Be what you want?

Be what you want?The mind can not make decisions, assess or provide advice on the elementary desires. If he did, then he said what you said to him. If you love someone, or do not like someone and your mind reminds you about the bad experiences you have, then that's what you have rekamkan into it consciously or not.Let us assume that you are so influenced by the personality of someone like idol, but you also continue to watch, read, and listen to some of the celebrities. Because your mind has no capacity or authority to vote on the basis of his will, he will record the information. because the mind sees you watching, reading, listening, and talking about celebrities, most of the time, he considered that you want to be like that.The only way for the mind to learn the pleasure of your data is based on what you do, say, listen, watch, a tert-time, based on facts and information that you are recording. Watching, listening, speaking, and hearing about celebrity, then gradually you will be more likely to be like them. Your pleasure, the way you think, talk, lifestyle, habits, dress, and everything will be more likely to be like them. Why? Because it is thought the message you get when he saw the watch, listen, and hear about anyone. You can not become your idol figures, by watching, reading, listening, and talking about other people. If you continue to associate with businesses every day, then chances are your size to be a businessman and not a social worker or a religious leader. So rest assured that you watch, look, listen, listen, and speak whatever you want.


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