Do not ever let your dreams elapsed

A teacher asked all students, career what would be their choice someday. All students expressed ilihannya, such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, businessmen, and so forth. There is a child who is black and poor in the class, which does not have a father. His mother worked odd jobs to support a large family. When the child's turn came, everyone pay attention to her face. To avoid embarrassing condition, he thinks that he must say something of the order, his friends did not laugh. Then he said, "I want to be president of America". Came the laughter of children in the classroom because they really know very poor condition. Then the child came home crying and told his mother. She asked her mother: "if we are so poor that I can not even dream of becoming a president?""" And it will We give trial to you, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. and give glad tidings to those who wait. (Al-Baqarah [2]; 155)

Her mother replied, "my son, it's up to you, whether you accept responsibility for your life today and become what you say to your friends or else be prepared to continue to be embarrassed sepanjanga life". His mother's sentence has been changed forever the lives of poor children. He promised himself kerpada miminya to realize it. Long story short, the poor child was the youngest to become a member of congress, which is twenty-eight years old in 1996. In an interview on tv, she told him that he took five Beals years to work hard and are committed and strive without compromise to reach its level, but in fact his life has changed in the time he received his dream of ownership and responsibility for mewujdkannya."" Do not be weak, and not (too) ye grieve, And you're the people who most High (degree), if ye are believers. (ali-Imran [3]: 139) ""


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