The mind is a servant for you not the employer

The mind does not have capacity to decide or judge, it is the duty of your conscious choice. The task of the mind is simply record information and present it to fit your needs. I believe that the mind is exactly as you are obedient servant and do whatever is ordered consciously or unconsciously by the employer.A waiter looked at his master used to send and drink a glass of milk every night at 10 pm for several months. One night, when she felt forgotten or do not drink a glass of milk, then what is done by an efficient servant? Then, he will bring a glass of milk, thinking that his mind must have been forgotten. The same thing happened to you when you do something you never thought to do so or to remember a bad experience when you do not want it. That is not the fault of your mind. It is your fault because you did not tell your mind that you do not want to do it or remember it.There are two ways to do this. Tell your waiter that you do not need milk. Repel by not taking a glass offered by your waiter. If it meets these ministers rejected without telling you that you have changed your diet and do not need milk anymore, he'll probably bring it back tomorrow. But if you take the glass, then you give the message that you liked it and would drink it every time given to you, so that he will continue to bring it to you.Mind you usually see you fall asleep every night at ten o'clock precisely. One night you do not sleep on time. Then he would remind you that it is time for you to sleep, maybe it's the yawn, you may keep the commandments of your mind to recognize that you are tired, when you justify it then you feel more tired. If you tell your mind still and say that you do not want to sleep at ten o'clock from then onwards, he would understand his message, if you do not say it not once but several times it is possible he will not bother you again. Here's the winners control their body through the mind is never controlled by the mind. You are the master and the servant of your mind, there is no other way.In this way, you can stretch yourself, your body and mind to the level of the infinite. There is no limit to the human mind and body, no one put a tube in her. If this is not true, how man can achieve an astonishing achievement in their lives? If you can not live without getting three meals a day, or feel tired if you have not slept for ten hours or feel tired after working for six hours, then that's how you've trained your mind. No one can change it yourself unless you reprogram the way your mind. Whatever you have worked, say, think, watch, watch, see, hear, is recorded in the memory of your mind and will become a reality. Consciously or not you have to record it and only you can program it again and record the data of positive and contains a new strength. There is nothing that happens automatically, there is always a cause. You are the architect of your destiny. Do not ever forget an old saying, "put out the garbage is garbage" because if that is what you save in the memory of your mind, then that is what will come out of it. Rest assured that you have entered into your mind what you want to get out of it.Your mind can not give something that does not have to you. Make sure that you have entered into it what you want from it. Take a sample to make sure you get it right. Your waiter and waitress were talking about your neighbor's employer. Steward of your neighbors you ask the waiter, "Can employer fix the car? Suppose I could. "To answer this question, your waiter will fetch the data quiet for a moment about the employer's dam. If he ever saw his master doing everything yourself, hear say "yes" to everything to his wife and children, for example, 'everything is possible'. 'I can do it'. 'There is nothing I can do'. Then the answer to your pelayana is "yes". Your mind also is your servant and not be able to build a story based on his desire. If he often sees you do and say everything is positive, whenever someone asks you, "Can you do this job?", Automatically, you say with confidence aka "yes".If you do not mind not to give positive answers to you, then it is in because of the absence of something positive that can be provided to you. You bertangggung responsibility for it. Then Make sure that you do not train your mind to failure but success. Get ready to re-program your mind for success, before you begin your journey toward kasuksesan."" And when they turn away (from truth), God turn their hearts, and Allah does not guide the wicked. (Al-Saff [61]; 5) ""


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