The essence of self confidence is that you trust yourself that you can achieve your goal. To build self confidence you have to believe in yourself. You do not think or worry about failure. In the event of failure, you do not get demoralized. Self confidence gives you the courage to accept failures as part of a learning curve which will eventually lead to success. Fear does not prevent you from doing the things you want to do.
People who do not have confidence in themselves have a tendency to worry and entertain a fear for the consequences of their actions. The question often asked is how to build self confidence?
These ten tips will help you build your confidence and guide you to success.
1. It Is said that "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." Believe in yourself that you have the abilities to succeed and start from there.
2. Self confidence is all in your mind. Think positively and associate with positive thinkers. They are the ones who will motivate and inspire you to achieve success. Dissociate yourself from negative thinkers.
3. Talk positively. In discussions, where ever possible take a positive attitude. This will help you to be in a positive frame of mind.
4. Talk about your successes and accomplishments and not about your disappointments and failures. Constantly remind yourself of all the good things you have done and the appreciation received. This will make you feel great and increase your self confidence.
5. If you are doing certain tasks for the first time, do not give into fear. Think that you have done similar things before and take on the tasks with confidence.
6. Identify a person among your friends or relatives who is enthusiastic and confident in himself or herself. Choose that person as a role model and try to imitate his confident attributes and mannerisms.
7. Avoid criticizing your looks, height, weight or color. Accept what you are. Constantly reminding yourself of any of these negative attributes will only bring down your confidence level.
8. Do not keep away from gatherings. Join in the conversations and express your point of view confidently. The more you participate the more opportunities you create to build self confidence.
9. Each person is blessed with some special attribute. It could be painting, music, craft work or even remembering numbers. Identify it. Develop it and display it with confidence. Special attributes are always recognized and appreciated.
10. Don't worry about your past failures. Do not think of what could have been? Recollecting the past will make you feel depressed. Past is past. The future is uncertain. Think of the present and work with confidence. Success will be the outcome.
These tips will help you build self confidence but remember it is all up to you to take the initiative. All this is beautifully put in a nut shell by Paula Cole -"It's me who is my enemy, Me who beats me up, Me who makes the monsters, Me who strips my confidence."
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