Secrets of Financial Management

Secrets of Financial Management
To some extent, the money could be useful to facilitate our lives. But, if we can not manage money well, we ourselves are affected by the negative impacts. Therefore, it is better if the ability to manage and appreciate money was taught early to our children, so they can grow into a more personal responsibility in using the money. Then, how?

"The system of three empty jars" could be a fun way. Method taken from allows parents to create healthy money habits or good habits to manage the money of their children. With a three-jar system, children are taught to be responsible about money at the same time recognize the importance of giving / helping others.

What should be done only to provide three large, empty jars: one jar containing money intended for saving, one jar to save money is intended to be used, and the rest of the jar to save money intended for charity.

The parents can teach their children to put 50% of the money it's children into a jar of "saving", 40% into the jar "expenditure", and 10% into the jar "donation". In this way, the parents establish early patterns of sound money management.
This system can also be supported with the following tips:

- Provide confidence in children to use real money. If the children have started to deal with their own money, rather than their parents' money, the kids will start thinking twice about spending their own money.

- Teach your children that there are "jobs" that will get a "reward". That money can only be obtained if there has been issued for the job.

- Giving the "wages" according to the age of the children. Consider first the age of our children, our hope for the intended use of the wage, and our family budget.

Hopefully this simple way may help to establish healthy money habits in our children all.

7 Thinking About Patience is enduring

7 Thinking About Patience is enduring
"God grant to a person of genius without patience, and patience for others without the genius. Achievement that can be achieved by a combination of two things are often surprising. "
- Walter C. Klein -

"Patience is a partner of the policy."
- St. Augustine -

"If I had made a valuable discovery, it is more a result of my patience than any other skills that I have."
- Sir Isaac Newton -

One of the most helpful skills that can be owned by someone if he wants to develop is patience. Patience and perseverance can help you through all the challenges.

But why is it difficult to be patient? And how patience can help you in life?
Here are seven timeless ideas that may help you answer the questions above.
A. Can Impede Social understanding your step.

"What about the current society, with all the things that almost instantaneous, could teach patience to its young people?"
- Paul Sweeney -

All things move very quickly in today's society. All the things that are already embedded in an instant many people's minds.

I did not believe this is against the state of today's society. I say this to give a little explanation of why patience is difficult to understand and use to your advantage.

Not take into account the social understanding of patience. Demands of today's society is to do something immediately. And after the accustomed manner, you may want to have a lot of things immediately. So thinking about maybe a little patience .. weird.
2. You will get it with patience.

"He who has the patience can have what he wants."
- Benjamin Franklin -

Thought this might not be so popular among the people. They may not want to hear it. But this is done by successful people. Their patient.

Maybe some people think that success is the fruit of the great talent they have. Talent may be the cause. But people may not see the hard work they went through for years before they achieve success. Or they choose not to see the other side and rationalize it into a "talent". So they do not have to think about the fact that they have the opportunity to work hard to achieve that success. Even the opportunity to realize the dream that they have today.

It would be easier for some people to conclude as a talent, and still dreaming of an almost instantaneous success.
3. Do not Give Up.

"Patience is very important: one can not immediately harvest the land which he had planted."
- Soren Kierkegaard -

"Not because I'm smart, but because I am facing a problem much longer."
- Albert Einstein -

Because people ask us to find the fastest way of doing things, then it is easy for us to give up after you have failed up to 5 times. It is very reasonable, but what happens if someone keeps trying to? And for any failure of the person to gain more expertise to solve the problem?

I think that people make the mistake of giving up too soon. Your mind may have a time frame to achieve success. Such frameworks may not be related to your frame of mind in the real world.

Quite useful if you break away for a moment from the perspective of the advertised and let reality seep into your mind. Learn from people who have achieved the goals you want. Encourage them to talk, read what they say in books or via the internet. It is not going to give the plan as a whole but can give you the perspective needed to achieve your goals.

Not that you never stop, but this sort of thing will help you survive you much longer.
And it also does not mean you have to do the same thing over and over again. We recommend that you do the work and gain experience. Take heed of what you can learn from real life. Then change your actions and try again.
4. Provide your patient benefit.

"Excellence is accepted by others in comparison to others is to keep yourself calm and in control in every situation."
- Thomas Jefferson -

While others lose control, you can stay calm and be patient. While others gave up after trying a few times, you keep trying. While other people running around looking for the fastest solution to their problem, you stay in your lane.
5. Patience is a form of protection.

"Patience is the protection of the errors as well as clothing to protect you from cold. If you wear more clothes when the air gets colder, the cold will have no effect on you. If you develop a sense of patience in you when you make a mistake, the error will not affect anything on yourself. "
- Leonardo Da Vinci -

This point is very beneficial to you. With patience, error or failure will not end up like the end of the world. Failure no longer have the emotional power over you to make you give up. If you keep doing what you believe and continue to adjust the way you do things then your life will improve.
6. Get up Patience.

"Patience can not be acquired overnight. Build patience as well as muscle building. Every day you have to work. "
- Eknath Easwaran -

"We will never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in this world."
- Helen Keller -

The more patient you are, the easier things around you. Patience is the same as the muscle that you build over the years.

As Keller says, life can teach you to be more patient. In tough times sometimes you have no other choice but to be patient. Times is what will strengthen your patience.

When we are young we get the things we want easily from parents and other adults. When growing up we Study abroad that people do not give all that we want. If we want something we must learn to be patient.

If not, then we will be trapped in a situation where we take these things is not to your liking. This can cause a feeling of dissatisfaction within yourself.
7. Be patient with yourself.

"Be patient in all things, but the important thing is be patient with yourself. Do not until you lose your courage as you realize your imperfections, otherwise think to fix it - every day begin anew. "
- St. Francis de Sales -

It is very important for you to remember if you are in the stage of developing a personality and your life. Because things may not always match what you want. You will fail, you will give up because of fear, you will do things that you know you should not do.

Do not impose yourself or give up. Be patient with yourself. And try again the next day.

Dale Carnegie thoughts about Freedom and Happiness

Dale Carnegie thoughts about Freedom and Happiness
When we were children, everything looks possible. Sprawling world and we see the future as a pleasant experience. We can do anything. I believe that life is an experience, and happiness is the natural state and where we should position. But we let a lot of things hinder our happiness and freedom. In our lives, we face many challenges and, unfortunately, too often we let these challenges get in the way we are.

Dale Carnegie is one of my favorite authors asatu. He really knows how challenging the journey we've been through, and it provides us with some guidelines to enter the area we're trying to enter. Here are a few pitfalls that he describe using words alone. The following traps can rob us of happiness and freedom if we let it.

"It's not what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy. But what you thought. "

When Viktor Frankl suffered deep agony when he was in the Nazi camp, he found that instead of the outside world that makes you feel happy or not; but what you think in your head. Frankl's point of view, which he wrote the book "Man's Search for Meaning" is that we are all responsible for our life experience. Of the Buddha who said "we are the result of our own thinking", to the Earl Nightingale in his book "The Strangest Secret" wrote that "you will be as you think", hundreds or even thousands of writers and thinkers have expressed the same thing. You are in control of yourself; so do not give your strength to others.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most people do so."

People often criticize you because it makes the mistake of doing things or making mistakes. I used to accept criticism and take these criticisms seriously. But when I really accept the fact that I am not perfect and that I also made a mistake (at any time!) Just like everyone else in this world, my life changed. I became more confident, risk-taking, and most importantly, I stopped worrying.

When someone accused me of doing wrong, I usually say (at least to myself), 'Yes, I made a mistake. I am human and I'm not perfect. I'm forgetful, inconsistent, wrong time. But do you know? It's normal. You are allowed to do things that I mentioned earlier. 'And I also remember that anyone who accused me of actually being pointed to themselves.

Of course, we need to reflect and learn from our mistakes - make the same mistake over and over again is not a good thing - but receive the fragility and to forgive ourselves is an important point to be happy and successful. If we are too focused on things that can distract us; it is tantamount to wasting the advantages we have.

"Do the thing you fear to do and get on .. step is the fastest and best way to overcome fear. "

Just like the people in general, I feel afraid to speak in public. My heart was pounding, my mouth feels dry, my hands tremble and my skin feels moist. I do not think there are people who feel the fear I experienced when I had to speak in front of a group of people. I prefer dealing with a hungry lion than to speak in front of people a duration of 5 minutes. But I still have to do it because it is part of my job. At first it was very, very uncomfortable, but gradually I became used to it.

I tell you this to illustrate that fear is something that is not real - fear can be overcome. But the only way to overcome fear is to face it. You can live your life in fear, or overcome.

We all know that ultimately nothing we do that really means. In 100 years we will be dead and buried. In 1000 years no one has given us. In a million years the human race may have been destroyed. So we must utilize every day as long as there is no time! Do not let fear control you. Confront your fear; do what you fear and you will change your life.

"One of the tragic things I know about humans is that we tend to put off living. We envision a flower garden over the horizon and forget the roses blooming outside our windows today. "

Without dreams, life does not mean anything. It is a tragedy when most of us let life destroy our dreams. There are times when we are dreaming of big things and fantastic - a period that occurs when we feel all these things may happen, when we see beautiful things in the world. But the dream should lead us to a place. Dream could be a direction and can provide success and happiness if we follow our dreams with perseverance.

But often we become caught up in hallucinations. Today we prepare ourselves for tomorrow, and the actions and thoughts today shape our future, but live in the future it is not an option if we want to feel happy. If we used to live in a magic flower garden as told by Dale Carnegie, then when we got there, we will not recognize the place and we will not enjoy the results we achieve.

When we look back on all the experience we have experienced, we only have ourselves to be thanked, or for the wronged, for all the happiness and freedom that we achieve. Basically we have only ourselves. But the reality is not always like that - we can learn from others who have experienced what we went through and let them lead us.

6 Powerful Ways to Be Brave

6 Powerful Ways to Be Brave
"Begin, courage and bertumbuhlah become wise."
- Horace -

If you are shy, hesitant, or passive, you risk having a life filled with routines and goals are not achieved. Progress that we see today is done by those who dare - scientists, politicians, artists, and others are not waiting for opportunities, they create opportunities. So if you want to be someone who is brave and can not be stopped, here are some ways you can do to start your momentum.

1. Pretend You Are A Brave.

If you trade places with someone who is very brave, what would they do if they were in your position? If you know someone who dared to imagine how they would act. If you do not know those people, who dare to think of a character from a movie or book. Spend an hour every day for a week to pretend to be them.

When you do this, go to a place where people do not know you and do not be surprised to see that your actions may be other than normal. Try to do and see what happens - you might find amazing things when you are brave, and you may feel confident to apply this attitude to your everyday life.

2. Take the initiative.

When you have doubts - particularly in interacting with other people - keep your ego and take the first step. Ask your colleagues if they want to go to a cafe for a drink after work. Tell the people you love that you have 2 tickets to a concert and you want that person to come with you. Give your best friend a hug and apologized for the mistake you ever made before. Berkediplah smile and look attractive at checkout.

3. Do Something Out of allegations.

What can you do that will surprise some people who know you? Wearing high heels? Bungie jumping? Dance classes? Brave men are not afraid to try something new, and one reason they are very interesting to be around you is because they continue to keep you guessing.

You can start from something small, maybe wearing clothes with colors or styles that you do not normally wear, or visit a place that you do not usually visit. In the end, you will reach a point where you have an idea that makes people open-mouthed when you say it ("Are you serious? Rafting?" Or "You must be kidding. You want to buy the shop in the street?").

4. Ask for What You Want.

Rather than waiting to be recognized for your efforts person, or expect someone to consider your needs, go and ask.

Some people feel that asking for something is the act of a greedy, selfish, and rude - and it's true, if you ask for something that does not belong to you. But if someone is holding something to your right, they are greedy, selfish, and rude.

After all, what's the worst thing that could happen? They said no.

• Ask for a promotion or raise that you later and you have done.
• Ask for a discount. Menawarlah. The phrase "What is the best price you can give to me?" Is an easy and powerful way to save money.
• Ask your credit card annual fee waived.
• Ask for help or advice to relatives, friends, or people who are totally unfamiliar.
• Ask for clarification if you are not sure what people expect from you.

5. Taking Risks.

There is a difference between sloppy and take risks. Careless people do not take the risk .. they did not think about risks. On the other hand, a very brave understand the risks that exist, and have decided to remain on the decisions they make, ready and willing to accept the consequences if the reality is different from what they expect.

Think of an athlete who takes risks every day. Were they careless? No. They take a measured risk. You may make a mistake: we all make mistakes. But not doing anything is also a mistake, something that can take you to the emptiness and regret. For some people, taking risks and failing is a very valuable experience than doing nothing.

Conversely, do not confuse courage with aggression. Aggressive often impose your opinions or actions on others. Courage has nothing to do with the people around you; courage is overcoming your fear and take action.

Remember, although you will feel very excited in doing something new, there remains the risk of failure due to lack of experience. You take very failure; failure is not the opposite of success, failure is an important component of success. The opposite of success is nothing.

6. Rediscover Yourself.

In essence, courage comes from within you, from what you believe. Courage is not about what you do, but who you are. If you do not know yourself, you do not have to be brave.

Start to appreciate your uniqueness. Find things that make you different and show the people around you. Devote the attention and care of yourself because no matter what anyone else says. That is the essence of courage.

14 Tips For Younger

14 Tips For Younger
You can not do anything to reduce your age. However, doctors and scientists continue to discover the actions that you can do to reverse the time by focusing on biological and psychological age you are. Your psychological age is a subjective experience of how old is you think of yourself. While your biological age can be determined by measuring several factors as follows:
• Blood Pressure
• The amount of fat in your body
• Limit your sense of hearing and vision
• Hormones
• Bone Density
• The thickness of the skin
• The level of cholesterol
• Ability motion

Do the 14 tips below and start to distort time.
A. Eliminate the myth became a parent means you are useless

Scientists argue that the more you believe that with the increasing perception of your age then you are diminishing the sharpness, then it will really happen to you. Psychologist Becca Levy, Ph.D. from Yale University investigating the psychological impact on the age, especially on how one affects the perception of physical and mental health.

Although through his research he found that elderly people who have a negative opinion about aging have worse test results than the older people who have a positive opinion as we age. For example, they argue that with increasing age so they grow wise. Levy also points out that in cultures that have a more positive view of aging as compared with culture in the United States or other western countries, older people scored better on tests of memory.

In addition, research shows that older people with positive perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer than people who have a negative perception. Even the hearing loss can also be predicted based on the perception of that person.
2. Clean your teeth regularly

Studies show an association between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Consider this: one study showed that men under age 50 who have periodontal disease had 2.6 times greater chance of dying at a young age and 3 times greater chance of dying from heart disease than men with healthy teeth and the like chewing gum. The main cause of periodontitis is poor dental hygiene, and with daily brushing, flossing, and check your teeth to the dentist regularly can reduce your chances of developing this disease.

In addition, dental floss and deep vein thrombosis have a relationship. Research shows that bacteria found in dental plaque is a bacteria similar to those found in the fatty deposits that clog arteries. Researchers speculate that bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause Irritation and blockage of blood vessels. (Source:
3. Maintain a positive attitude

Since 1986, researchers from the University of Kentucky named David Snowdon studied 678 nuns to discover the secrets of the brain, especially what happens to the brain as we age. Research results are known Nun Study, managed to find ways to live with an active mental life with age. One of his discoveries is a positive emotional state at an early age will help to relieve anxiety and can prolong life. In fact, there is a study that shows the relationship between the attitude of a person with physical and mental health.
4. Exercising

James M. Rippe, MD is a renowned author, a leading cardiologist, and founder of the Rippe Lifestyle Institute. He explained that if you look at all the things that cause a high risk of death, one of the most predictable thing is your health. In addition, an elderly man who has a good heart health is much healthier than someone who is young but not physically active. By increasing physical activity, you can roll back your biological clock.
5. To manage stress

Research shows that between 60 to 90% of visits to psychiatrists associated with stress. Stress associated with everything from colds to cancer. Heart problems, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, chronic illness, sexual disorders and infertility, and diabetes are all caused by stress. To increase your chances of living longer you have to reduce your chances of getting sick, and that means you must reduce your stress level. The following article shows you ways to reduce your stress level:
• 7 Ways to Reduce Stress Today
• 17 Tips to Overcome Stress in Life and at Work
6. Meditation

Deepak Chopra, MD, an expert at finding the relationship between mind and body, in one of his book states that the study of people who meditate can have a biological age 5 to 12 years younger than their chronological age premises. People who meditate have high levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are lower, and their adaptation mechanisms tend to be stronger than the average person.
7. Maintain your skin's health

These tips will not help you to live longer, but as long as you are trying to prolong your life, it would not hurt if you try to look my best. Amy Wechsler, dentist, psychiatrist, and author of The Mind-Beauty Connection: 9 Days to Reverse Stress Aging and Reveal More Youthful, Beautiful Skin, explains that retinoids can reduce your wrinkles. Some beauty creams contain retinoids, but retinoids can also be found in foods such as carrots. Eating carrots can help you maintain the pH balance of your skin surface, slightly increase your skin keasman. And the acidity of your skin will help you to get rid of bacteria that settle. For additional information, chocolate can help you improve the texture, thickness, water content, and blood flow to your skin.
8. Eating foods that contain lots of anti-oxidants

Dr. Mehmet C. Oz, MD, coauthor of the book Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty shows that antioxidants are anti aging foods, and one of the best food sources of antioxidants that she likes the blueberry. He said that, "All foods have some kind of dark antisoksidan substances that can protect you." Other anti-aging foods include broccoli, tomatoes, and acai, a small fruit from South American forests are often found in juice drinks in the United States. He recommends that you eat 5 kinds of foods that contain antioxidants every day.
9. Eat lots of fiber

Dr. Oz also explained that one key to stay young is to keep your digestive health. And to keep it you need 25 grams of fiber each day. Fiber works by keeping all the nutrients you eat the body and release the nutrients needed. Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. Try the following tips:
• Choose foods that contain wheat as a breakfast or snack.
• Try brown rice or pasta made from wheat.
• Eat your oatmeal for breakfast.
10. Get enough sleep

A study conducted by the Medical University of Chicago found that shortening the duration of your sleep from 8 hours to 4 hours will affect glucose levels and your endocrine function is less than 1 week. This change would look like if you hit the early stages of diabetes. The researchers also concluded that the lack of sleep not only causes you to have a less vibrant early every day, but you also will be vulnerable to some penyaklit such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss.
11. Asahlah keep your brain

A number of successful data revealed during the last twenty years to make sure that the brain continues to grow, develop new neurons and networks among neurons throughout life. For additional information, the brain disease that is often associated with age can be eliminated by continuing to stimulate the brain. Dr. Yakov Stern, head of the Division of Cognitive Neuroscience at the Sergievsky Center, Columbia University states that "Individuals who constantly stimulate their lives through education, employment, and activities related to the hobby, would reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer. Research shows that the chances of developing Alzheimer's was reduced by 35 to 40%. "
12. Quit smoking

Dr. Rippe, which you have mentioned before, also states that if you are 50 and you smoke, then you cut your 7 years of age. With respect to aging, smoking makes your skin becomes wrinkled and makes you look older.
13. Drink wine, regularly

Have you heard that red wine regularly is good for your health? Dr. Oz explained that red wine is beneficial to your health because of two factors: alcohol and resveratrol, which contain high levels of antioxidants derived from grape skins. Winemakers add back the skin of red grapes to wine, but they do not add the white wine grape skin - so that white wine does not contain resveratrol. "Resveratrol adds one more benefit," said Dr. Oz. "Resveratrol activate the cells in your body that prevent aging of your cells ... 80% of the benefits of drinking wine come from alcohol, while the remaining 20% ​​is resveratrol," said Dr. Oz. Keduanyalah combination that makes red wine is very beneficial. "He added that everyone should drink a glass of red wine every day, although some men can only drink wine in larger doses because he can digest the wine better than women.
14. Get lots of love and affection

Dr. Marian C. Diamond is one of the nerves leading anatomist in the world. He conducted a study using young rats to determine whether environmental conditions affect growth. An enclosure filled with 12 rats met by a variety of tools that can be used to play. Conversely, others have not filled cage toys at all. Rats cage filled with toys to complete the test faster than the mice that were placed in cages with no toys. The mice were also shown the ability to solve problems better.
Dr. Diamond wants to do the same experiment using rats who were older, and he chose the rats aged 600 days, more or less the same as the 60-year-old man. However, some rats died before the age of 600 days. He decided to try and fix the duration of the age of the mice by adding additional material in the experiments: compassion. Instead of placing the rats in the cage after cleaning, the scientists involved in research to maintain the rats, even bringing in their lab coats. Rats live longer than those not maintained.

100 Most Basic Life Lessons You Need To Know

100 Most Basic Life Lessons You Need To Know
1. Make happiness a priority.

2. Travel; look at the places in the world as much as you can.

3. Learn to play music.

4. Live simply, or do not exceed your financial capability.

5. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. For the sake of your own.

6. Learn to swim.

7. Do not postpone joy.

8. Take responsibility for your life.

9. Remember the words of Henry Ford: "Do you think you can or you think you can not, you're right." - That may or may not exist in your own hands.

10. Set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) - for more clarity and detail, I suggest you have my book, by visiting

11. Make a small target for short-term targets for the long term.

12. Pay your personal needs first, then Saving at least 10% of your income.

13. Remember that there are always two sides to every event.

14. Set aside 5% of your income to the less fortunate.

15. Do not make the loan / bad debts (see article 5 Things You Do Not Allow).

16. Make your own definition of success (see the article What do you think the Meaning of Success).

17. Keep yourself from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

18. There is a term in English: 4 R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover.

19. Follow the golden rule: treat others as you would like to be treated.

20. Get regular exercise.

21. Consumption of healthy foods (you can see also the article Food-Food Makers Youth).

22. Learn the ways to do first aid.

23. Mastered at least one foreign language.

24. Be an expert / expert for a case.

25. Write a book, or at least the article.

26. Treat with both children and animals.

27. Get to know the basic history and geography - in this case Indonesia.

28. Build your emotional intelligence.

29. Put a first aid box, either at home or your car.

30. Check with health agencies on a regular basis.

31. Learn to accept compliments.

32. Learn to accept criticism.

33. Be yourself.

34. Do not take action when your emotions / anger.

35. Choose your spouse carefully; the future happiness of your life a lot coming from you on this one decision.

36. Concern is that a waste of time.

37. Do not drive a vehicle when you're drunk.

38. Do not ever give up.

39. Drink lots of water.

40. Learn something new every day.

41. Continue to feel grateful for the things that you have received.

42. Do not gossip.

43. Belarlah about time management as well as possible (see also article 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective).

44. Follow your instincts.

45. Admit to the people who helped you.

46. Find a mentor.

47. Read books every day.

48. Also enthusiastic about the success of others as you feel your own success.

49. Do not delay.

50. Make a list / list of things you should do.

51. Get plenty of smiles, laughs as well.

52. Admit your mistakes.

53. Stay informed, whether by reading the newspaper or see on tv news (positive news and information that you know ... :)).

54. Meditation. Arrange time for solitude and silence every day.

55. Neat and teraturlah with your life.

56. Do not buy the goods because the goods are sale, but you do not really need it (see article This is the reason why you are always in debt).

57. Appreciate your friends and your family.

58. Praise others when the opportunity arises.

59. Do not take yourself too seriously.

60. If you are having a difficult time, remember the message "storm definitely passed."

61. If something does not go well, remember that some things look bad at first.

62. Keep in mind that mistakes are stepping stones to success. So do not be afraid to fail.

63. Have a plan.

64. Choose your friends wisely: 80% of the experience of your life - whether it be good or bad - comes from people who are with you.

65. Be extraordinary.

66. Persevere.

67. Know when to cut your losses (cut your losses).

68. Do your job well.

69. Remember that life is not a rehearsal.

70. If you do not know the answer, say so; then you go and look for the answer.

71. Remember that the only thing constant in this world is change.

72. Ask for what you want.

73. Make the value-added for other people.

74. Apply leverage. Leverage means producing more with fewer resources or less fixed.

75. Get up many sources of income, do not rely on one income alone.

76. Be your own boss: start to have a private business.

77. Do not keep their promises, whether it's on others and on yourself.

78. Examine your beliefs and ask yourself whether you believe it has been running properly (That is not the belief in a Creator, but let faith in your work, your woman / man you are, etc..).

79. Feel the fear that you are facing, but still do it.

80. Do not worry about what people think of you.

81. Listen to the advice of others, but still make decisions in your own hands.

82. Change something you can change and accept something that you can not change.

83. Build your kreativas.

84. Practice your ability to listen more.

85. Decide what you want.

86. Focus on what you want rather than thinking about the things you do not want.

87. Begin immediately; every journey always begins with the first step.

88. Have fun.

89. Every time you fall, get up again. Successful people just got a lot of times people fail.

90. Pursue quality / excellence, not a perfectionist.

91. Learn to live in the present, rather than in the past or the future.

92. Pro-active.

93. Choose the 'war' you wisely.

94. Do not argue about your limitations.

95. Learn to see extraordinary things in ordinary things.

96. Try to listen to the advice of Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can look down on you without your permission."

97. Find a job that you love.

98. Remember the adage: "you catch more flies with honey."

99. Have knowledge of finance.

100. Fill your life with love.

101. ..... please proceed.

37 Reasons Why Life So Good

37 Reasons Why Life So Good
"I love life as much abundant in it."
- Anthony Hopkins -

On this occasion, I wanted to share her with you an article about life.
The points below I combine of some inspiration plus a little extra from me personally. May be useful ....

A. When you smile the world smile with you. :)

2. Based on the average age of man, we are given time about 65 years to do it right.

3. Success, simply, achieved by changing your habits and way of thinking.

4. Talent can not make you work hard, but hard work can make you talented.

5. Life is more than just making money.

6. Opportunity is not a rare thing for those who are always looking for.

7. With the dedication, expertise can be whatever you want to achieve.

8. Your happiness does not depend on factors outside of yourself.

9. All obstacles will only make you grow stronger and wiser.

10. A lot of grief can be eliminated by always seeing the positive sides to everything.

11. Treat others well, then you will be treated equally.

12. The more you give, the more you receive.

13. Laughter is free for a healthy way.

14. People will forgive you when you are really asking sincerely.

15. Love, and instead you will be loved.

16. Not everyone is materialistic and selfish.

18. Hard work will always open the road and other roads.

19. Cheerfulness can be achieved by having a hobby.

20. Making friends is easy as long as you have the initiative to find others more distant.

21. By not expect more, you will only get richer and happier.

22. Through the internet, any knowledge can be searched easily.

23. Any kind of pain inside you may feel, the beauty of nature is always to relieve the burden of your soul.

24. Responsibility is not as bad or as scary as it sounds.

25. There are many beautiful places to visit, a new diet to try and new people to meet.

26. Love yourself and you will find an abundance of love.

27. Having a family is one of the most beautiful thing you can feel.

28. Read a book or watching a positive film can make you feel wonderful day.

29. Your imagination can transcend far from reality.

30. When we give to the less fortunate, the smiles on their faces is far more valuable than what we give.

31. With the dedication, there is no word impossible.

32. Do not worry about mistakes or failures, because it will make you wiser.

33. The more often you fail, the more likely you are to succeed.

34. Unlike friendship, love does not require a trade-off.

35. Find a passionate desire is the best thing you can do for yourself.

36. There are many good people than bad people.

37. If you feel life is so exhilarating, so live your life as well as possible.

Have other things to add? I am very happy to hear your thoughts.

10 Secrets of Gaining Confidence In Seconds Count

10 Secrets of Gaining Confidence In Seconds Count
Many ways you can do to increase your confidence in the long run, but sometimes we also need measures increases confidence in a short time. You can not seem to run into an important meeting, reading a guide book about self-confidence, or call your mentor at the last minute.

So I tried to share the following with you some tips that can increase your confidence quickly in a matter of seconds:

A. Smile

Smiling is a second tips if you feel nervous and insecure. You do not just smile when you feel happy and confident, otherwise you can smile to make yourself feel better. Smiling is closely linked to positive feelings that you might almost feel bad when you smile.

Smile more than just an expression on your face. Smiling releases endorphin hormones that make you feel better, improve blood circulation in your face, makes you feel good about yourself and of course can increase your confidence. You also will appear more confident in front of others when you smile.

2. Talk face to your opponent's eyes

As with a smile, look at the eyes of everyone in the room. Give your smile and you can bet they will return your smile, and smile that given by others to increase your confidence quickly. As with a smile, eye contact shows that you are confident. Staring at your shoes or your desk encourages a feeling of doubt and shame. These tips are very useful for the work situation; make eye contact with the person who interviewed you, or people who attend your presentation.

"Eye contact helps you to eliminate fear when you're speaking in public and getting you closer to your listener. Stress is a feeling that comes from something that is foreign and can not be controlled. Eye contact gives the speaker a picture of reality which is none other than the speaker itself. Eye contact also helps you attract the other person. "(Confident Eye Contact, Unlimited Confidence)

3. Change Your Inner Voice

Most of us have a voice in saying that we are stupid, are not capable enough, too fat, skinny, noisy, quiet, etc.. The ability to change the voice inside of you is the key to gain confidence from within. Create a voice within you to be the most familiar friends supporting you and know your talent, and you want to achieve the best.

4. Forget The Defined Standard Others

Regardless of the situation in which you are experiencing a crisis of confidence, you can help yourself by adhering to the standards you have. Other people have different values ​​with you, and no matter how hard you try, you can never please everyone all the time. Do not worry if people call you fat, skinny, lazy, boring, cheap, stupid, etc. .. Stick to the standards you have, not on the standards of others. Remember the values ​​and standards are generally owned by different people; you do not have to accept the values ​​and standards just because the people around you to accept it.

5. Maybe forth Serapih

Although you only have a little time, go to the bathroom to make sure you look neat. Comb your hair, wash your face, fix your makeup, straighten your collar, make sure no food residue on your teeth. All these things can make the difference between confidence in your appearance and your fear of your appearance.

"Improve your physical appearance; already a fact that a person's appearance plays an important role in building confidence. Although we know what we have within us that is important, your physical appearance to determine the impression the person you are. "(Building Blocks to Self-Confidence, Complete Wellbeing)

6. Pray or meditate for a moment

If you believe in the Almighty, said a prayer can improve your confidence (you can also do meditation than prayer). This step helps you to step back a moment from a fast-paced situations and seek help from the Almighty. Here is an example of prayer, but you can write the same thing according to your religion or belief:

"Dear God, thank You for loving me and accept me .. help me to do the same thing .. and help me to grow up to be in accordance with your will so that my confidence will grow; all for the glory of thy name and not my name. Thank you for listening and answering my prayer. Amen. "(Daily Encounter, Strengthen Your Self-Confidence, International Acts)

7. Reka Birthday

If something unexpected happens you, this is pretty easy to shake your confidence. You might spill your drink, late for an important meeting because of traffic jams, or someone that you want to talk to cool responding. Try to "recreate the" situation and place them on a more positive situation. Often an event to be negative because of our own perceptions.

8. Determine Your Next Step

If you are unsure what to do, find a simple step that can help you to move forward. This may be done by making eye contact at a party, introduce yourself to strangers, break the ice in a meeting, or ask the person interviewing you to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and their companies.

Begin to act even if you do not have a clear picture of what you should do. Move toward your goals. Correction yourself next time.

9. Speak Slowly

A simple tips for you to look or be more confident is to speak slowly. If you talk too fast, you'll feel bad because you realize you are talking too fast. Speak slowly gives you a chance to think about what you will say next. If you're talking or doing presentations, stopping just at the end of a phrase or sentence to help people digest what you say.

Speaking slowly indicates a person's self confidence. Someone who was not worth listening to will speak quickly, because he did not want to make other people waiting for things that are not worth listening to.

10. Join to Take Part

Have you ever sat all day in the classroom or in a meeting without saying a word? Do you ever go out with your friends in the evening where your friends chatted happily while you just sit and stare at your drink? Chances are you are not too confident at that point - and maybe you'll feel worse after that night. Whatever your situation, try to take part. Although you are not a lot you can say, your thoughts and your perspective is very valuable to the people around you.

By trying to talk at least once in each discussion group, you will become a better speaker, more confident to express your thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

Happiness Is A Decision

Happiness Is A Decision
On this occasion, I will discuss the topic of happiness. I'll try to share the thoughts of happiness to my readers as well. Hopefully useful.

For me, happiness is a positive and exciting feeling, that every man could feel the deepest of his heart. Many people are trying to find happiness in the wrong places and it ended with his life far more suffering than before.

Why did this happen? This is because we look for it ... outside of ourselves. We expect something or someone gives it to our happiness.

A sage named Rumi was once said, "We're looking for diamond necklace from room to room that actually exist in our own neck." It was the same when we are trying to find happiness. We look for "everywhere", and we never know exactly where happiness comes.

I think you all agree that happiness is independent of the things that smell of materialism, such as: driving a luxury car or have a position / title of the prestigious (though these things can bring pleasure to your life).

Happiness was not dependent on others, as you have people who are important in your life (although it's love and presence of these people can add to the fun).

Happiness was not dependent on something that happened, for example: if you stay in place, will be good and if you left the place, it would be good.

Happiness is not to be found everywhere in the world outside.

The biggest obstacle to our happiness is a false idea of ​​our own. For example: thinking about someone or something that makes you happy. Maybe you feel the joy of someone or something, but happiness is actually a false and temporary. When you are not with someone or something, the joy it would go well with him.

I will give a few illustrations to explain.
What was it about .... hmm ....,
Oh yes just this: you never felt a broken heart? I think most definitely been there. Usually what people do when they are broken-hearted (including me of course :))? I then went to a boarding house / friend 's house and asked her to talk, play and go somewhere. I forgot this time of grief. I was so happy with my friends. But when I returned home and alone, feeling sad I return envelop.

There's nothing wrong if you were doing the same thing as I did. But I want to emphasize here is: Where can someone actually find happiness?

Stop searching out what can actually be found within you. Make the decision to be happy.

Okay, let me repeat once again:
Happiness depends on your own decision to be happy.

So happiness is a decision. Anytime, anywhere you can decide to be happy or not.

Okay, below is an acclamation. I quote from an article out a while ago. Aklamasinya good enough. You can repeat and read aloud:

I, {your name}, decide to be happy now, regardless of the weather, other people, the world or anything that happened to me.

I'm with confidence knowing that God has given me the right to be happy.

Therefore, I claim that happiness is mine and I belong to happiness.

Are You Making These 9 Mistakes in the conversation?

Are You Making These 9 Mistakes in the conversation?
The way we communicate with others is a habit. Therefore, we often do not know whether the pattern of conversation that we are doing is good or not good.

In everyday life you would often say to myself, "ah uncomfortable talking to person A, I better look for the B and have a chat with him."

I do not know your own into which category: Person A or Person B, hopefully not the A because the A is usually always shunned by her friends.

If only you entered in the A category, you do not need to worry because of poor communication patterns can certainly be improved. Below are some common mistakes made by people with some solutions to fix it.

1. Not Listening

Most people are not good listeners tipekal. This is surely related to their high ego, who just want to be listened to than listen. In every conversation they seem not stand waiting for their turn to speak.

Learn to push your ego to listen seriously to what others say.

When you take a stand to start listening, you're paving the way for the creation of a relationship (any kind) with huge potential. But still avoid the short answer "yes" or "no", because if you like that person you would give half the information to you. Enthusiastic to the topic they were talking about, for example, if the person you're talking about his experience climbing the mountain at the end of last week, you can ask him:

- What do you climb mountains?
- What's love of mountain climbing?
- What are you doing on the mountain?

Such questions will make the subject more deeply, more attractive, and the fishing even more topics to be discussed. And last but not least you know that person you really are listening. This of course will make the other person's level of respect you get on you.

2. Asking Too Much

Some questions may mean you are keen to talk to your opponent, but was ultimately too much to ask to be not good because it seems like you're menginterogerasi your person, and can make them uncomfortable.

Try to combine the statements and questions, for example:

- I went last week with a weekend fishing trip with my work buddies. Do you like fishing?

3. Running out of topics to Talk

In a conversation you may often feel out of topics to be discussed with the other person, especially if you talk to someone who you just know. To prevent this from happening, there are a few suggestions about the topics you can discuss:

- A wise man once said "Do not leave home without reading the newspaper first. If you run out of topics to be discussed, you can start talking about the news that are hot right now. "
- Talk about something that is around you. Probably about the aquarium that was behind you, the kids who were playing next to you, or whatever it is possible to talk about around you.

4. Submission of the Poor

One of the most important thing in communication is not what you say but how you present it. Changes in habits will make a big difference, because the voice and body language is a very vital part in communicating. Some things below for you to consider:

- Say it slowly. When you talk about something that is fun, easy for you to start a conversation and you can even talk very quickly. You try to slow the speed of your speech, because it's easier for your listener to listen and capture the point you're all about.
- Speak in a loud voice. No need to hesitate, because the person you really want to listen to you.
- Speak clearly. Do not like mumbling.
- Speak with a voice that is monotonous. Involve the emotion in your voice.
- Use the pause. Coupled with the slow delivery of the pauses will make you more attentive listener in the listening and the atmosphere became more relaxed.
- Use good body language. In future articles, I will discuss how to use good body language.

5. Interrupt

Did you feel if you cut off the conversation by talking your opponent? ... Yes, your listener will feel the same if you cut him off. Let the person you spend in advance what to say. That is one of your awards on your person. Seek a balance between listening and speaking.

6. Desire "Always Right"

People will not impress you if you always want to feel right in every conversation. Often the conversation is not really a discussion. Sometimes we want to keep the mood is still good to talk to someone. For example: one of the friends you want to tell you the thrill of rafting experience to the extent that the rubber boat overturned. But how do you even talk a good rafting. I believe the mood of your friends will instantly change.
Sit down relax, talk and not argue.

7. Talking About The Things Odd or Negative

Have you ever met someone and after that he was talking about strange things or negative, such as deteriorating health, a story of murder, his boss is a bitch, or a strange language that only he and his friends who know the meaning.
I do not think it helpful to talk things strange or negative way. People will be happy to talk to you if you always give positive energy in every word that you spend.

8. Boring

Do not tell long-term about your car you just bought or your home just completed. The average person is not too interested in such stories, the ability to expose yourself too. Look for topics that lead to things that are passionate about or things that are funny for example. Could you also tell me about your experience last weekend at the top or you plan on coming Fitri holiday. The bottom line is something positive. Not also complain about your boss or your job.

Dale Carnegie once said:
"In two months you will have more friends in a way enthusiastic about their stories than 2 years you make friends by trying to lure them interested in your stories."

Try giving more role in talking to your listener. Later you will build a quality relationship.
Maybe you've heard the term "why did God create two ears and one mouth? ... So that we listen more than talk. :)

9. Not Responding Properly

If someone told me about his experience, do not just answer with a nod or a short phrase. Be open and tell me what you think. Express your feelings.

In closing, you do not have to fix all the above nine steps at once. Pick about 3 most important things that you think needs to be fixed for 3-4 weeks and you are trying to do this continuously until it becomes a habit.

Hopefully these tips useful for you so that someday you can become a good friend to talk to your friends or your spouse.

101 Great Questions to make your life Extraordinary

kesuksesan dan kehidupan luar biasa

Anthony Robbins once said in one of his books that is actually a process thought to ask and answer questions. He then added that people who succeed are those who always asks himself.

Here are 101 questions to make your life extraordinary:

A. What do I want?

2. For what things am I grateful for?

3. What is missing in my life?

4. Do I see new things in this world every day?

5. Do I take the time to listen to others?

6. Am I having fun?

7. How do I make this life more cheerful?

8. What I want more in life?

9. What is not so I want in life?

10. Am I always looking for opportunities?

11. Did I capture the opportunities are there?

12. Do I have an open mind?

13. Am I flexible enough?

14. Am I quick to judge others?

15. Do I always take the risk?

16. Do I appreciate what the other person?

17. Do I appreciate what others do for me?

18. Who do I want to go?

19. Who are the people I want to meet?

20. What are the adventures that I want to follow?

21. Do I care what others think about me?

22. What makes me happy?

23. Does that make me happy?

24. Is there anything that I delay?

25. Do I always thought of myself?

26. Would I like to hold a grudge?

27. Do I always remember the past'd read?

28. Do I let the negative thoughts of others affect me?

29. Will I ever forgive myself?

30. Did I laugh often?

31. Did I laugh often enough?

32. Do I surround myself with positive people?

33. Am I a positive person?

34. Did I provide enough time to take care of themselves?

35. Is my secret ambition?

36. Do you want people to remember about me at the end of life later?

37. Does success mean to me?

38. How can I give meaning to the lives of others?

39. How can I serve others?

40. What is it that I can do better than others?

41. Are my three greatest strengths?

42. Do I move toward the achievement of my dreams?

43. Did I tell other people what I really want in life?

44. Where do I think a good day?

45. Such as whether you want one more year? 5 years? 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

46. What kind of environment for the good in my life?

47. What do I do if I want to have no fear?

48. Do I want to do if money is not important?

49. What are the reasons that I often say?

50. Do I enjoy what I do every day?

51. Will I be on the right path?

52. Am I kind to others?

53. Am I kind to others?

54. Do I take something for nothing?

55. Am I doing the most important thing right now?

56. Are there things in life that I need to give more attention?

57. Am I using my time with the best?

58. What can I do today that can make the biggest difference in your life?

59. What am I avoiding?

60. What are the things that I can tolerate?

61. Do I make that clear goals with time limits achievement?

62. Do I hold the promises I made to myself?

63. Do I hold the promises I had made on others?

64. If I want my life perfect, what should I change?

65. What I am looking seriously at the moment?

66. How do I make my life simpler?

67. What activities I'm doing but I did not enjoy it? Whether it really be done? Can I delegate it or pay someone else to do it?

68. Do I see myself as a creative enough?

69. Do I allow myself to be creative?

70. Can I be someone who is spontaneous?

71. Am I too critical on yourself?

72. Am I too critical of others?

73. Can I see the problem from a different angle?

74. What are the things that I have completed?

75. What are the things that become a source of stress in your life?

76. How can I reduce stress in your life?

77. Where are some of my money used?

78. Can I manage my finances?

79. I know where my financial plan for the future?

80. What are my time to be used?

81. Have I made an efficient time management system?

82. Does 3 of my biggest priorities in life?

83. Who is the most important person in my life?

84. Who loves me?

85. Who cares about me?

86. For whom did you work hard?

87. Is the place I live and work environment have been arranged in such a way that gives comfort to me?

88. Do I have a healthy lifestyle?

89. Is my mistakes?

90. Will I be able to forget the mistakes I have made in the past?

91. Do I allow myself to do the failures?

92. Did I learn my failures?

93. Am I quick to respond when something goes wrong?

94. Are my beliefs have been working well?

95. Do I loosen the rules that I have created for myself and others?

96. Is my childhood dreams are forgotten?

97. Who are the idols / character which I emulate?

98. Am I original? Am I being myself or trying to be someone else?

99. What if ...?

100. Why not ...?

101. How can I ...?

3 Ways to Cultivate perseverance


How one can foster resilience properties? How do people bear it all possible, while others easily discouraged when experiencing problems.

Here are 3 surefire way is highly recommended to foster resilience:

A. Focus On Success Outcomes

If you fall down and none of your friends who may be asked for help, who lagikah that can help you? The answer is your own mind.

Yes, the mind the only one who can make you get out of the valley of disappointment. Not friends, not parents, nor your spouse. They all just give you the motivation but the only thoughts that can help you at this time. If the mind does not 'see' the end result is successful, you will lose the spirit to continue fighting (the shadow of the future success will motivate, if not desperate, you tend to lose). Most people fail when they get desperate, not only in material terms but also in terms of psychology. This is where the danger.

Most people let the results now haunt their minds. Suppose your current state of 'not good'. If using a state of 'not good' as the foundation for the mind, you will produce a 'consciousness is not good' in mind. If 'consciousness is not good' is always transmitted in the mind, it will gradually seep into the subconscious mind and that's when you are caught.

That is why there is a saying, "control your mind, you can do anything with it."

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Things

Have positive things in your sekililing will help you cultivate patience. Positive things can be:
- Pray
- Listening to motivational tapes
- Add an image / poster positively
- Reading positive books
- Decorate your bedroom with a positive atmosphere
- Hang out with positive people

3. Keep away from that fact, No Worries

Say when you attempt failed. You have lost so much money and owe no money to pay for it. That's a big problem! You are also plagued by other problems which are puzzling, such as what anybody else says about you, what their interpretation, what the neighbors said, what the parents, etc.. All this becomes a problem, or at least that's what you think.

If we examine more deeply, most annoying problem was not there. Actually, no one thought of us. Most of them think only about themselves. Most people do not have time to think about us.

One recent study says 93% of the problems you worry about are not there. Only 7% had happened. Of the problems that exist are largely we can not control, such as the economic crisis, political stability and so on. So what are we worried about the things we can not control?

What Is The Meaning Of Success For You?

arti sukses
Along with the development of our life and environment that we are entering, we usually define success based on the definitions of others, may have come from our parents, our bosses, or of our society about how life is supposed to be successful. There is no right or wrong in this case.
Here I write about a successful 31 sense I get from various sources with the hope that it can help you succeed in reassembling the meaning of your own version.

Success is:

A. Make the country or the world for the better.

2. Attainment of wealth, recognition, status and power.

3. Achievement of the objectives that you created yourself.

4. Make a difference, even if just one person.

5. Recognized as a renowned expert in your field area.

6. Feel loved and understood.

7. Gained recognition and respect from family and friends.

8. Doing work you love.

9. Can laugh often.

10. Having good health and always high-spirited.

11. Happy and enjoy the moment.

12. Have enough money to cover your monthly expenses.

13. Doing things or new hobbies.

14. Traveling to places you've never visited.

15. Have plenty of time to have fun.

16. Successfully raise a child.

17. Using all the potential you have.

18. Have an exciting life.

19. Find a very nice job the same taste as you play.

20. Find peace within yourself.

21. Achieving a balance between time for working life and family.

22. Have goals that excite you, as to make you jump out of bed every morning.

23. Have an ideal home to live, adequate food, good health and happy family.

24. Go out every day and do the work as quickly as possible.

25. Stop working and live comfortably enjoy the income from investments.

26. Helping others with special talents you have.

27. Have original ideas and then see it applied in real life.

28. Can be true to yourself.

29. Loving one another with all my heart and soul.

30. Creating something new and extraordinary.

31. ..... You can add your own version.

5 main reasons why We want to achieve Success

alasan sukses

Maybe for some people the title above is a bit odd or confusing. But I beg you to save confusion you first until you finish reading out the entire contents of this article. Hopefully at the end of the day, you can understand what I mean by 'reasons for success' is.

This article is a continuation of my previous articles: What It Means For Your Success.

Every day we think about the dreams or our goals. Every day we take it one step toward the success we want. Often we are too focused on our dreams so that we do not have time to think about why we need to achieve success. What is the reason we are to succeed? Do we really want?
It seems this is a trivial thing, for what I think the reason, I've got to focus on achieving my dreams. Believe me when you manage to find reasons why you want to achieve success, you will be more explosive when you successfully achieve your success.

To further clarify, I am asking your help to imagine success is a journey. The journey can sometimes dilampau easily and sometimes very difficult. Success can also be a short trip or a very long journey.
Then you try to recall just one small example of your success. Jump to a point where the road to success began. Feel your feelings and emotions at that time.
What is the reason you set goals or dreams you are?
What is the first step that you take the time and how you do it?
Try to identify any factors that motivate you or encouraging you to go ahead?
Also identify what are the things that hinder you? How do you solve these problems?
Are you really happy or maybe even disappointed that dream or goal you will not make you feel satisfied?

No need to worry if the questions difficult for you. To help answer it, I will outline the five main reasons why we want to achieve success.

A. We want to achieve success because it is part of our life plan.

Success is closely related to the plan is important in our lives such as graduation, getting a coveted job, start your own business or starting a new relationship. The achievement of these plans are successful for us. Each of these accomplishments bring positive feelings and emotions because we know that these plans have been successfully fulfilled, and it signifies that we have made a real advance.

2. We want the benefits of a success.

In many cases we want to feel the benefits obtained in connection with the achievement of a success. In our minds, has embedded a statement that there is a strong bond between the success achieved by the benefits. This led to the success of a bond is we want and we enjoy the process.

3. We liked the feeling of victory.

Achieving success is a very positive experience that add value to ourselves and our egos inflated. Achievement of success can be said is also a personal victory. People like winning. This is a very natural feeling. When two kids play games, each of them wanting to win. Although there are prizes up for grabs, they do not bother. Deep down inside us, including the children, we love the feeling of a winner.

4. We want encouragement / stimulation in our lives.

Knowing that there are dreams or goals that we want to achieve, will stimulate us to act. The more challenging the dream / goal, the stronger the feelings of success. This is what will make our lives are always excited. We will be motivated to achieve dreams / goals bigger and challenge. Automatically ourselves will always evolve into better and better to a higher level.

5. We want to compensate for our failures in the past.

We all have experienced failures. Failures is very uncomfortable and is something that is inevitable in our lives, but of every failure there is always a positive learning. Failures can be further inflame the spirit of our dreams. We lost, but we want to win in the end. A victory, will compensate for all the bitter experiences we had as failures.
This is often the basis for why we want to achieve success.

Hopefully the things above can help you find the reason why you want to achieve a success.

Starting Wonders Of Small Things


"Success is the accumulation of small businesses, which do repeatedly."
- Robert Collier -

Do you have important goals that you want to accomplish in your life where you have to start with great zeal? Or targets that you have tried several times to reach it but it always fails. To the extent that you think, there are areas in your life that you can not seem to succeed.

You might be a great success in your career, but you can be difficult to exercise regularly at least twice a week. Or you get a smooth opening of business this year but your diet program always fail.

The problem may be you try to change too quickly or too much. Here I will try to share the experience how to make a permanent change. This process obviously takes time. I can not give you a way how to make changes in the 'overnight' because I've never done it and I think it is not possible.

Usually people have a commitment at the end of each year to make changes in the new year. If you're like most people want to make these changes in an instant, it is likely you will fail.

Try to remember back now, is there your targets this year are not being met

I will help remind. Maybe you want to:

- Lose weight by 20 kg
- Quitting smoking
- Reduce caffeine
- Jogging around the complex every morning
- Wake up at 5 am every day
- Starting an online business starting
- ..... (Please fill in yourself)

All these are important goals in your life and requires effort to change it. It would be better if you do the steps are more patterned and controllable even more time consuming. Why? Because once you change, your changes will be more permanent than you do in a hurry.

Identification of your current position

Before embarking on a change, you need to know your current position to be where, for example: how much you weigh now, how many cigarettes / packs you smoke per day, how often do you drink coffee, how many times you exercise in a month, and so on.

Take small steps to achieve them

Maybe there will be a very large distance between your current position what you want to achieve, and you seem to feel they have no power, passion or discipline to achieve it.

As I've mentioned in my previous article: How to Stay Motivated to Finish What You Already Started: If you only think about how to reach your target soon, most likely you will experience frustration / stress.

Break your target (break down) into smaller activities, for example: if you want to lose weight 20 kg, divide the target into a ½ kg per week. Yes, you will spend 40 weeks to lose weight, but your time will surely pass.

Do not underestimate your ability to achieve something by doing the little things. Instead of you trying to reach the target quickly, by doing things the 'radical', say only eat once a day or drinking a laxative, but after 1-2 weeks you give up because it does not hold. You mean just a waste of your valuable time and this fact can actually hurt you: you may think "it is true, I can not succeed", "am I right, I can not get a consistent and disciplined.", Etc..

Okay, enough theory, now I will give some practical examples:

Target: stop consuming caffeine
Current position: drink 3 cups of coffee every day
Step: to reduce drink coffee once a day for the first week (a total of seven cups a week), week-2 to a total of 6 cups a week, week-3 to total 5 cups a week and so on.
Total time required: 8 weeks

Target: get up at 5 am every day
Current position: wake up at 7 am
Step: plug your alarm 15 minutes earlier every 1 week - do not immediately set back to 2 hours! Trust me you will suffer.
Total time required: 8 weeks

Target: create a 100 page ebook
Current position: 0 pages
Step: every day you write a page, except Saturdays and Sundays you write 2 pages. So for a week you write as much as 9 pages.
Total time required: 11 weeks

You can see that the above targets to be plausible and highly likely to be reached with small activities, including targets that you have ever tried to grab it but failed. Whatever you want, you can achieve it as long as you do not want instant results. There is no instant way to achieve success.

Hopefully this article useful to you. Good luck.

Negative Effects Of Collecting Useless Stuff

barang tidak berguna

This is one bad habit most people: collect items that actually are not needed anymore.

Have you ever walked into a house with many piles of stuff everywhere? Books, newspapers, cardboard, or plastic bag with contents that do not clear the room in the house. Or maybe you've been to one of your friends boarding with the same conditions, so for you it was hard to sit down too?
Do you feel then? I am sure you will feel discomfort.

Or you actually belong to a group of collectors items that are no longer needed? If so, I strongly encourage you to make some changes.
Why? Due to collect items that you no longer need will only make the home, your mind and your life a mess. Irregular house is a symbol of disorganized thinking. These items will bother you and you are more emotionally chaotic mind.

I once visited one of my friend's house, who happened to subscribe to the newspaper. In one corner of his house I saw a tall stack of newspapers has reached the ceiling. I asked him what to collect as much paper. He said he wanted mengklipping the articles that he likes.
About a year later I visited his home again, I saw a pile of paper grew into several lines. I asked what about the articles of his collection. He has not had time to answer.

Such phenomena are encountered. Maybe you feel affection dispose of an item, even though you know that the item is no longer working for you, in the name of who knows this stuff can be used again someday. Or maybe you've bought goods from a shop and so far you have never opened it. It may also be your drawers full of stuff is broken, and a wardrobe full of old clothes that never used again.

There is no compelling reason actually collect items that are no longer needed, such as: outdated, broken, no longer good, bad or can not be cleaned again.

If you look at the lives of successful people through biographies or articles about him, they are people who have the uncanny ability to cut items that are no longer needed. They were able to separate the important items of goods that are not important.

Reduce the regular stuff that has been unused. There will be a relief effect that comes from cutting these items. You have more room in your house and you get rid of feelings of tightness that comes from the piles of goods that meet all over the place. Do not need to own a house or furniture with minimalist style to have such feelings. Simply check out your drawers, your closets, in the cabinet, the corners of your house and under your bed.

Do not let your lack of Limiting Yourself to Advance


We all, whoever you are no exception, would have advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes these deficiencies appear more dominant than the advantages we have. Some people are so easily affected by the disease. Some others are so difficult to manage their finances. Others have difficulties to communicate and build a relationship, and much more.

Of these people, many who consider that the difficulties they face as a bad fate or destiny - but I emphasize here: not everyone. Some of them would face huge obstacles in his life and even the still struggling to achieve something that they dream. They rise above their shortcomings and do not let the lack of them is to limit them to go forward.

All of that is your choice, to think of it as fate / destiny or a challenge to be faced.

Some time ago I met an old friend. I first knew him as someone who is not good in communicating. Now he is quite successful in running his business network. He is frequent speaker in seminars in which he had run the business network.

I'm sure there must be at least one person from your friends who can stand upright on its shortcomings. Or maybe even your own. If so, acung thumb for you.

If you look carefully, actually a lot of people who face obstacles far more formidable than we have experienced. They may lose both legs, or they were born and live in extreme poverty. But whatever the difficulties encountered, you will always find people who can overcome these difficulties.

Here are some examples:

- Lance Armstrong, lost one of his testicles due to cancer and experiencing extreme pain in his body from chemotherapy in which he moved. But he was able to win the Tour de France 7 times - a championship of the world's most prestigious cycling race.

- Ringo Starr, drummer music group the Beatles. He comes from a very poor family. Always accompanied by his childhood living with illness and spends most of his time in the hospital.

- Helen Keller, at the age of 19 months suddenly became ill and then lost the sense of hearing and eyesight, at which time he was very actively learning to talk as a toddler age. He eventually became a renowned speaker and motivator in the world and became a lawyer for many social cases.

- Wilma Rudolph, as a boy suffering from measles, chickenpox, mumps, pneumonia and even polio. As a result of polio, his legs became very weak and the shape changed. The doctor said that he would never walk again. Wilma Rudolph was then recorded as the winner of three Olympic gold medals in the 1960 race.

- Mark Inglis, had an accident while climbing the mountain, causing his legs to be amputated. But after that, he climbed Mount Everest - the mountain of the world's.

The above examples are cases where people face extreme obstacles, and you may think it's easy for me to write their stories. But that's not the problem. The thinking is: what can you do behind your lack of, whatever it is.

As I mentioned at the beginning that we all have flaws, and even if you let go of the obstacles you face, you will always find people who can overcome these obstacles. You will only see the success they have overcome the same obstacles you are facing or are you just that successfully overcome these obstacles. Our attitude is that the main obstacles.

"Obstacles can not stop you. These problems can not stop you. Others can not stop you. Only you can stop yourself. "
- Jeffrey Gitomer -

How To Stay Motivated To Finish What You've Started

produktivitas kerja

There must be one reason why many people often stop a project or completing their task, whether it be small or large task, at certain points. Maybe they feel the task is very difficult to accumulate or to be done so that they are frustrated and stressed. Finally they stopped doing it or at least they think about quitting.

When they are frustrated, will automatically create a barrier in themselves that cause their motivation to continue with the work uninterrupted. Their enthusiasm was high as they do the job the first time will go down very dramatically and the chances of them stopping in the middle of the road to complete the task is enormous.

Is that usually they often do in such times?

They will walk with dragging feet, making coffee and when you meet with someone who is 'right', they will spend a few minutes to talk one-way, complaining about the project or task that they were working. Perhaps unconsciously you've been there.

When they had finished complaining, they were soon back on the job and think with great doubt and hate, how they can accomplish their work is.

Instead of falling on the state you are even more difficult and increase your frustration, I'll try to share 5 ways how you stay productive and motivated to finish what you started and excited about what you do:

A. Break your tasks into smaller parts.

You only need to divide your tasks (break down) into parts of smaller to be more restrained. For example: you have a personal target to open a business. If the thought of you just open a place of business immediately, then you can-it can be frustrating in the middle of the road. You have to do is divide your tasks into tasks that are smaller, such as site surveys, looking for suppliers, administering licensing, find employees, buying equipment and doing business promotion activities. Does not seem to be easier?

By dividing your tasks into tasks that are smaller, will make your work also becomes boring. When you successfully complete one small task, you will feel satisfied and happy. Psychologically this is a valuable capital to step up to the next small task.

But before you proceed to the next task, a good idea to reward yourself, eg buy a cup of Starbucks coffee or anything that can spoil you to celebrate the accomplishments you have done.

When the celebration ended, return to your job and start doing your next small task. I'm sure your current mood will be very different. You will be more productive and more motivated to work. On the one hand you will try to find again the next awards.

2. Take advantage of snowball effect.

Try to find a part of your job is the most fun and start from there. You will easily and quickly finish the job. Maybe you've heard work exam tips: start with the obvious first, leave the past that are difficult questions. If you only dwell on the difficult question, you will be stressed and running out of time, while there are still many questions that have not been done. This same principle was used in completing a task or project you are.

When you are finished working on a fun part of the task, you unconsciously been a step forward towards the completion of your task or project. This of course will increase your confidence and your motivation to complete the next task is more difficult. When you successfully re-completed, self-confidence you are getting high again. This is called the snowball effect.

3. Avoid doing many tasks at once.

Some people have wanted to quickly finish the job properties. This trait is actually good, but that is not good is if it is practiced by performing multiple tasks simultaneously. I also had rather do less good habits like this. Finally, there is no work gets done, it takes a longer time. Flavor-it's even superman could not complete his duties at once.

Focus on what is out there in front of your eyes. Complete your tasks one by one. I guarantee you will be more productive, your motivation level will continue to rise (as I've mentioned in point 1 and 2), and you will get the job done more quickly.

4. Relax and have fun

There was a time when your motivation down and you feel excited. Maybe you have gone through the long days and tiresome, or a very heavy task remaining to be resolved and time-consuming that very much. You are not robots, so I strongly encourage you to leave work temporarily.

Do these things are fun, like watching movies, going to a favorite restaurant, chatting, or get together with your friends.

The goal here is to distract you from your duties as well as reduce stress / frustration you feel. So when you do things that are fun, do not think about the tasks that have not been resolved. Completely forget about total! When you return to your duties, I am sure you will be more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.

5. Rest for a moment.

Rest again? Yes, but this time it was a short break. After you have worked for 40-45 minutes, take a mild break for 3-5 minutes. Recommended that you slightly away from your work area.

The study said that after you work for 40-45 minutes, your brain tends to get tired or slow down. Conditions may not allow you to postpone or abandon the job. But the point is when you feel very tired or you are not able to focus again, rest for a moment. Stretch, drink a glass of water, or take a walk for fresh air. You will get extra energy in an instant, so you will be motivated and eager to resume your work.

5 Make it a part of your life. If you can do it consistently, I think you will be more productive, more enthusiastic, more motivated and have a high sense of self satisfaction.

5 Things You Shouldn't Do

tidak boleh

I'm sure you've often read articles about the things you should do to have a positive life, such as exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, reading books, meditation, and much more. However, what about the things that you should not do? Below you will find 5 things that I suggest you do not do:

1. Do not Make Bad Loans

Before I explain what it is that bad loans, I will explain in advance about the good loans.
A good loan is when you use it to invest that will add value, such as loans for education or loans to businesses. Loans to good education because education will improve your ability. Loans for business loans are good because if administered correctly, your business will generate turnover and profit is good for you too.
Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of "Rich Dad / Poor Dad", adding that performing property loans is the right decision because the property has a tendency to rise in price.

Bad loans is when you use it for consumption, such as buying a car, clothing, vacation, etc.., Where all this will not add value, and even one day these things will be of no value. If you do not have enough money, except in very urgent, do not use borrowed money. High loan interest if not paid will accumulate very quickly. Eistein once said, "The most powerful force in the universe is a double flower." If you take a loan, then the forces will start attacking you.

2. Do not Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

One of the most important lessons learned in any financial planning is about spreading risk. That is, you need to distribute / split your investment into several sources to reduce the risk of loss. Actually, these lessons not only apply to financial planning, but also overall survival.

Try to think that your life is supported by several pillars. This could be a career, finances, health, relationship with spouse, hobbies, family ties, social communities, etc.. If any of these pillars to crash, let's say you lose your job or a big fuss with your partner, you still have the other pillars that still sustains you in life. In other words, what would happen if your livelihood is only one pillar and the pillar on the problem?

3. Do not Waste Your Strengths

You are wasting power you have when you let others belittle you, when you let others make decisions for you or when you blame the people and environment around you.

Imagine if every day you get a number of coins to invest. These coins represent your time, your energy, your attention and your focus.
If you let others deter you from pursuing business goals you because they assume you're not strong enough, or not smart enough, or not knowledgeable enough, then you will just give you a few coins on the person.
If you blame your boss because you have not just got a promotion so you do not have enough money to buy a new car, then you have just given you a few coins on your boss.

Would be a wise decision if the business you pursue these goals, you are investing your coins in a way ignoring the words of people who belittle you, you would be burning zeal to prove to them that the words are wrong.
Would be a wise decision as well if the business you buy a new car, you are looking for other sources of income. So you will get a new car with no matter you are given a promotion or not.

4. Never Too Serious With Your Life

Although in my previous articles, I often give encouragement to you in achieving your goals, it is important to remember that there is another life besides your big goal. You have to go through life with a balanced, not just stuck thinking your dreams. Do not work too hard to pursue the promotion, so you forget about time for a vacation, play with your children on weekends, and do your hobbies. If you are interested, you can get the ebook 'How to Maintain Balance In Life' at the, which is a bonus ebook if you buy the main book.

5. Do not Give Up On Your Dreams

I'm sure you've captured the title on purpose, so I do not have to explain too much more.
As Norman Vincent Peale said: "If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up. "
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