66 best time management quotes

Here are 66 best time management quotes grouped by topic:On time
Better to come 3 hours earlier than 1 minute late.William Shakespeare
Time is the best teacher
Time is the wisest counselor ever.Pericles
Time is the school where we learn, time is the fire we burn.Delmore Schwartz
You do not waste time if you spend your time wisely.Rodin
Over time, the time to teach you many things.Aeschylus
History makes a wise man.Francis Bacon
Use your time wisely
Time is something most of us want, but what we use worst.William Penn
The average man does not care about the time, while the wise use of time well.Shoppenhauer
Time = life: therefore, nothing wasted your time and your life, or master your time and your life.Alan Lakein
Do not be fooled by the calendar. Calendar only contains the number of days in a year you can use. A person can gain valuable first week in 1 year, while others gain valuable first year within 1 week.Charles Richards
The key lies not in how you spend the time, but in investing your time.Stephen R. Covey
Ordinary people only think about how to spend the time. People think of how to use it.Author Unknown
Take the decision to never remain silent. People will never need more time to complain if he never lost time. Many things which we can achieve if we are always working to do something.Thomas Jefferson
Use time as possible, do not miss the opportunity.William Shakespeare
Today, the same as the other times, a precious time, if we know what we should do with the time available.Ralph Waldo Emerson
A person who dared to throw the first hour of life is not someone who appreciates life.Charles Darwin
Do you love life? Do not waste time, because time is an important part in your life.Benjamin Franklin
If you've managed to take advantage of the time, you will understand the fact that most people misjudge things they can accomplish in one year - and underestimate what they can get in 10 years.Anthony Robbins
Recheck your priorities
If you want to use your time as possible, you need to know things that your priorities and do the best to achieve it.Lee Iacocca
It is not enough to occupy yourself; ants were busy. His question is, what are you busy?Henry David Thoreau
Notice the little things
Use every minute and every hour there will be very valuable.Lord Chesterfield
You're writing your life story through every moment that you are going through.Doc Childre and Howard Martin
Do a few things
Do two things simultaneously is tantamount to not doing anything.Publius Syrus
One can not engage in too many affairs: the same as if you try to hold the pumpkin in water, one by one the pumpkin will appear while you're trying to hold others in the water.Chinese Proverb
Focus on the present
Never let a day which was then seized the day here.Richard H. Nelson
I do not think about the past. The only thing that matters is that you are currently living.W. Somerset Maugham
Most important is how you use your time today. If you feel bored with how you spend your time, then change your habits.Marcia Wieder
Realize that at this moment, you're working. You are creating your next moment. That's the reality.Sara Paddison
The time to act is now. Never too late to do anything.Carl Sandburg
You can not procrastinate doing good, because you never know if you are too late to do it.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Is this the right time or not right, that's the only time we have.Art Buchwald
Today is a new beginning.God has given me this day for my best.I was able to waste my time or use it for good.What did I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.If tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever, leaving something in its something I have done.I want to grab something on that day, not missing something; good not evil; success rather than failure; so I do not regret the price I paid for it.Author Unknown
When you pass you will never get back
He has a long and meaningful life, and time is not utilized is a loss.Thomas Fuller
Someone who is grieving is always someone who spends time.Dante
Losses can be replaced with industrial materials, loss of knowledge by study, lost health by self-control or drugs, but we passed the time will be lost forever.Samuel Smiles
Money can I earn or release. But time is something that I can not get. So I should spend my time wisely.Author Unknown
One thing that you can not recycle is wasted time.Author Unknown
Time lost will never be found again.Author Unknown
The importance of time
The only thing that belongs to us completely is the time; even someone who has nothing definite has the time.Baltasar Gracian
Time is the most valuable thing that can be used by someone.Theophrastus
Time is money.Benjamin Franklin
Obtain the time was tantamount to getting everything in love, trade, and war.John Shebbeare
Until you value yourself, you can not appreciate the time you have. Until you appreciate the time you have, you can not use the time well.M. Scott Peck
Your best resource is your time.Brian Tracy
You can not kill time without injuring eternity.Henry David Thoreau
Time is the most valuable thing a person can be utilized.Diogenes Laertius
Time is most precious and most likely disappear from all we have.John Randolph
Time is the only capital owned olehmanusia, and he must not lose time.Thomas Edison
Until we can manage time, we can not manage anything else.Peter F. Drucker
Do not delay
What can you do whenever you can accomplish in a short time.Scottish Proverb
The wise man to do something immediately what fools do in the end. Both do the same thing, only at different times.Baltasar Gracian
A valuable task completed successfully is much more valuable than the hundreds of newly completed some task.Malcolm S. Forbes
Thinking too long to do the same thing sometimes means not doing anything.Eva Young
One year from now you'll wish you had started something today.Karen Lamb
The best way to be late is to have plenty of time.Leo Kennedy
While we delay, life continues.Seneca
You may delay, but time is not.Benjamin Franklin
Do not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today.Benjamin Franklin
Do not make excuses, you are in control
You will never find time for everything. If you want time, you must provide it.Charles Bruxton
Do not say you do not have enough time. You have the same amount of time each day with the time given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.H. Jackson Brown
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you who control it.Michael Altshuler
Time is the currency of your life. Time is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how you can spend your time. Be careful in using it or someone else will spend your time.Carl Sandburg
I will follow the course of time management .. as soon as I can arrange my schedule.Louis E. Boone
Actually, people can choose how they will spend their time; is not the time to be a problem but it will.Sir John Lubbock
People who do not use their time well are the ones who complain about how short the time they have.Jean De La Bruyere
Dividing line between success to failure can be expressed through the four words: "I do not have the time."Franklin Field


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