9 steps to a positive Mental attitude

sikap positif

Okay, here's 9 Steps to a Positive Mental Attitude:

Step 1: Master Your Mind With Full Confidence

There is only one path to a positive mental attitude: You have to control your mind with confidence. Our mind is the greatest miracle in the universe.
Every person has a fabulous treasure, the brain and nerves. All the normal people in principle inherit the power to achieve everything that has been grabbed by someone else or are trying to reach others. We have the power to direct the spirit, emotions, instincts, tendencies, feelings, moods, attitudes and behaviors you toward a final result. You decide how to use all of this.
To fend off the negative things, affirm always like this:
"My mind is mine, I'll control it!"

Step 2: Set your mind on What You Want and Get rid of What You Want It

Most of the way we think will be replaced by the words, but the deepest motivational mind usually a picture, not words. If an idea appears, usually in the form of images, rather than as a series of sentences that are running in our heads. Picture is a way of thinking of the earliest and most powerful.
Therefore, we must learn to discipline our minds and visualize the things you want. Do not let others dictate the environment or a negative shadow on us.

Step 3: Use the Law of the Main

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Conversely do not treat other people badly if we do not want to be treated as such.
Look for good things in every person and every situation consistently.

Step 4: Remove All Negative Thoughts Through Self-Examination

Most people do not realize that they are thinking negatively unless they consciously sought to examine the thoughts, actions and reactions of their own. Simply ask yourself, "Is it positive or negative". When we fail to control our minds, then we tend to react negatively.
The more we practice using positive mental attitude, the sooner we realize the emergence of negative thoughts.

Step 5: Be happy! Make other people happy!

So we feel happy, like a happy bertingkahlah! To be excited, we must act vigorously.
You will eventually experience a sense of happiness and enthusiasm that will manifest itself without requiring you to focus on it.

Step 6: Form the habit of Bertolerensi

Think open to others. Try to love and accept others as they are and not demand or expect them to be as we expected. Look for the good in others and learn to love others.
Here are a few excerpts from the writings of Napoleon Hill: "How long, oh Lord, we are weak creatures that we will realize the folly of trying to destroy each other because of differences in religion and race?"
Love and mental and physical environment in which to develop a positive mental attitude. Every day, do something good.

Step 7: Give suggestions Positive In Yourself

Suggestion is a certain stimulus is sent to your brain through the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch or smell. Everything is a path used by untur external elements to affect our lives every day. During this process we can control, an effort so that what goes in your five senses is something that is useful and gives happiness. Take the beautiful things alone.

Step 8: Use the Power of Prayer

When you pray, believe in what you ask. In every storm, your soul will get protection from a prayer.

Step 9: Set Goals

Setting goals is one way to keep our thoughts are on what we want, and avoid things that we do not want.
Write down your goals on a piece of paper. Visualize yourself being achieved this goal. Make a plan to achieve those goals, then change the plan into action.

Well as usual the dear reader, try to do what you can do in advance, step by step. Think and act positively established through a repetitive activity and eventually becomes a habit.

May be useful for all readers.


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