17 Tips to Overcome Stress in Life and at Work

Stress is the mental state of the most popular in this century. Try to recall how many people you meet says that they are experiencing stress or maybe you yourself are experiencing?
Stress is not a disease, but if you can not handle it in a certain time, you will be exposed to many health problems.

Some time ago I read an article saying that:
- More than 40 million people in Europe or at least 1 in 3 workers say they experience stress in the workplace.
- Stress at work is a second problem that often occurs in addition to the problem of back pain.
- From the survey also said that more than a quarter of workers absent for 2 weeks (accumulation) within a year because of health problems caused by stress.
I apologize for not getting the results of the survey in Indonesia, but I expect more or less the same.

Previously I would say a few main things that can cause stress in the workplace:
- The working conditions are always under pressure
- Unclear tasks assigned
- A very high demand items
- Lack of planning work
- The threat among employees
- Shouts and curses of the consumer
- Friends of work that has always bothered
- Physical discomfort, such as a noisy engine sound, and so less ventilation.
- And the worst, the lack of improvement to address the above issues.

These things can cause physical and mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, nervousness, unable to focus for long periods and prolonged fatigue.
If there is anything above that you feel .... hmmm, I think you should immediately change your daily activities both at work and in your life as a whole.

Here are 9 tips to overcome stress in the workplace:

1. Plan your activities well: what, why, how, when and who is responsible for these tasks. It is important to plan not only long-term but also short-term (monthly plan, daily plan).

2. Certainly in the past you have experienced problems in the workplace. Try to remember again is there any ways that you can use to solve the problems you face today.

3. Come build a good working climate, that is by being open and communicating with fellow coworkers.

4. Make sure you understand the tasks and responsibilities, and do not hesitate to ask.

5. Do this several times a break for a few minutes while you work. Relax and DO NOT DO ANY. Take a deep breath.

6. Have the attitude of tolerance towards fellow colleagues. Remember that each person is unique, for example: some people actually perform better under pressure while others need more time to finish the job.

7. Delegate some of your responsibilities to your subordinates.

8. Keep your team spirit, for example by doing small celebrations, sports or recreation together.

9. Provide a good working environment. Minimize distractions such as noise, ventilation, light and temperature.

Besides the stress in the workplace, in life in general we can experience stress for several reasons.

Here are 8 tips to overcome stress in life:

1. Do pemijitan body (body massage), as well pemijitan for relaxation and normalizing blood pressure. After pemijitan, you will experience improved quality of sleep which of course would be better to restore your fatigue.

2. Exercising regularly is very important in combating stress. Exercise will mobilize our muscles, accelerate blood flow and open the lungs for more oxygen mangambil. The impact you will get a more restful sleep and better health.

3. Do it your hobby, like fishing, hiking or whatever you like. You can also do the adventure you've never experienced before such as rafting suppose.
Perform activities such as this can eliminate the thoughts that cause stress.

4. Assumption that a lot of beer, wine or whiskey can relieve stress. In fact, water was the one who can relieve stress. Research shows that drinking a glass or two glasses of wine can indeed cause us to relax the time, but after missing the alcohol effects, stress is likely to wake you up at night.
By drinking lots of water will help restore your body from lack of fluids, because of lack of fluids can cause fatigue.

5. Do the meditation. Health experts say that a very powerful tool in overcoming stress is meditation. Meditation helps clear the mind and improve concentration. It has been proven that meditation for 15 minutes with us to rest for 1 hour. Although you only meditate for 2 minutes, it will be quite helpful.
Meditation will help you forget the things that can cause stress.

6. When a person experiences stress, a natural reaction if the person is then take it out by eating lots of food. You should know that eating a high carbohydrate-containing foods can increase levels of insulin in the body, where it can make the insulin the body becomes tired and you become a bad mood.

7. Sex is a very good healing to relieve stress. Many doctors say that sex is a tremendous way in reducing anger and stress.

8. If the body is tired, not easy for us in controlling stress. Not getting enough sleep will affect our whole day, and usually we have a bad day because of lack of sleep causes us to concentrate and can not see a problem worse than it should. Sleep is good for adults is 7 hours a day.

Know that every person has the tendency to experience stress in different ways. Actually control the stress is not as hard as dipikikan, is just a matter of how we see things from different angles. Read and follow these tips or techniques to control stress also will help us.


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