7 Tips Oprah For Creating Extraordinary Life

Here are some tips from Oprah that provides many benefits for me.

"If you want your life more meaningful, you must change your mindset."

"For everyone who achieve success, success is achieved because there is someone who shows the way."

"Be thankful for everything you have, and you'll have even more. If you concentrate on something you do not have, you will never be wealthy. "

These tips are simple tips that can have greater influence in your life; greater than you can imagine. You have a section called the reticular activation system (SAR) in your mind. SAR can help you because when you focus your mind on something, the system will begin to look for evidence of your thinking. And since you can only focus on some thing, what is your focus becomes very important. Even if you change your focus, this will radically change your world.

When you focus on what you have and be grateful or to focus on the things you want, these things will start to become a reality in your life. Those things are there's actually been around you for this. But you can only see it if you change your focus. If you focus on what you do not have, your SAR will help you find that you do not have those things.

With grateful and appreciate the things you encounter every day are not going to change your mood is likely to be negative to positive in an instant. But at least you can have more information about what you want or solutions to the things you are trying to accomplish. One or two reminders; as an example of a small note on your refrigerator, it can help you to stay focused on the right place in everyday life.

"I do not believe in failure. Not a failure if you enjoy the process. "

"Do one thing that you think you can not do. If you fail, try again. Do better in the second experiment. People who have never fallen are people who never take risks. This is the time. Take this opportunity and do! "

"I believe one of the biggest risk in life is not the courage to take risks."

One of the causes which hinder people in their dreams is the fear of failure. But as it is written, the failure can be a valuable experience that will help you. In fact, without fail you will never learn the things you need to achieve the success you dream of. So, instead you see failure as something scary, re-define the meaning of the word failure in your mind as a learning process. 2 other tips you can use to deal with failure is:

Create a mental 'excess'. Mental 'deficiency' say that you always have flaws. Mental 'excess' that you always have an edge. There is always a goal can be achieved, business opportunities to be found, and important dates for you to fill with useful activities. If your goal is missed, learn from your experience. Do not let failure discourage you. Use the first tips from this article and focus back on the things you want to accomplish. Focus on 'excess' that exist. These tips not only makes you more willing to take risks, but also to reduce the negative feelings that exist in you. Fear of failure is usually the result of your own mind because you always feel 'deficiencies'.
Focus on the process. The purpose of these tips is that you should focus on what you are doing. You do not think the results you might get if you stay focused on what you are doing. You separate yourself from the results that can be achieved. Focus your mind on your work. You do not need to think how you could fail, disappoint yourself or achieve success. You do not need to think about how you disappoint, entertaining or thinking about other people's views to yourself. Focus on your work so that what you are doing could be more fun even though you will have problems and failures.
"Whatever you fear actually has no power over you - the fear that controls you."

Fear is generally the feeling that comes from that you feed your mind with the energy you have. If you accept your fears and deal with these fears, then you stop feeding your fear and your fear will vanish.

So, the key is to accept your fear. By accepting what it is your fear, you will stop giving food to those feelings. One way to do this is to follow your emotions, then do you fear it. By following your emotions, your release or at least weaken the negative feelings that hold you to do something. With acting, mind you'll have proof that what you fear is actually not as scary as it is on your mind.

"The essence of integrity is doing the right thing, regardless of whether others do or do not know you."

This point is extremely interesting. But how do you do? How do you keep doing the right thing when no one is watching and your check? I certainly do not have a complete answer to that question, but I found two of the following:

Make rules for yourself. If you want to keep doing the right thing then you should pay attention to existing rules and values ​​set by the people around you. You have to understand yourself and what you want to do. If you follow the rules of someone else then you will be liable to the person making the disclosure. And will be easier for you to cheat or make mistakes when no one was watching you. But if you create a rule for yourself then you alone are responsible. If you could be responsible for yourself, it's easier for you to make you feel right thing consistently.
Do not rely on external validation. If you rely on external validation - opinions from people who say that you do a good job, etc.. - It will be difficult for you to do things according to your rules. Consistently you will find out the validation of others and adapt according to the opinions of others. And if you rely entirely on the opinions of others then you will more easily be tempted to cheat or stop doing the right thing when no one is watching you, because no one will praise you.
5. YOU reap what you PLANTING
"One thing I believe is what you give will come back on yourself."

This is the classic advice of counsel, and I believe this advice is very precise. People tend to adapt and respond. They treat you like you treat them. But lately I started thinking about how this works in other ways.

I think that what you do for others is a manifestation of how you treat yourself. If you distribute a lot of negative things around you then you are also giving the same things for yourself. For a while, you may feel fine if you arouse your boss. But I believe that the negative things that you find around you caused by this kind of attitude. This may not relate directly to what you say or do. But you can not seem to hurt others without hurting yourself.

The more negative things that come out from within you, the worse are your feelings in everyday life: the more often you will do something to excess, and feel the sadness that suddenly appear out of nowhere. Maybe because you spend so many negative things then you SAR will focus on the negative things that you encounter in your daily life.

"Take a breath, release, and remind yourself that now is the time you have for sure."

One of the best things you can do to improve the quality of life and your personality is to forget what had happened; do not think about negative things that happened in your past too long. But how would you do?

I managed to find some very useful tips. The following tips work well and would work better as time goes by and I become more expert in applying these tips.

The first tip is to ask yourself: "What does it do for me?" Throughout the day or when you feel negative thoughts popping up in your mind. What benefits will I get when I think about these thoughts?
I often realize that thinking about negative things that are not useful for me. Negative thoughts or negative memory to repeat over and over again in your mind will not be beneficial to you. Yes, you may be able to get the satisfaction of his own - like the feeling that you are a victim or a person with hate and plot revenge. But you actually do really wasting your time and your energy.

You have read these two tips: focus on what you want and focus on abundance rather than shortage.

Tip three is to learn to spend more time in the present or future projects that you want than to spend time remembering the past. And the best and most practical way to implement these tips have been written at the beginning of this article.

"Each of us is responsible for our own lives - not someone else."

When we are young, others are responsible for our lives. In my opinion, one sign of maturity is when a person 100% responsible for her own life. However, there remains a sense in which we want others to take responsibility for our lives.

One example that often occurs in real life is when men seek 'panacea', than in control and take responsibility for their own lives, and work step by step to achieve that goal. There is a need for books, programs, drug, or something we can buy to eliminate the problems we face. Just like when a father or mother solve your problem.

I do not say that I never look for the 'panacea' is. Maybe everyone has to go through that phase in his life. However I feel that when you stop looking for things like that, then you are on the road that will take you achieve better results than the results you get from the 'panacea' is.

Why? You realize that you have to get behind the wheel and in control. And when you stop looking for the 'panacea', you will be more focused. You realize that no book can give you more knowledge. You realize that you have to act and create the life of your liking.
And now, the books you buy because you cease to be useful to see these books as a 'panacea' that will cure you, but you see it as a guide that leads you along the way.


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