Ways to Boost Self Esteem


Low self esteem can come from feeling like a failure or a fear of failure. Winston Churchill talked about being courageous in the face of failure. A person with low self esteem may be afraid to try something new. This quote tells us failure is okay. Don't let failure hold you back. You may boost your self esteem by:

Deciding you are a worthy person

Becoming aware of your special skills and abilities

Helping other people (helping family, friends, community, or by getting involved with political or social causes)

Deciding You are a Worthy Person

People with fabulous self esteem feel like they have a purpose for being alive. It can be based on personal characteristics or their accomplishments. People who receive unconditional love are more likely to experience affirmation of their worth than people who grow up in families that are achievement-oriented or abusive. If you don't get that kind of affirmation from the outside, you might be able to get it through philosophy or religion.

Using Your Special Skills or Abilities

The best way to find out your special skills or abilities is through experience. For example, most babies start walking before the age of two. When a baby starts walking, they usually only go a few steps while holding furniture. Walking takes skill, and many children are able to walk long distances before going to kindergarten. Trying a new skill can be awkward. Don't let that stop you. If you try something and you decide you don't like it (for instance, singing or playing the guitar), you might decide to pursue other skills instead.

No two people are alike. Some people are more intellectual than others. People who are intellectual are not always good at playing sports and vice versa. When you recognize your special abilities and you use them, you gain positive experiences. Some of the ways to find out your special abilities is by getting compliments from other people or by getting awards. Just remember, everyone is unique.

Helping Other People

When you help other people, you have a chance to focus on them and not on your problems. You may decide to help family or friends. You might help people through your community by providing services to them. You also have a chance to get involved with political causes or social issues. This can be a way to get compliments from others or to improve your skills.


When you feel worthy, use your special skills and abilities, and help other people, you start feeling better about yourself. When you have low self esteem, you don't reach your potential, and you may decide you have no purpose in life. With fabulous self esteem, you can overcome difficult situations and become better at dealing with those situations. You also feel confident in your skills, and you are able to reach out to other people when you need help. You find other people who appreciate you, and you feel like you have a reason for being alive.


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