The Importance of Self Motivation

To do just about anything requires some level of self motivation. It's essential for making improvements in our lives, and for reaching for something greater. If we're not motivated, we won't find the drive or energy to go after our goals. We end up going along with the status quo and accept life as it is in the moment.

Without self-motivation, we have a hard time dreaming or fantasizing about something new. Any time you want to make changes in your life, you have to tap into your self-motivation to do it. While we can rely on personal growth or self-improvement DVDs, books, and speakers, in the end, the motivation to do what it takes has to come from within us. People who lack self motivation often feel like their lives have no direction. Without direction, and without purpose, people become more prone to depression, and other limiting conditions.

If you cannot motivate yourself to take charge of your life, you'll also struggle to:

Be enthusiastic

Be courageous

Remain positive

Experience joy

Try new things

Maintain relationships

Achieve career success

Feel fulfilled

One of the best ways to grow your self motivation is to examine your life. Make a list of all the things you really and truly enjoy about your current circumstances. You may enjoy the neighborhood you live in, the car you drive, the time you get to spend with your children on the weekends, and so on. After you've compiled a list, rank each item on your list with a number between 1 and 5. In this ranking system, one would represent the lowest level of satisfaction, and five would represent the highest level of satisfaction.

For everything on your list that is lower than a 5, take a moment and imagine what that item would look like in order for it to rate a 5. What slight improvements would it require? Now, make a list of things or behaviors you are willing to change in order to bring everything on your list up to a 5. When you can see the end result you want, you can usually find the motivation to make it happen. Once you start to develop self-motivation, it will come more and more naturally to you over time.


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