66 best time management quotes

Here are 66 best time management quotes grouped by topic:On time
Better to come 3 hours earlier than 1 minute late.William Shakespeare
Time is the best teacher
Time is the wisest counselor ever.Pericles
Time is the school where we learn, time is the fire we burn.Delmore Schwartz
You do not waste time if you spend your time wisely.Rodin
Over time, the time to teach you many things.Aeschylus
History makes a wise man.Francis Bacon
Use your time wisely
Time is something most of us want, but what we use worst.William Penn
The average man does not care about the time, while the wise use of time well.Shoppenhauer
Time = life: therefore, nothing wasted your time and your life, or master your time and your life.Alan Lakein
Do not be fooled by the calendar. Calendar only contains the number of days in a year you can use. A person can gain valuable first week in 1 year, while others gain valuable first year within 1 week.Charles Richards
The key lies not in how you spend the time, but in investing your time.Stephen R. Covey
Ordinary people only think about how to spend the time. People think of how to use it.Author Unknown
Take the decision to never remain silent. People will never need more time to complain if he never lost time. Many things which we can achieve if we are always working to do something.Thomas Jefferson
Use time as possible, do not miss the opportunity.William Shakespeare
Today, the same as the other times, a precious time, if we know what we should do with the time available.Ralph Waldo Emerson
A person who dared to throw the first hour of life is not someone who appreciates life.Charles Darwin
Do you love life? Do not waste time, because time is an important part in your life.Benjamin Franklin
If you've managed to take advantage of the time, you will understand the fact that most people misjudge things they can accomplish in one year - and underestimate what they can get in 10 years.Anthony Robbins
Recheck your priorities
If you want to use your time as possible, you need to know things that your priorities and do the best to achieve it.Lee Iacocca
It is not enough to occupy yourself; ants were busy. His question is, what are you busy?Henry David Thoreau
Notice the little things
Use every minute and every hour there will be very valuable.Lord Chesterfield
You're writing your life story through every moment that you are going through.Doc Childre and Howard Martin
Do a few things
Do two things simultaneously is tantamount to not doing anything.Publius Syrus
One can not engage in too many affairs: the same as if you try to hold the pumpkin in water, one by one the pumpkin will appear while you're trying to hold others in the water.Chinese Proverb
Focus on the present
Never let a day which was then seized the day here.Richard H. Nelson
I do not think about the past. The only thing that matters is that you are currently living.W. Somerset Maugham
Most important is how you use your time today. If you feel bored with how you spend your time, then change your habits.Marcia Wieder
Realize that at this moment, you're working. You are creating your next moment. That's the reality.Sara Paddison
The time to act is now. Never too late to do anything.Carl Sandburg
You can not procrastinate doing good, because you never know if you are too late to do it.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Is this the right time or not right, that's the only time we have.Art Buchwald
Today is a new beginning.God has given me this day for my best.I was able to waste my time or use it for good.What did I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.If tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever, leaving something in its something I have done.I want to grab something on that day, not missing something; good not evil; success rather than failure; so I do not regret the price I paid for it.Author Unknown
When you pass you will never get back
He has a long and meaningful life, and time is not utilized is a loss.Thomas Fuller
Someone who is grieving is always someone who spends time.Dante
Losses can be replaced with industrial materials, loss of knowledge by study, lost health by self-control or drugs, but we passed the time will be lost forever.Samuel Smiles
Money can I earn or release. But time is something that I can not get. So I should spend my time wisely.Author Unknown
One thing that you can not recycle is wasted time.Author Unknown
Time lost will never be found again.Author Unknown
The importance of time
The only thing that belongs to us completely is the time; even someone who has nothing definite has the time.Baltasar Gracian
Time is the most valuable thing that can be used by someone.Theophrastus
Time is money.Benjamin Franklin
Obtain the time was tantamount to getting everything in love, trade, and war.John Shebbeare
Until you value yourself, you can not appreciate the time you have. Until you appreciate the time you have, you can not use the time well.M. Scott Peck
Your best resource is your time.Brian Tracy
You can not kill time without injuring eternity.Henry David Thoreau
Time is the most valuable thing a person can be utilized.Diogenes Laertius
Time is most precious and most likely disappear from all we have.John Randolph
Time is the only capital owned olehmanusia, and he must not lose time.Thomas Edison
Until we can manage time, we can not manage anything else.Peter F. Drucker
Do not delay
What can you do whenever you can accomplish in a short time.Scottish Proverb
The wise man to do something immediately what fools do in the end. Both do the same thing, only at different times.Baltasar Gracian
A valuable task completed successfully is much more valuable than the hundreds of newly completed some task.Malcolm S. Forbes
Thinking too long to do the same thing sometimes means not doing anything.Eva Young
One year from now you'll wish you had started something today.Karen Lamb
The best way to be late is to have plenty of time.Leo Kennedy
While we delay, life continues.Seneca
You may delay, but time is not.Benjamin Franklin
Do not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today.Benjamin Franklin
Do not make excuses, you are in control
You will never find time for everything. If you want time, you must provide it.Charles Bruxton
Do not say you do not have enough time. You have the same amount of time each day with the time given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.H. Jackson Brown
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you who control it.Michael Altshuler
Time is the currency of your life. Time is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how you can spend your time. Be careful in using it or someone else will spend your time.Carl Sandburg
I will follow the course of time management .. as soon as I can arrange my schedule.Louis E. Boone
Actually, people can choose how they will spend their time; is not the time to be a problem but it will.Sir John Lubbock
People who do not use their time well are the ones who complain about how short the time they have.Jean De La Bruyere
Dividing line between success to failure can be expressed through the four words: "I do not have the time."Franklin Field

17 Tips to Overcome Stress in Life and at Work

Stress is the mental state of the most popular in this century. Try to recall how many people you meet says that they are experiencing stress or maybe you yourself are experiencing?
Stress is not a disease, but if you can not handle it in a certain time, you will be exposed to many health problems.

Some time ago I read an article saying that:
- More than 40 million people in Europe or at least 1 in 3 workers say they experience stress in the workplace.
- Stress at work is a second problem that often occurs in addition to the problem of back pain.
- From the survey also said that more than a quarter of workers absent for 2 weeks (accumulation) within a year because of health problems caused by stress.
I apologize for not getting the results of the survey in Indonesia, but I expect more or less the same.

Previously I would say a few main things that can cause stress in the workplace:
- The working conditions are always under pressure
- Unclear tasks assigned
- A very high demand items
- Lack of planning work
- The threat among employees
- Shouts and curses of the consumer
- Friends of work that has always bothered
- Physical discomfort, such as a noisy engine sound, and so less ventilation.
- And the worst, the lack of improvement to address the above issues.

These things can cause physical and mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, nervousness, unable to focus for long periods and prolonged fatigue.
If there is anything above that you feel .... hmmm, I think you should immediately change your daily activities both at work and in your life as a whole.

Here are 9 tips to overcome stress in the workplace:

1. Plan your activities well: what, why, how, when and who is responsible for these tasks. It is important to plan not only long-term but also short-term (monthly plan, daily plan).

2. Certainly in the past you have experienced problems in the workplace. Try to remember again is there any ways that you can use to solve the problems you face today.

3. Come build a good working climate, that is by being open and communicating with fellow coworkers.

4. Make sure you understand the tasks and responsibilities, and do not hesitate to ask.

5. Do this several times a break for a few minutes while you work. Relax and DO NOT DO ANY. Take a deep breath.

6. Have the attitude of tolerance towards fellow colleagues. Remember that each person is unique, for example: some people actually perform better under pressure while others need more time to finish the job.

7. Delegate some of your responsibilities to your subordinates.

8. Keep your team spirit, for example by doing small celebrations, sports or recreation together.

9. Provide a good working environment. Minimize distractions such as noise, ventilation, light and temperature.

Besides the stress in the workplace, in life in general we can experience stress for several reasons.

Here are 8 tips to overcome stress in life:

1. Do pemijitan body (body massage), as well pemijitan for relaxation and normalizing blood pressure. After pemijitan, you will experience improved quality of sleep which of course would be better to restore your fatigue.

2. Exercising regularly is very important in combating stress. Exercise will mobilize our muscles, accelerate blood flow and open the lungs for more oxygen mangambil. The impact you will get a more restful sleep and better health.

3. Do it your hobby, like fishing, hiking or whatever you like. You can also do the adventure you've never experienced before such as rafting suppose.
Perform activities such as this can eliminate the thoughts that cause stress.

4. Assumption that a lot of beer, wine or whiskey can relieve stress. In fact, water was the one who can relieve stress. Research shows that drinking a glass or two glasses of wine can indeed cause us to relax the time, but after missing the alcohol effects, stress is likely to wake you up at night.
By drinking lots of water will help restore your body from lack of fluids, because of lack of fluids can cause fatigue.

5. Do the meditation. Health experts say that a very powerful tool in overcoming stress is meditation. Meditation helps clear the mind and improve concentration. It has been proven that meditation for 15 minutes with us to rest for 1 hour. Although you only meditate for 2 minutes, it will be quite helpful.
Meditation will help you forget the things that can cause stress.

6. When a person experiences stress, a natural reaction if the person is then take it out by eating lots of food. You should know that eating a high carbohydrate-containing foods can increase levels of insulin in the body, where it can make the insulin the body becomes tired and you become a bad mood.

7. Sex is a very good healing to relieve stress. Many doctors say that sex is a tremendous way in reducing anger and stress.

8. If the body is tired, not easy for us in controlling stress. Not getting enough sleep will affect our whole day, and usually we have a bad day because of lack of sleep causes us to concentrate and can not see a problem worse than it should. Sleep is good for adults is 7 hours a day.

Know that every person has the tendency to experience stress in different ways. Actually control the stress is not as hard as dipikikan, is just a matter of how we see things from different angles. Read and follow these tips or techniques to control stress also will help us.

5 reasons why you should Smile a lot


Smiling is an act of the easiest, simplest, least expensive and most enjoyable in the world.

Often we forget this action in our daily lives. We felt it was too exhausted by the work that piled up, pay bills or shop cashier was annoying when shopping.

Dear readers, check out these 5 reasons why you should smile a lot:

A. You will get more happiness

Try to force yourself to smile for 30 seconds from now. Do it anyway when you experience adversity. By getting a smile, no matter how you feel then, in your body would occur chemical reactions that can make you feel happy.
Try and feel the difference.

2. A smile can change your circumstances

If you feel hopeless, angry or bored, a smile would change your emotional state becomes more positive. And a positive state of not only make your life more enjoyable but also opens up other possibilities in your mind. You will see the world differently through the lens of happiness. From there you can begin to build a series of positive action and berinterasksi with many people every day.

3. A smile can change the positions of others

If you walk into a room or go to a store with a smile on your face, will make all the difference. All people will turn to smile at you. This will help dilute any existing tension or stiffness. Your interaction will be more open, relaxed and full of joy.

4. Smiling? What's the harm?

When choosing between a frown, a blank expression or a smile, apparently the last option is the most productive and positive, is not it? You often forget to smile or maybe you do not really like to smile. But if you try to use your smile as often as possible, you will eventually have a new habit, a habit that is much more positive. If you include people who always take into account the advantages and disadvantages to everything, try this question, 'what harm you smiling?'

5. It's easier to smile than it does the opposite

"It takes seventy-two muscles to frown, but only the thirteen muscles to smile."
- Anonymous -

So you actually use a lot less muscle when smiling than when frowning or put your angry face. By getting used to smile, then your smile muscles will become stronger than your muscles to frown, so that over time you will be much easier to smile than to do the opposite.

Reduce Stress in the morning with 10 simple steps

stress terburu-buru 

If we fail to manage time, early morning may be the most stressful time of day in which we live. Many of us are in a hurry in the morning in preparation for work or school. Actually, do not be like this. With a bit of good time management, this can be avoided.

Here are 10 steps to reduce your stress level in the morning:

A. Make preparations in the evening on a regular basis.

Prepare you want to wear clothes in the next day, do not put a lock motor / car carelessly - put in place special, plan your breakfast with a nutritious menu, etc.. These simple actions I think it will not take you more than ½ hour each night and I'm sure this will reduce the majority of you every morning grogginess.

2. Plan what you will do.

Every evening, write down the important agenda of the next day you have to do a full day. When you write, keep the feeling of fear that haunts your mind: what if this, what if that. Just write down your plans and what time you going to do it.

3. Immediately remove the annoying things that you already know.

If your alarm clock noises are terrible, your electric razors often irritate the skin, car / motorcycle distarter you hard in the morning ... immediately correct and eliminate the factors that cause this stress from your life. If you already know these things are annoying you, there's no reason for you to put off fixing the problem.

4. A good rest at night.

Make sure you get enough sleep each night. Determine what time you will start to go into your bedroom. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7 hours a day. If possible set the temperature of your bedroom, do not let you sleep in a state of cold or heat. A good room temperature between 18-25 degrees Celsius.
If you drink coffee, set the time to drink your coffee. Be careful not to consume too late, so you have trouble sleeping at night. Effects of caffeine from coffee to work after 5-6 hours you consume.

5. Get up ½ hour early.

½ hour of time can make a significant difference between the morning you live in peace or in a hurry. As long as you have adequate rest periods, up ½ hour earlier it is not difficult and you will get used in the next few days. Use a ½ hour of time to relax your muscles, hot shower, eat breakfast in peace and do other things beyond belief.

6. Drink a glass of water after waking up.

Our bodies are composed of 60-70% liquid. So water is a very important component and you should not be exposed to dehydration (lack of fluids). If you are dehydrated then your blood will coagulate and this makes your heart pumps 2 x harder. Effect you can get both mental and physical fatigue.
When you sleep longer at night, your body will dehydrate, so it is very important when you wake up, you immediately drink lots of water.

7. Perform relaxation your muscles for 5-10 minutes in the morning.

Do you feel a little terhuyung-huyung/pening when you wake up? Do not be afraid, this is normal. All you have to do is help your blood flow, as the transition from the rigid body as you sleep.
Do a relaxation-relaxation such as pulling your hands up and then move it left and right, pull your knees, standing on tiptoe, and so on. (I'm sure you know the basic movements of gymnastics in the morning). You can also do sit-ups or push-ups if you want.

8. Listen to music and warm water wash.

Music can positively affect the mind, so that it will motivate you. Choose songs that make you feel happy and excited while you do the activity in the morning.
While the warm bath is an experience that can make you feel calm in the morning and make your body into lightly.

9. Trim your residence.

Arrange placements of goods in your house so that you know exactly where the location of your belongings. Put it back in place the items that you are using. So if you want to use it, you do not need to look here and there that can make you stress.

10. For those of you who drive a car / motorcycle, do not come home with a nearly empty gas conditions.

Refuel after you finish the move is not that hard, was it? But why do many people put off doing? Perhaps for that reason want to get home or the condition of your body is very tired, so lazy to stop at the gas pump.
With a rush in the morning plus you must first stop at the gas pump, you can be too late to start your activity, and of course this is not a good start.
Always check your fuel level vacancy on the way home and fill your gas immediately, do not delay.

Life is very short, organize your time effectively. Maybe there will be some exceptions, but the ten steps above will help you overcome most of the stress in the morning and .... someday you will be more to give thanks.

How To Stay Motivated To Finish What You've Started

produktivitas kerja 

There must be one reason why many people often stop a project or completing their task, whether it be small or large task, at certain points. Maybe they feel the task is very difficult to accumulate or to be done so that they are frustrated and stressed. Finally they stopped doing it or at least they think about quitting.

When they are frustrated, will automatically create a barrier in themselves that cause their motivation to continue with the work uninterrupted. Their enthusiasm was high as they do the job the first time will go down very dramatically and the chances of them stopping in the middle of the road to complete the task is enormous.

Is that usually they often do in such times?

They will walk with dragging feet, making coffee and when you meet with someone who is 'right', they will spend a few minutes to talk one-way, complaining about the project or task that they were working. Perhaps unconsciously you've been there.

When they had finished complaining, they were soon back on the job and think with great doubt and hate, how they can accomplish their work is.

Instead of falling on the state you are even more difficult and increase your frustration, I'll try to share 5 ways how you stay productive and motivated to finish what you started and excited about what you do:

1. Break your tasks into smaller parts.

You only need to divide your tasks (break down) into parts of smaller to be more restrained. For example: you have a personal target to open a business. If the thought of you just open a place of business immediately, then you can-it can be frustrating in the middle of the road. You have to do is divide your tasks into tasks that are smaller, such as site surveys, looking for suppliers, administering licensing, find employees, buying equipment and doing business promotion activities. Does not seem to be easier?

By dividing your tasks into tasks that are smaller, will make your work also becomes boring. When you successfully complete one small task, you will feel satisfied and happy. Psychologically this is a valuable capital to step up to the next small task.

But before you proceed to the next task, a good idea to reward yourself, eg buy a cup of Starbucks coffee or anything that can spoil you to celebrate the accomplishments you have done.

When the celebration ended, return to your job and start doing your next small task. I'm sure your current mood will be very different. You will be more productive and more motivated to work. On the one hand you will try to find again the next awards.

2. Take advantage of snowball effect.

Try to find a part of your job is the most fun and start from there. You will easily and quickly finish the job. Maybe you've heard work exam tips: start with the obvious first, leave the past that are difficult questions. If you only dwell on the difficult question, you will be stressed and running out of time, while there are still many questions that have not been done. This same principle was used in completing a task or project you are.

When you are finished working on a fun part of the task, you unconsciously been a step forward towards the completion of your task or project. This of course will increase your confidence and your motivation to complete the next task is more difficult. When you successfully re-completed, self-confidence you are getting high again. This is called the snowball effect.

3. Avoid doing many tasks at once.

Some people have wanted to quickly finish the job properties. This trait is actually good, but that is not good is if it is practiced by performing multiple tasks simultaneously. I also had rather do less good habits like this. Finally, there is no work gets done, it takes a longer time. Flavor-it's even superman could not complete his duties at once.

Focus on what is out there in front of your eyes. Complete your tasks one by one. I guarantee you will be more productive, your motivation level will continue to rise (as I've mentioned in point 1 and 2), and you will get the job done more quickly.

4. Relax and have fun

There was a time when your motivation down and you feel excited. Maybe you have gone through the long days and tiresome, or a very heavy task remaining to be resolved and time-consuming that very much. You are not robots, so I strongly encourage you to leave work temporarily.

Do these things are fun, like watching movies, going to a favorite restaurant, chatting, or get together with your friends.

The goal here is to distract you from your duties as well as reduce stress / frustration you feel. So when you do things that are fun, do not think about the tasks that have not been resolved. Completely forget about total! When you return to your duties, I am sure you will be more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.

5. Rest for a moment.

Rest again? Yes, but this time it was a short break. After you have worked for 40-45 minutes, take a mild break for 3-5 minutes. Recommended that you slightly away from your work area.

The study said that after you work for 40-45 minutes, your brain tends to get tired or slow down. Conditions may not allow you to postpone or abandon the job. But the point is when you feel very tired or you are not able to focus again, rest for a moment. Stretch, drink a glass of water, or take a walk for fresh air. You will get extra energy in an instant, so you will be motivated and eager to resume your work.

5 Make it a part of your life. If you can do it consistently, I think you will be more productive, more enthusiastic, more motivated and have a high sense of self satisfaction.

How to find Happiness in just 5 minutes?

General advice we often hear about how to get happiness is by changing our attitudes or habits. It's very precise, but sometimes in certain situations we need an easy and quick way to get a mental lift us out of the downturn.
The good news is there are simple methods that can be instant mental lift you right away. Below is a list of methods of how you can find happiness in just 5 minutes, the following explanation of how each method works.
Few tips before you read further: If you just read and then nodded his assent ngangguk, you will not get any experience. I strongly encourage you to practice it. No hard and believe me you will get something of that method.
A. Write out a list thanks
"Gratitude is the key to a happy life, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have, we will not be happy - because we always want something else or something more on." - David Steindl Rast -
We often do not realize how many things we can actually thank you. Let me give an example a little to provoke your brain: you can eat three meals a day, you can complete your job, you can go home safely, you can play with your child, you can take a walk with friends, you can medengarkan your favorite song, you are in good health, and many others.
One study says that people whose lives are filled with gratitude reported no significant health problems and feel much better life overall. They even made a positive development for the achievement of important goals in their lives.
Simple 5-minute workout, I sure can change your life:
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Pick up a pen. - Take a piece of paper. - Rewind your brain since you woke up this morning to write you today. - Write down 5 things you are grateful for in your life. - Perform 5 minutes every day to get a permanent benefit.
2. Celebrate the release of a sense of your shackles
"Happiness always looks small if you just hold in your hand, but if you let it go, you will learn just how big and happiness are valuable." - Maxim Gorky -
I will give a few illustrations: one of the things that make us feel good is when we had just recovered from illness. After a long time we lay in bed plus appetite is not good, finally we can be happy because we can move back to normal.
Okay, this exercise will create a mood similar to the above situation.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Connect the alarm to go off in 5 minutes. - Close your eyes in a circle with a piece of cloth. - Perform your regular activities as far as you can afford. - When the alarm goes off, open your eyes closed.
3. Stretch your muscles
"Moving is a drug to make changes to the physical, emotional and mental." - Carol Welch -
People who practice yoga have proven that they have feelings and body condition is much better, even if they do enough sessions short. Yoga is not the consumption of most people and it takes commitment to do so. You can replace it with stretching movements are simple. I used to do that, especially after prolonged sitting in front of the laptop. After doing these stretches, I was feeling better.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Rotate your head slowly clockwise, then counter-clockwise. - Swing your left and right hand circular to the front, then to the rear. - Rotate your waist. Do it in a clockwise direction, after which the counter-clockwise. - Squat down with your feet aligned to the left side. Do the same with his right foot.
4. Take a deep breath
"Take a deep breath and God will come near you. Hold your breath and God be with you. Exhale, then you will draw near to God. Keep blowing and surrender to God. " - Krishnamacharya -
Do you have a deep or shallow breaths? Most people have a shallow breath. To find out try doing the following test: Put your palms on your lower abdomen and take a long breath / in. If you get into the stomach when you breathe in, then you have quite a shallow breath. If instead of your stomach pushed out, then you have a deep breath. No matter you have a deep or shallow breathing, just do the things below.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Inhale for 4 counts (seconds). - Hold your breath for 16 counts. - Remove the breath slowly for 8 counts. - Do this 10 times.
5. Feel your heart rate.
"Happiness is vibrating with each beat of my heart." - Emily Logan Decens -
You've probably heard the advice: be happy, because you live! We all know that we are alive, yet we often rarely 'feel' that we live. The fastest way to realize that your life is to feel the flow of blood through your veins.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Put your finger 2-3 on the inside of your wrist. - Feel the blood flow in each heartbeat. - Count the number of heartbeats per minute if necessary. - Reflect on what your purpose of life.
6. Recall the way your hands
The study found that when you make an attempt to recall the events in your life, then your mind will work for you and will find happiness in these events.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Open up your hand and see. - Remember what your hands have done throughout your life. - Stir up again when the work as detailed as possible when you remember it.
7. Remain in silence
"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when you try to grab it, it will increasingly move away from your reach. However, when you sit quietly, he will come to you. " - Nathaniel Hawthorne -
Silence offers hidden treasures that few people can access it. Many people do not have such access is not because they do not know how, but more in the direction they did not really take the time to remain in silence. Silence may be very uncomfortable at first, because you are familiar with the sounds around you all the time.
How to find happiness in 5 minutes: - Turn off the TV and other devices that emit sound. - Connect the alarm for 5 minutes. - Sit back and listen to the sound of silence. - Feel your ears when listening to the silence.
Dear readers, hopefully useful way above 7 and can motivate you.

11 guaranteed tips that will make you smile and stay positive (part 2)

tersenyum dan tetap positif 

Thank you still with inspirational-and-motivational.blogspot.com. Below is a continuation of the article 11 Tips Guaranteed to Make You Smile and Will Stay Positive (part 1). Happy reading.

7. Take a walk

Activity of the streets contain two major components in improving the quality of our lives, that is to exercise and get closer to nature. Exercising will make us happy and full of positive feelings. So, today wearing sneakers and enjoy a walk around the complex or to a nearby park.

8. It is love Always thank

Starting and ending your day with gratitude saying I am sure will make you stay upbeat and positive. Just need a little time to do so, but will provide a big impact on your life, today and into the future. Enjoy your day and be thankful for all the beautiful things around you.

9. Give Your Time

Time is a precious thing for everyone. Often we hear people say that they do not have enough time and "if" they have more time. However, when they wake up the next day they still have the same time as yesterday, 24 hours.
My point here is, fill your time more meaningful. Make every moment means not only for yourself, but also for people in need, for those you love. Maybe you take the time to read to your daughter's favorite bedtime, you may spend some time each week to walk with your family, or maybe you take the time to participate in a charity / social.
Gives you time to improve the quality of lives of others, will automatically improve your life personally. The result you will smile more and more positive.

10. Try Something New Things.

Trying something new will make life more exciting. Do not mind all the way, we start with the taste. Try to enjoy the new dishes. When next you are thinking of visiting your favorite restaurant, sit in your favorite chair, and ordered the usual dishes you order, try to think back. Go to a new restaurant and order a unique food menu. This is the same as when I first tasted pecel catfish and it tastes good. Whereas before I saw catfish as amusement.
There are many new things you can do in life, such as new hobbies, new collections, new books, and even new ways to come to your home (take a taxi, bus, bike, etc..). Try to do something new every week, and after one year then you will have 52 ways to keep you smiling and positive.

11. 1 Hour Daily Use To Build Your Self.

This is the most important of all. Commit to spend at least 1 hour for your personal development is something that is very important for the quality of your life, like air for your lungs. If you are not growing, then you will not go into your incredible potential. If you do not find your tremendous potential, then how can you achieve what you want in life? Success is not a fortune, but achieved through a commitment and dedication to yourself, developing yourself and your determination to achieve the things you want.
Starting today, take your time at least 1 hour to develop yourself. See, hear and read books, stories, blogs, CDs and DVDs motivation. Fill your mind with positive things and look forward to the changes yourself. Imagine a week, you grow at least as much as 7 times, 30 times a month and 365 times a year! Wow, amazing!

The average man spends 99% of the money to meet the needs of the human body from the neck down, like to eat, drink, buy new clothes, new shoes, etc.. Only 1% of what they spend on the intake of the brain such as books, songs or cd-cd motivation. Whereas 99% otaklah that determines one's success!
do not be stingy or feel loss if you spend your money to get positive things.

Okay dear readers, I hope this article gives a tremendous benefit to you.

11 Guaranteed Tips That Will Make You Smile and Stay Positive (part 1)

tersenyum dan tetap positif 

The life we've been through is not a smooth ride, there is a time we were under, and there is a time we were on top. Sometimes the feelings we experience fluctuations are so fast and sharp.
Tips below will help you minimize these fluctuations. How would you feel happy and stay positive.
In this article I will divide it into two posts. Why is that? ... I wanted to try something new just by making it continued. If later you read in the second post 10 points, there you will know that I'm trying something new.

Okay, here's 11 Tips That Will Make You Smile and Stay Positive:

1. Change Your Desktop Wallpaper

When this computer is no longer rare and have become daily necessities. It seems we can not live without sitting at the computer. So why do not you change your computer wallpaper with a positive or a funny picture that will motivate or make you laugh every time you open your computer. I'm sure your day will be much more cheerful.

2. Laugh Out Loud-loud

Give yourself permission to laugh out loud. It's not like the life of a princess, where they hold a little laugh as she covered her mouth with one hand. From now on, let go of your laughter. Laughter is the best medicine, and of course your performance guarantee to remain positive and cheerful.

3. Look for the New Positive Friends

Joy and positive energy is something that is contagious. Surround yourself with people who always think positive in every situation, will keep your positive energy flowing out. Positive people also have a habit of always smiling. The more smiles, more cheerful life!

4. Gardening .... Why not?

Do not underestimate the activity of gardening. Some experts even suggest to perform the activity if possible. Looking at our crop planting and care, ultimately flowering or fruiting is a very pleasant thing. Moreover, if after that we eat. Yummiiii .....

5. Take Time to Pamper Yourself

Time to pamper yourself is something you also need to prioritize. Like the phone, your spirit and soul also needs to be recharged. Take your time to do things that make you happy. If you like the painting .... melukislah! If you like reading novels .... read it! If you like mountain climbing ... mendakilah! If you like going to a café to enjoy the live music ... go to the café. Whatever it is, take time to pamper yourself. I'm sure after that, you will have a new spirit.

6. Turn off the TV

What? .... But I like watching television.
Several times I review in my articles before it, including the ebook '85 Powerful Ways to Motivate Yourself ', you try to remember back while you watch television, how much you consume negative information, such as murder, battle, brawl, robbery, etc. ..... (I'm sure you can move on its own). Something that comes into the brain is negative, then its output will be negative.
I may be too extreme to turn off the tv, but at least choose the educational channels. I assure you of events such as Super Mario - Golden Ways will make yourself happy and stay motivated positively amazing! part 2

7 ways to reduce Stress Today

mengurangi stress 

Pursued by the deadline, public speaking, was at the peak congestion, tangled finances, rift, this is a few of the many examples of things that can create stress in your life.

Before I speak further, I want to give an emphasis that stress can actually be positive. For example, when you are sitting in school / college and face the test / exam. Face stress test / exam will enhance your abilities. Also suppose that events such as marriage, having babies, or have a new home - these things can actually change your life for the better.

Excluding the positive things above, otherwise the stress can harm your health, your emotional stability and your relationships with others. Signs and symptoms of stress vary depending on each person, such as: headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, depression, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, has no sense of humor, anxiety, overeating, smoking, drinking and even addiction drugs.

So, what can you do to reduce stress in your life? Here are 7 steps that can help release stress:

1. Have realistic expectations

Many people set expectations / goals that are realistic for themselves and others. Actually no one does, because there is proverb that says: "hang the sky-high ambition.".
Replacing the expectation / high goals can improve your skills, but if the expectations / goals can actually carry a negative stress to you, you should reconsider expectations / your goals are.
For example, suppose you currently earn 5 million / month, you then define the target wants to buy a BMW for $ 500 million in 1 year. Hmm ... not one you specify a target buying a BMW, only the time period needs to be realistic, let's say within 5 years. Assuming you've worked so hard and being a general manager with an income of 40 million / month.
Need to be considered also for those of you who installed the expectations / goals for others (usually for your subordinates), the ability of every human being receives the load and face different pressures of each individual. You should be able to see the ability of all of your team and put up a reasonable target that could be accepted by the entire team.

2. Active

Exercise can reduce stress, through the release of endorphins, the hormone-resistant depression who owned the body, so say the experts. Sports activities such as jogging, swimming and aerobics can get rid of excess energy which if ignored can accumulate in the body. Something buried, whatever, is not very good.

3. How to get started earlier

Stress is often caused by a specific situation where you are. Many people for example have a fear of public speaking. But I think all of us was definitely nervous and stress at the first public speaking, is no exception. One of the most effective strategy to deal with this is that you prepare the best possible way, including a visit to the location where you will get used to talking to you. Often people say, to get 'feelingnya' first.
You can also do exercises in front of your family or your friends. But I think in Indonesia, this is rarely the case given our culture that lead you just awkward to speak in front of them.
If you really want to become expert in public speaking, there are also training, such as those held by Mr. James Gwee.

4. Do a break in between your work

Many of us work in environments that require speed and accuracy. You actually have the ability to be able to measure the stress level and your own energy. If you feel your head is very tired, take a break. After all, if forced too, your focus is definitely going to be disrupted. As a result the quality of your work will decline. If possible, go walk out, like to the park for example, to clear your brain.

5. Reduce caffeine

Stress symptoms such as anxiety are very closely related to the amount of caffeine in your body. Many people drank coffee in a day. Try to limit your coffee consumption up to 1 cup a day. Reducing caffeine helps you to sleep well and eventually you'll get more energy.

6. Get enough sleep

Many people do not get enough sleep every day. Seven to eight hours a day is the recommended amount, it varies between each person. You'll know when you get enough sleep, you'll wake up refreshed every day (often naturally we get up before the alarm goes off), so that you will face the day with more energy.

7. Balance between work and play

People who did not allow himself to have fun will get a high stress level. Do not feel guilty when you indulge yourself with exercise, relaxation, entertainment and do your hobbies.

Dear readers, if you are already feeling the signs or symptoms of stress, I suggest you immediately do the tips above, your life becomes so much better.

How to overcome depression and change your life


Depression can have a negative impact on your life. Depression is a feeling experienced by everyone at one time in their lives. This article explains how to overcome depression and change your life by getting rid of the negative effects arising from the depression.

Negative feelings such as sadness, anxiety, and frustration are common emotions felt by many people. Is a natural thing if you feel disappointed after a failure, sadness, separation or loss.

Again, these feelings are normal and in some instances, these feelings can actually be used to our advantage because feelings are showing weakness. Experience arising from the negative conditions in our lives gives us the courage and the will to change our lives and the strength to deal with depression and other negative situations in the future.

When this kind of negative feelings constantly emerge, survive more than two weeks, and begin to interfere with our daily activities, work, diet, sleep and our relationships; then most likely we are depressed and we must find ways to overcome them. The main characteristics of the negative feelings of depression and sadness is very deep and going for a long time.

What are the symptoms of Major Depression Appears In Our Lives?
- Prolonged Grief
- Stamina is low and often feeling tired
- Increased or decreased appetite
- Increased or decreased desire for sleep
- Stress, quick to anger and frustration
- There is no sexual desire
- Do not have expectations about future

What is the Main Cause of Depression?
Lack of Positive Thinking

When someone is depressed, they feel that something bad will happen, and this will happen again and again. In such event, the person sees more bad things to things, consciously or unconsciously. They always focus their attention on the problem and ignore the successes and the successes they achieved.
For someone who is so negative and have a tendency to depression, all that happens is a reflection of the problems and setbacks. Changes in a person or a change in environment, which is a reasonable change, in the mind of someone who is depressed is evidence that something bad happened because of them.

Lack of Confidence

People who are depressed do not have the confidence and they always think everything happens for their failure. Even the slightest mistake they consider to be a big problem and they are the things that drain their attention far greater than people in general.

More attention to the error

In life, we certainly make mistakes, some people make more mistakes. People suffering from depression are more focused on the number of errors they make. As a result, they create a negative impression about the error.

Feeling depressed because of various obligations in Life

In this situation, people always think what they should do and not supposed to do. The result, at the end of the day they were weighed down by a number of commitments. People with this kind of mindset concentrating their minds on the bitterness and frustration and also affects the behavior of those around them.

Feeling Weak

Problems for people who are depressed they feel there is no single thing that could satisfy them. Even when they realize they can improve their mood, they do not do it. The advice they get from their friends and families deemed unnecessary and useless. One of the most they feel is their inability to expect, or inspired by something and pay attention.

They recognize themselves as to what in normal circumstances but they do not like it. They realize what they should do but they are not able to do so. They are aware of what others want from them, but they could not give it. They did not expect at some time the situation will improve. They lose hope and expectations of themselves slowly disappear. At this point, the depression did not let them feel the joy and optimism.

How Do We Overcome Depression?
We can treat depression with the help of a specialist. Advice that a specialist can be very beneficial. Treatment provided aims to improve the biological mechanisms in the mindset that allows a person to feel depressed. To treat depression effectively, you must change your outlook and mindset. By changing the mindset of those who suffer from depression, you can create long-term protection against depression.

How to Overcome Depression with Self-Reliance?
In addition to help from a specialist, you can overcome depression by yourself relying, among other things:

Receiving Yourself and Your Weaknesses

If you are not able to cope with depression alone, and if your efforts do not succeed, the best thing you can do is to accept the shortage. Rather than try to change your life by force, you must accept yourself, with what you feel and concentrate on the things you can do.

Depression will be gone, but we can not predict when depression will occur. Therapeutic progress depends on many factors. You do not need to try to change the things you can not change. Every time you have to do our best to help yourself but at the same time you also have to accept your weaknesses.

Accept the fact that you are depressed and live together in harmony until you got over it. No one likes to feel depressed, but you must understand that it is useless to continue to cope with depression at this point because you do not have the strength, determination, and desire to move forward. Try to accept what is happening within you and around you and wait until your strength back and you feel able to cope with depression.

Get to know Thoughts And Your Negative Feelings

So that you can modify and control the negative thoughts that keep you trapped in a cycle of depression, it is important to recognize those reasons, which is the main cause you to feel depressed.
Techniques that can be used is to record your negative thoughts every day for some time. Then you can spend about 20 minutes each day to identify, classify, and examine such negative thoughts. Note your thoughts and examine the causes of depression that will make you able to recognize the reasons why you are pushed into a bad mental state and end up with depression. By identifying negative thought patterns, you can prevent, and repair even stop the cycle of depression.

How to Deal With Depression Treatment

Although you have good reason to avoid excessive use of drugs, you can overcome depression by using drugs; especially antidepressants.

Antidepressants affect the brain and nerve cells. More specifically, the drugs work by altering the chemical (neurotransmitter), which nerve cells use to communicate with each other.

The anti-depressant is a drug that is safe for use. Such drugs are not addictive; has no harmful side effects and can help you overcome depression. Purpose use of antidepressants is not to resolve your problem quickly, but to give yourself a chance to feel better.
CAUTION: The use of any antidepressant should be done after consultation and prescribing physician.

How to Overcome Depression Using Psychotherapy - The Best Way to Overcome Depression

Depression is an indication that you have a problem within yourself that you have to find a solution. Depression is not just a disease, but the signal from your brain to solve.
Overcoming depression you need to do as a way to develop yourself and return to a life-changing, brain, and your mindset.

Psychotherapy expert can help you understand the psychological reasons that cause depression and offer your support for these difficult processes.

Psychotherapy Can Help You Overcome Depression Through:

- Investigate trigger depression in your mind and your attitude in more depth
- Helps you identify problems that lead to depression which you can solve and which problems you should live your life in conjunction with
- Improve your relationship
- Help you find the happiness of life lost due to depression
- Help you express your feelings better
- Helps you improve your confidence and your self esteem
- Help you to change your life for the better
- Assist you in setting your life goals that will improve the quality of your life

The more healthy and strong you are, the easier it will help you overcome depression with psychotherapy. However it is important for you to develop your personal technique to monitor and control yourself to change the outlook and mindset to overcome depression.

7 habits of happy people


The people who will be happy to have a happy habit anyway; as simple as that. The happiest people I know have a habit 7 is clearly visible in them. If you want to make your life happier, you may want to consider doing these habits in your life.

"Some people are happy to match what they think."
- Abraham Lincoln -

1. Something joined to Take Part in which you are interested - you can follow the activities of any kind. You can take part in activities that are religious, join a group that supports a particular purpose, or climb your career with diligence. In any activity you choose, the psychological nature of the same have achieved. You take part fully in the activities you enjoy. Such activities will bring happiness and meaning in your life.

2. Spend Time with Friends and Family - a happy life is the life that you spent with friends and family. The stronger the personal relationships you have and the more frequent interactions with friends and family, then the happier you are.

3. Think Positive Things - Sometimes people are too concentrated on the negative things and not leaving time to reflect on the things they managed to achieve a positive way. It is natural for a person to correct the situation that does not comply with their wishes and their focus on this, but there must be balance in the set yourself. It is important to reflect on the good things you earn while you correct the bad things. Constantly remind yourself to achieve your personal success each day will have a significant positive impact in your emotional happiness.

4. Use of Resources You Have - The average person usually amazed when they see someone who has a physical shortage showing signs of emotional happiness. How could someone who is in physical condition as it can look so happy? The answer lies in how they use the resources at their disposal. Stevie Wonder could not see, so he uses the ability to hear in the music world, and he now has 25 Grammy trophies as proof.

5. Create a Happy End Every Time - The power of the end is something wonderful. End of an experience that one can change the overall perception of the person. Imagine you're reading a novel that provokes your mind. Now imagine the end of the novel was very bad. Although her story is very tense moments until the end, if you would still recommend the novel to others? People always remember the ending. If the end is a happy ending, it also creates the experience of happiness. Finish what you are doing, finish in good shape, and create a happy ending in your life if possible.

6. Use the Personal Power To Solve Anything - Every person has a unique personal strengths. We have different talents and skills. Emotional happiness will come naturally to those who use personal power to get things done. When you have successfully achieved something by your own skills, the psychological rewards that you earn is worth.

7. Enjoy every happiness as you Earn - the best things that you can enjoy in this world is free. These things appear in a simple form and appear in front of you at the time and place that you can not guess. Such happiness is governed by nature in a particular situation and captured by our senses. Such moments may come when you're looking at the reflection of the setting sun of a pond when you're holding the hands of the people you care about. Recognizing the emergence of such moments would lead to an unexpected happiness in your life.

The difference between focus on the issue and focus on Solutions


Case 1
When NASA sent astronauts into space, they found that the pen was not used in zero gravity (ink will not be drawn out). To solve this problem, they do research for a little over a decade and a cost of $ 12 million.
They designed a pen that can be used in zero gravity, facing upwards, even in the water, on any surface (including glass) and cold temperature 300 degrees Celsius below zero.
And What are the Russians doing?
They use pencils ......
Case 2
One of the most famous case studies in Japanese management is the case of the empty soapbox, which happened in Japan's largest cosmetics company.
The company received complaints from consumers that they buy soap and found it empty. Immediately plunge the complaint directly to the field to the product packaging. Product packaging is part of the production line last before heading to the delivery of the product. They then discovered that there was an empty soap boxes that passed the packaging, with some reason. Management then asked its engineers to solve this problem. The engineers immediately conduct research. They worked very hard and finally found the X-ray machine with high resolution which is operated by two people to watch all the soap boxes that passed, to ensure that the soap box is not empty. No doubt about the results they achieve. They have worked very hard and fast, but they also cost quite a bit.
At the other place, a company with a much smaller scale found similar problems. But they do not use X-Ray machines are very complicated. They are trying to split in different ways. They buy a special fan that is very strong and placed at a point on the packaging. Once the fan is turned on, each soap box passed the fan is empty and it will soon be flying in the wind.
What is the message of the above two cases?
Find all possible solutions to simple problems. Start learning to focus on solutions, not problems.

How To Make A Difficult Task Made Easy

We often face the task of the 'creepy', and not less often do we actually put it off. On the other hand we are busy checking incoming email, but we've checked it five minutes ago, with the hope there is an important email that needs our immediate attention. In stark contrast. There are tasks that require immediate treatment even while we are waiting for other tasks that do not necessarily exist.
If you've never felt it, maybe you know someone who behaves like this.

It actually is a common problem that we often encounter in their daily work. We try to avoid a difficult task because we are afraid to deal with / through it.

The question that often haunts are:
1. What if I give up halfway?
2. What if I can not do it alone?
3. What if I actually looked stupid to do the task?
4. How to .....
5. How to ..... ff.

Negative questions that can kill your motivation once even strong people though, especially if the questions are embedded within the old people.

Below is a concept that you can use if you are facing a difficult task:

Do it now.

This is the same as when you have to do the dishes because the slave to return home. The more you delay, the more dishes to be cleaned and the malaslah also you. Jump off the couch you lazy right now and start immediately.

Believe legal momentum ...... tuh wah what the law of momentum?
To make it easier I'll explain by example, that when you drive a car. Originally must have been hard at all to push a car that is in stationary position. But once the car is moving, you will get a mild boost and over time you can push it up very quickly.

I most often feel the momentum of this law when it will write an article. Well, it seems every time you write a very lazy to start it. But when I started writing, it can not be stopped, until sometimes forget that I've typed for 2-3 hours.

Once you start, you can then identify strengths and weaknesses.
Break down the task into smaller tasks will seem easier to do.

Separate sections of the hard parts easy.

Each task has always been the hard part and the easy part. When you can memisahnya into 2 parts, you can perform these tasks according to your mood. Let's just say you are working with the energy of 1000% in the morning, then choose the hard part for you to do in the morning. If your energy is waning in the afternoon, start doing the easy parts.

Enjoy the challenges faced.

Difficult tasks that are generally avoided because of pain or mental distress that may arise. You are so worried about what if you later frustrated, angry or sad. On the bright side, knowing these feelings is a good first step in building your emotional strength.

My friend once told me, before having children, patience is very minimal. But after having two children, he has patience like a hermit. I was amazed by the level of patience when he asks her gently to stop crying while she was talking on the phone.

You can take advantage of the difficult tasks is to train you to be more patient and more relaxed. Make any event self-development tasks at hand.

Imagine how the task will help shape your future.

difficult tasks that will shape your character so you can be anyone you want in the future.

So cheer up if you get a difficult task. Without a difficult task, you will never have the opportunity to remove your ability to fully and soon you'll be a mediocre.

Find someone who can help you.

Maybe you are traumatized by the difficult tasks that you have previously faced. You feel like you can not do the job alone. That's why finding someone who can help you is very important for your emotional health.

Find someone who has strengths / advantages that are different from you, so you can complement it with your colleagues.

Ask yourself, "Am I the right person for the job?"

There are some tasks that do not match with your skills. You do not become a multi-tasker for anything. If today you become an employee and you are often given tasks / projects that you do not like it, you should immediately make the change. Discuss with your boss, if it does not allow you to get a job you love, consider looking for another job. Remember this phrase: "Do What You Love. Love What You Do ", so you can be successful in your career.

Discuss your thoughts with others.

One of the advantages you perform the difficult task is the knowledge that you will receive. Try to discuss this knowledge with others, whether through blogs, forums, phone or face to face. You'll love the reaction from your listeners.

77 Reasons to Love Your Life

Often we find a reason to hate instead of love of our life. And do you know? Life will hate us back. The following are 77 reasons to love your life. You can choose one, several or even all of you to say and thankful every day.
A. Love your life for all the things you have.2. Love your life for the things that you will receive.3. Love your life for all the certainty that exists today.4. Love your life for your friends you have.5. Love your life to the wonderful trips you are going through.6. Love your life to new friends that you will get.7. Love your life for all the bad advice that you do not follow.8. Love your life for all of your memories.9. Love your life for the people you care about.10. Love your life for the people that you forget, because they will always be there to enrich your life.11. Love your life for your job, because your job is a blessing to others.12. Love your life for jokes that still want to hear.13. Love your life for the wonderful trips you will do.14. Love your life for everything that is uncertain, because it will challenge you in person.15. Love your life for the sunrise you've ever seen.16. Love your life for your sunset still remember.17. Love your life for tomorrow's sunrise.18. Love your life to sundown yesterday.19. Love your life for all the fortune you will receive.20. Love your life for your own health.21. Love your life for all that you can see the beauty around you.22. Love your life for all the evil that is around you, because it is a contrast to the beauty that you ignored.23. Love your life for all the puzzle unsolved.24. Love your life for all unanswered questions.25. Love your life for all of your winnings.26. Love your life for all the good advice you follow.27. Love your life for all of your losses, because they provide valuable lessons for you.28. Love your life for your enemies, because they have so that you learn to forgive.29. Love your life for the little things in your life.30. Love your life for all of your ambitions launch palm.31. Love your life for all the answers you have received to date.32. Love your life for a smile that you receive every day.33. Love your life for the smile you give every day.34. Love your life for a morning full of spirit.35. Love your life for a romantic evening.36. Love your life for the life of you find it back through the eyes of your children.37. Love your life to smell the rain.38. Love your life for the gifts you have to pass.39. Love your life for all of you played the game yet.40. Love your life for the next snow.41. Love your life for all the good ideas that you have today.42. Love your life for all the good ideas that you will have tomorrow.43. Love your life for a surprise tomorrow.44. Love your life for fortune today.45. Love your life for all of your dreams come true.46. Love your life for the past memories, because memories are there to enlighten you.47. Love your life for all the kind words you say are not the people you love.48. Love your life for all the kind words that you hear from the people you care about.49. Love your life for all the good people that you have not met50. Love your life for all of your mistakes, so you can have plenty of time to fix it.51. Love your life for all the adventures that you have not experienced.52. Love your life for all the books that you have not read.53. Love your life for all the books you have written.54. Love your life for all the challenges you must face in the future.55. Love your life for all the stories that you have not heard, write or imagine.56. Love your life for the people who stare at you in the mirror every morning.57. Love your life for families caring for you.58. Love your life for everything that you need to share with others.59. Love your life for all who lost your way, because the loss will provide a place for something bigger.60. Love your life to feel your heart filled with love.61. Love your life for all the dreams that have not been achieved because you will have time to make it happen.62. Love your life for all the opportunities that are waiting for you at the end of the road.63. Love your life to achieve your personal freedom.64. Love your life for everything you have created.65. Love your life for the coolness of the wet season.66. Love your life energy for the summer.67. Love your life for a good rest the night before.68. Love your life for your salvation all day going through this.69. Love your life for all the beauty in you; waiting to be found.70. Love your life for all the fantastic colors that color your life every day.71. Love your life for the beautiful music you hear to this day72. Love your life for the people you've met to this day, because they are your precious world.73. Love your life to the wind hit your face every day.74. Love your life for sudden changes in your plan.75. Love your life for all the fights that you avoid.76. Love your life for all intersections that you encounter every day: they have to offer the best path to choose.77. Love your life for every second that you went through, because the second is what you have, just this minute.
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