11 Guaranteed Tips That Will Make You Smile and Stay Positive (part 1)

tersenyum dan tetap positif 

The life we've been through is not a smooth ride, there is a time we were under, and there is a time we were on top. Sometimes the feelings we experience fluctuations are so fast and sharp.
Tips below will help you minimize these fluctuations. How would you feel happy and stay positive.
In this article I will divide it into two posts. Why is that? ... I wanted to try something new just by making it continued. If later you read in the second post 10 points, there you will know that I'm trying something new.

Okay, here's 11 Tips That Will Make You Smile and Stay Positive:

1. Change Your Desktop Wallpaper

When this computer is no longer rare and have become daily necessities. It seems we can not live without sitting at the computer. So why do not you change your computer wallpaper with a positive or a funny picture that will motivate or make you laugh every time you open your computer. I'm sure your day will be much more cheerful.

2. Laugh Out Loud-loud

Give yourself permission to laugh out loud. It's not like the life of a princess, where they hold a little laugh as she covered her mouth with one hand. From now on, let go of your laughter. Laughter is the best medicine, and of course your performance guarantee to remain positive and cheerful.

3. Look for the New Positive Friends

Joy and positive energy is something that is contagious. Surround yourself with people who always think positive in every situation, will keep your positive energy flowing out. Positive people also have a habit of always smiling. The more smiles, more cheerful life!

4. Gardening .... Why not?

Do not underestimate the activity of gardening. Some experts even suggest to perform the activity if possible. Looking at our crop planting and care, ultimately flowering or fruiting is a very pleasant thing. Moreover, if after that we eat. Yummiiii .....

5. Take Time to Pamper Yourself

Time to pamper yourself is something you also need to prioritize. Like the phone, your spirit and soul also needs to be recharged. Take your time to do things that make you happy. If you like the painting .... melukislah! If you like reading novels .... read it! If you like mountain climbing ... mendakilah! If you like going to a café to enjoy the live music ... go to the café. Whatever it is, take time to pamper yourself. I'm sure after that, you will have a new spirit.

6. Turn off the TV

What? .... But I like watching television.
Several times I review in my articles before it, including the ebook '85 Powerful Ways to Motivate Yourself ', you try to remember back while you watch television, how much you consume negative information, such as murder, battle, brawl, robbery, etc. ..... (I'm sure you can move on its own). Something that comes into the brain is negative, then its output will be negative.
I may be too extreme to turn off the tv, but at least choose the educational channels. I assure you of events such as Super Mario - Golden Ways will make yourself happy and stay motivated positively amazing! part 2


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