16 Ways to Use Good Body Language

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In accordance with my article last week (Are You Making These 9 Mistakes in conversation?), This time I will discuss the importance of using good body language. Improving your body language can make a big difference when someone assess your personality. Good body language can indicate that you have the skill, charm and a positive mood. For example: if you are smiling, you will feel happier. If you sit still, you'll feel more energetic. If you slow down your movement (not in a hurry), you will feel more calm.
Broadly speaking, body language consists of how you sit, how you stand, how you use both your hands and feet, and what do you do when talking to someone.
Below are some body language that you need to consider when talking to someone:
1. Do not cross your legs and your hands.
You may have heard that crossed her arms or legs can indicate that you are close to you and this person does not create a good relationship conversation. Always open your hands and feet.
2. Make eye contact, but not at him.
Make eye contact with the person you can make a relationship talk for the better and you can see if they're listening to you or not. But also not looking at him (continuous), because it will make you a nervous person.If you are not accustomed to making eye contact the person you are, indeed you will feel discomfort at first. But just do it on and you'll get used to it someday.
3. Make the distance between your legs.
Gives the distance between the legs (not sealed) in both standing and sitting position indicates that you are pretty confident and comfortable with your position.
4. Santaikan your shoulders.
When you feel tense, you will also feel the tension in your shoulders. Usually seen from a slightly elevated position and the shoulders forward. Try to relax the tension by moving your shoulders back and backing position or leaning backward.
5. You nod when the other person is talking.
Nodding signifies that you are being listened to. But that does not mean you nod excessive (continuous and rapidly) like a woodpecker, because you'll look like a made-up.
6. Do not bend, sit up straight.
Bent signifies that you are not passionate, and upright intention here is to stay in the corridor relaxed, not tense.
7. Lean, but not too much.
If you want to show that you are interested in what is conveyed by the speaker you, lean your body slightly toward her. But do not be too biased because you look like will ask for something.If you want to show that you are quite confident and relaxed, lean your body slightly to the rear. But also not too skewed, because you will look arrogant.
8. Smiling and laughing.
Bercerialah, do not be too serious. Relax, smile and even laugh when someone tells a funny thing. People will tend to listen to you if you are seen as positive. But also not be the first to laugh if you own a funny story to tell her, because you'll seem nervous and like asking for pity.Smile when you meet someone, but do not also smile because you will constantly be saving anything behind your smile.
9. Keep your head straight.
Do not look down when you talk to someone. You'll look like uncomfortable talk with you and also looks like people are not confident.
10. Do not rush.
This could apply to anything. For those of you who have a habit of walking quickly, occasionally try to slow down your street. In addition you will look more calm and confident, you also will feel your stress level is reduced.
11. Avoid movements that show that you are nervous.
As touching your face, shaking your leg or tapping your fingers on the table quickly. Such movements suggest that you get nervous and can distract the attention of the listener or the person who was talking to you.
12. Efektifkan use your hands.
Instead you use your hand to things that can distract the attention of your listener, as mentioned in point 11 above, it is better you use your hand to help explain what you have to say.
13. Lower your drink.
Often we talk to someone while holding a drinking glass in front of our chest. This attitude is somewhat less good because it will make the 'distance' which is quite a distance between you and your listener. Lower the position of your drinks, even if you have to hold it up near the feet.
14. Do not stand too close.
In my article: How To Know Someone Who Lied, I had time to review a little that the person who changed his position was too close to his interlocutor may indicate that he is hiding something or have a specific purpose. In addition of course, will make his interlocutor to be uncomfortable. Always keep the 'privacy' between you and your listener.
15. Look in the mirror.
In the books on sale, I often find the term of this mirror. At its core when two people are connected and having a positive conversation, they will unconsciously mirror each other mutually. In a sense you will a little mimic the body language of your listener, and vice versa.You can also look in the mirror that proactive techniques (consciously) to further improve the quality of your relationships and your listener. For example, if the person you are slightly leaning forward, you can also lean your body forward. If the person you put a hand on the table, you can also do the same. But still keep in mind, do not make a move clone with a very short lag time and almost all imitated movements. The other person you will see something strange and looked like a circus.
16. Always keep your attitude.
What do you feel will be channeled through the body language and can be a big difference to the quality of your relationships and your listener. Keep keep a positive attitude, open and relaxed.
Keep in mind that you can change your body language is not good, of course, as long as you understand that to create a new habit requires a process. Do not also try to do everything at once because it will make you confused and tired.
Focus only on 2-3 body language becomes your priority and improve continuously for 3-4 weeks. After that time you will create a new habit. Then you can go on again for the next 2-3 body language.


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