I am grateful for .....

berterima kasih
For my partner who often do the work every night, because it means he does not go with anyone else.

For children who do not clean the house, even watching television, because it means he was at home and not roam the streets.

For the taxes I pay, because it means I still have income.

For a messy house after a party, because it means I am still surrounded by friends.

For a narrow dress, because it means I still have sufficient to eat.

For my shadow watching me work, because it means I am still in the lighting.

For the grass to be weeded out, the windows should be cleaned, and a roof that needs fixing, because it means I still have a house to live.

To congestion is often experienced, because it means I still be sufficient to have transportation.

For a grueling walk to work or school, because it means I am still given the gift to walk.

For jobs that pile up, because it means I was entrusted by my boss.

For people who nag, because it means I can still hear.

For piles of laundry and ironing because it means I still have the clothes to be used.

For sore muscles and tired in the afternoon, because it means I am still able to work hard all day.

To the alarm of the 'torture' and wake me up every morning, because it means I was given a life.

And finally ...

For messages that meet the inbox, because it means I still have friends who think I am.

Having friends or relatives who are grieving? Please send this article to them. Hope it helps.


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