions that bind you.

3. Too Many Negative Opinions Listen to Other People.

I've mentioned this several times. What people say about the world and you may not be true. Often he put more of a person's feelings about himself and he speaks to people around him. If they share the negative things then it is more a reflection of themselves in comparison with the existing reality.

Of course, there is the possibility of criticism of that person to give of yourself or your ideas are right. But on the other hand, is often criticism that emerged was a negative opinion of someone on his or her point of view of the surroundings, how he wanted to look right in a conversation, or how he wants to reinforce his point of view of reality and to create a sense of security and a feeling that everything happens as usual.
I think you need to listen to the opinions of others. Especially those who have been in the position where you want to. But in the end try to make their own decisions. Try to do a lot of things and see what works rather than just listen to the predictions of others.

4. Not Creating Enough Much Energy In Your Self

With no power themselves, it is very difficult to do something. If you master the basic things in keeping yourself then you will have more power to turn your ideas into reality. So if you get enough rest, eat healthy foods and exercise then you give more value for yourself.

For me - because I always sleep and eat on a regular basis - the most important thing for me is berolehraga regularly. Exercise makes you have more energy and easier way of doing things.

5. Too Many Plans, Reading, and Thinking

Doing something with more sometimes not a good idea. It may sound good at first, but based on my experience, it actually makes you confused and even fewer could only finish the job.

One of the mistakes that often you do is too long to plan. To ensure your job runs smoothly, the most important thing you do is develop a plan to perfection. You can develop a plan to analyze the potential problems that can arise when you are implementing your plan. The problem is when you implement your plan; you have not thought about the possibilities that could happen.

The plan, which really would be very difficult to perfectly prepared. So after you make plans, immediately initiate the plan, work with implementing the plan and resolve the problems that arise when you start working.

Read too much is another way that may hinder you. You feel you need to read one or more book or article and then take action. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Too much reading can also cause confusion arise because different experts have different advice for you.

Reading makes you feel better because you are moving toward your goals and educate yourself. However, to obtain better results, alanglah better if you read to obtain information about the basic steps you can take, as well as the mistakes are often made by others, and start exercising at the gym.

Too many think is the most popular way to put things off. Delays can take your time while you imagine your future, or possible negative scenario would never happen in the real world. Based on my experience, too much thought just makes you think things become more complicated and can pull you into the circle of negative thoughts that you feel afraid to take action.

So, do something more it sounds like a good idea. You do something to make something better. Plan, read, and think about three things that are assessed as being very good in our society. And third it is a good thing. But you can not take action by doing three things a lot more.

Another problem that arises is three things can make you feel you are progressing. So you continue to do those three things, and do not take action, as well as replacing the distinct feeling that you have made progress with the wrong feelings.


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