Strength of pain and pleasure

Strength of pain and pleasureOur Creator has given the gift of a unique combination of strengths is that we are able to adopt new habits and eliminate unwanted. Whatever we want during the day is only for two reasons. Are we doing something because it gives pleasure or if we do not do that then we will get pain. Mass, you go to work because work gives pleasure, or you do not go to work because if you do not go to work, then eventually you'll get a pain because it does not have resources adequate to provide for the life of the family. Similarly, when you eat, you eat because it gives pleasure or eat, if not, then you starve to death. The same is true of everything we do in this life, now, what results you get from a particular action, is depending on what you associate thereof, pain or pleasure. For example, if you eat for pleasure, then you will live auntuk eat. Conversely, if you eat to avoid pain, then you eat less.We are the ones who associate our actions are caused by pain or by pleasure. That is, choices and beliefs accompanying pain and pleasure in the various actions that we do. Let's be clear again. If you have a bad habit and intends to eliminate it, then there are two things you should do immediately. Either by increasing or reducing the pain and pleasure you have been previously associated, then these habits will procure easy to change. Say that you want to go for a walk in the morning, but due to some things, then that desire did not take place. It tiu means that your pain wake kebih asosiasikansebagai early in the morning. Leave a pleasant bed, and walk-mile bemil more than the perception of pleasure that you would get from a morning walk.Now, if you want to start a walk in the morning and really determined to do it but have difficulty in doing so, then try this. Write down on paper what you actually want to do. now make two columns on a paper and write on one side of pain (ie masalh issues) that you might get, if you do not start it. Let's say that you intend to start the activity of the streets in the morning. In that case, your table will look like the following;The streets in the morning
pleasure| of pain
Being overweight| intelligentIncrease the chances of heart disease appears| active and youngerBecome older quicker| Enjoying close relationshipsBeing lazy and did not seem to actively| looks convincingCan not wear your favorite| outfit to wear my favorite clothesUnable to play with the kids| to play with the kidsThe couple will lose our desire| to Attract the opposite sexEtc.| Etc.
Bahkand apat building meets these pain and pleasure in the form of images. Just as you can cut out pictures of a fat, lazy, and sick, then paste your bed's room and just as fun, put some pictures of people who seem smart, handsome, and young enough as a means to motivate you to get up from where you sleep. So is the case, if you really want to do something in your life, has a mission, but lack of initiative, then do the same thing. Ask yourself:• What would happen if you do not achieve it?• What would happen if you reach it?Say, you have to develop a reading habit and lack the motivation to do so. Return, you must do the same thing. Once you do, tempelkanlah the place where you can see twenty to thirty a day. And look what happened. At the next table, make dafatr all the good habits you want to adopt or all of the bad habits that you want to lose and then write down next to her pain and pleasure. If you lack such data. So get in and find data."" Then, surely your Lord (forgive) for people who work on errors due to ignorance, then they repent after this and (her), surely your Lord after that is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (An-Nahl [16] ; 119)


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