Pursued by the deadline, public speaking, was at the peak congestion, tangled finances, rift, this is a few of the many examples of things that can create stress in your life.
Before I speak further, I want to give an emphasis that stress can actually be positive. For example, when you are sitting in school / college and face the test / exam. Face stress test / exam will enhance your abilities. Also suppose that events such as marriage, having babies, or have a new home - these things can actually change your life for the better.
Excluding the positive things above, otherwise the stress can harm your health, your emotional stability and your relationships with others. Signs and symptoms of stress vary depending on each person, such as: headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, depression, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, has no sense of humor, anxiety, overeating, smoking, drinking and even addiction drugs.
So, what can you do to reduce stress in your life? Here are 7 steps that can help release stress:
1. Have realistic expectations
Many people set expectations / goals that are realistic for themselves and others. Actually no one does, because there is proverb that says: "hang the sky-high ambition.".
Replacing the expectation / high goals can improve your skills, but if the expectations / goals can actually carry a negative stress to you, you should reconsider expectations / your goals are.
For example, suppose you currently earn 5 million / month, you then define the target wants to buy a BMW for $ 500 million in 1 year. Hmm ... not one you specify a target buying a BMW, only the time period needs to be realistic, let's say within 5 years. Assuming you've worked so hard and being a general manager with an income of 40 million / month.
Need to be considered also for those of you who installed the expectations / goals for others (usually for your subordinates), the ability of every human being receives the load and face different pressures of each individual. You should be able to see the ability of all of your team and put up a reasonable target that could be accepted by the entire team.
2. Active
Exercise can reduce stress, through the release of endorphins, the hormone-resistant depression who owned the body, so say the experts. Sports activities such as jogging, swimming and aerobics can get rid of excess energy which if ignored can accumulate in the body. Something buried, whatever, is not very good.
3. How to get started earlier
Stress is often caused by a specific situation where you are. Many people for example have a fear of public speaking. But I think all of us was definitely nervous and stress at the first public speaking, is no exception. One of the most effective strategy to deal with this is that you prepare the best possible way, including a visit to the location where you will get used to talking to you. Often people say, to get 'feelingnya' first.
You can also do exercises in front of your family or your friends. But I think in Indonesia, this is rarely the case given our culture that lead you just awkward to speak in front of them.
If you really want to become expert in public speaking, there are also training, such as those held by Mr. James Gwee.
4. Do a break in between your work
Many of us work in environments that require speed and accuracy. You actually have the ability to be able to measure the stress level and your own energy. If you feel your head is very tired, take a break. After all, if forced too, your focus is definitely going to be disrupted. As a result the quality of your work will decline. If possible, go walk out, like to the park for example, to clear your brain.
5. Reduce caffeine
Stress symptoms such as anxiety are very closely related to the amount of caffeine in your body. Many people drank coffee in a day. Try to limit your coffee consumption up to 1 cup a day. Reducing caffeine helps you to sleep well and eventually you'll get more energy.
6. Get enough sleep
Many people do not get enough sleep every day. Seven to eight hours a day is the recommended amount, it varies between each person. You'll know when you get enough sleep, you'll wake up refreshed every day (often naturally we get up before the alarm goes off), so that you will face the day with more energy.
7. Balance between work and play
People who did not allow himself to have fun will get a high stress level. Do not feel guilty when you indulge yourself with exercise, relaxation, entertainment and do your hobbies.
Dear readers, if you are already feeling the signs or symptoms of stress, I suggest you immediately do the tips above, your life becomes so much better.
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