Self Motivation Techniques The Simplest Ways to Keep Your Eye on the Goal

There are days when a person's drive is particularly low.

There doesn't seem to be any energy left to do anything else, even though no energy has been exerted for any productive activity whatsoever.

Once this feeling sets in, problems like procrastination and putting off schedules arise and the situation worsens.

There are a couple of simple self motivation techniques that are guaranteed to get you off the lazy train and keep you up and running.

Self Motivation Techniques that Actually Work

One of the oldest self motivation techniques is the setting of rewards and punishment.

This method has been employed by science to incorporate behaviour training among animals, young children, and even adults.

It is important to take some time for rewards and enjoyment after a long day's work. These "reward days" have to be regular and consistent, and the person needs to be able to trust himself to stick to that schedule, otherwise it will result in failure and depression.

Self motivation techniques that include punishment does not necessarily mean that of the corporal - or physical - form.

Punishment can come in various forms, such as having to stay home and work instead of going out with friends because of a deadline that has not been reached.

Likewise, punishments need to be consistent and followed rigidly, otherwise motivation will quickly die out because of a lack of consequence.

Exercise and movement have also been found to be effective self motivation methods.

The more sedentary the person is, the less likely he will be willing to work.

People tend to want to stay in their current state, so if one is more active than the other, that person will most likely stay active for longer periods of time. Daily exercise could be the first step in managing this problem.

Taking a regular walk for at least thirty minutes will keep the blood circulating and ensure a healthy exchange of air in the lungs. The person will consequently feel more active and be able to do more things throughout the entire length of the day.

One of the simplest self motivation techniques involves a frequent change in environment.

Staying indoors for long periods of time and having to look at the same objects, the same walls, the same doors, the same view day after day after day will slow people down physically and psychologically.

Having variety in the environment gives the mental attitude of activity and alertness.

The most common causes of losing motivation is having to complete extremely large tasks within a short period of time.

Self motivation techniques that work with this kind of stuff usually require that the task be broken down into smaller work units.

It is much easier to complete tiny steps than to accomplish one big one at once.

Taking it one tiny step at a time will give the illusion of having only small tasks, while actually working slowly in accomplishing the entire thing.

Usually the benefits that come upon accomplishing the goal are enough for people to keep motivated. Unfortunately, though, there are always moments of discouragement that brings the spirits down.

Our programs and services allow you to learn more about how to use motivation to your advantage and to master several more of guaranteed-to-work self motivation techniques.


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