Right now it appears we have two classes of individuals in the USA. No, I'm not talking about the rich and the poor: I am talking about those who are self motivated and those who are self medicated. I have personally been out of work many times during my former radio career, and I can tell you it's no fun. But once there you have certain steps to follow to get a job, and there are certain things to do which can help you succeed, just as there are certain things to do which can lead you to failure.
When I found myself unemployed, I began reading inspirational books, listening to motivational tapes, networking with successful individuals, and what's really important is, I would be honest with them and ask them for advice. It's amazing how much good advice you can get if you ask the right people. I sent out resumes, connected with everyone I could, and I kept up my attitude by realizing that life is full of cycles and this was just my down cycle. Now, here's what I didn't do. I didn't get drunk, I didn't do drugs to escape from reality, and I didn't seek psychiatric help because, "woe is me", I was depressed.
Self medicated or self motivated? That's the question everyone needs to ask when times get tough. I admit I had it easier than most, because I don't drink alcohol in the good times so it wasn't something I turned to readily in the bad times. I don't do drugs either so I had no drugs to turn to. In addition, I have a work ethic and have always hated being on unemployment payouts, or food stamps, or whatever, because I considered those things to be handouts, even though I always deserved them because I pay into them with my taxes.
The problem today is the government has made it so easy for people to claim disability, food stamps, free housing, medicaid, medicare, and every other kind of medi, that when tough times come, many people feel it is there responsibility to fall apart, and claim dependence on something. That something may be the government or it may be medication or alcohol or therapy, but many Americans have grown up being weak by watching others who have followed the same pattern. This is a pattern of getting self medicated and must be replaced with a habit of being self motivated.
Come on Americans. Get off the welfare, food stamps, and medi this and medi that, get off the alcohol and 6 packs every Friday night, the pills and smoking dope, and start watching the news, realize this country is slipping away, and start voting for someone other than who the news tells you is leading in the polls. Vote for someone who will help you get off the free this and free that. Start calling your politicians and start getting involved with your country instead of being so involved in your escapes from reality and your 6 packs. Put down the 6 pack of beer and bucket of fried chicken and pick up a motivational book. It's time for Americans to get self motivated and get away from being self medicated.
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