Do not accept responsibility for causing the low self esteem

The agreement that psychologists as well as food, clothing, and shelter, and other centres, then everyone should be respected. What would you do if you are very hungry and you don't have anything to eat? First, you'll be trying to find food and selemah-lemahnya request. In the end, you will not feel the objection to steal or follows from other people. Why? If I really need something (because he is the basic needs) and cannot get it available internally, then I will try get it externally.
The same is true for the emotional needs. Respect is the emotional needs. Ideally speaking, if someone had a self-image or sense of high prestige because of their accomplishment, contribution to the community and good character, then they need to be respected would appear internally. He would not worry about what other people think because he knew himself. He's not going to force other people to respect him. The dwarf will have the respect and appreciation of the lower self, and then they need to be respected by others higher.
What do you think about self respect from someone who is intentional or not, it is often said that he:
• Not useful
• Lost control of himself
• Is a fail
• Can not do anything
• Hanging on to others for almost every thing in her life
• Not able to specify your own decisions about his life
• Cannot plan the days or his life according to his will
It is clear, these people will have a very low self respect. A person with high self appreciation of responsible and caring. They know and acknowledge that:
• Yes, some people may be more special, but I want to put more effort into refine it
• Yes, I believe our fate is completely in the hands of our own
Yes, I have no control over any yan happens to us but how we choose to be fully responded to the end of our lives.


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