5 reasons why you should Smile a lot


Smiling is an act of the easiest, simplest, least expensive and most enjoyable in the world.

Often we forget this action in our daily lives. We felt it was too exhausted by the work that piled up, pay bills or shop cashier was annoying when shopping.

Dear readers, check out these 5 reasons why you should smile a lot:

A. You will get more happiness

Try to force yourself to smile for 30 seconds from now. Do it anyway when you experience adversity. By getting a smile, no matter how you feel then, in your body would occur chemical reactions that can make you feel happy.
Try and feel the difference.

2. A smile can change your circumstances

If you feel hopeless, angry or bored, a smile would change your emotional state becomes more positive. And a positive state of not only make your life more enjoyable but also opens up other possibilities in your mind. You will see the world differently through the lens of happiness. From there you can begin to build a series of positive action and berinterasksi with many people every day.

3. A smile can change the positions of others

If you walk into a room or go to a store with a smile on your face, will make all the difference. All people will turn to smile at you. This will help dilute any existing tension or stiffness. Your interaction will be more open, relaxed and full of joy.

4. Smiling? What's the harm?

When choosing between a frown, a blank expression or a smile, apparently the last option is the most productive and positive, is not it? You often forget to smile or maybe you do not really like to smile. But if you try to use your smile as often as possible, you will eventually have a new habit, a habit that is much more positive. If you include people who always take into account the advantages and disadvantages to everything, try this question, 'what harm you smiling?'

5. It's easier to smile than it does the opposite

"It takes seventy-two muscles to frown, but only the thirteen muscles to smile."
- Anonymous -

So you actually use a lot less muscle when smiling than when frowning or put your angry face. By getting used to smile, then your smile muscles will become stronger than your muscles to frown, so that over time you will be much easier to smile than to do the opposite.


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