becomes "your" new

becomes "your" new
So, if you are ready to travel and have a clear mental picture of "you" is new, then look again and again every day. Throw out the word "not" from your  dictionary. Give yourself the words that are full of passion every time in every day.
Tell yourself how wonderful you are. Look in the mirror and think to yourself that you can do this by creating a mental picture of yourself, how you became who you want, then you've put it in your subconscious. In a few weeks, you will train the right brain left brain hemispheres to receive your new picture. Build up a picture does not happen overnight; it is a conscious process of continuous fan. Rest assured that you practice all the principles of the mind:
Always think positively
Develop a positive belief
Replace the neutral words or dwarf with big words or positive
• Replace negative words with neutral words
Events that you watch and the people you meet should be consistent with the picture of your new
Read and check out all things, in favor of a new picture of you and give yourself the energy and motivation
Keep focused on your goals
Bring your best self is always in every activity you do
Remain patient and steadfast
We are the same hardware. The only difference between a winner and a loser is the software, that is your mind and the commands and signals you give to get the most out of your mind machine.


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