What Is Self Confidence Hypnosis

Self confidence hypnosis is a great technique for building self esteem and regain a sense of self worth.

As you are probably aware of, low self esteem gives you all kinds of limits and fears. Moreover, these are feelings that started earlier in life and kept growing stronger and harder to manage. Sometimes, even when you really try to maintain a confident attitude, remembering your many fine attributes, there is just too much going on in your mind, pulling you down and not allowing you to retain that positive energy.

If you can relate and are feeling frustrated with your efforts in overcoming low self esteem, don't despair. Self confidence hypnosis can help you break free from that very negative mindset because it deals at a deeper level of your mind where fears, phobias and other issues have been stored from an early age.

Hypnosis is an amazing way to arm you against this particular inside struggle. Some people are still resistant to the idea of using hypnotherapy. Unfortunately, there seems to be a common myth that when you're hypnotized, you put yourself in a dangerous position since you are supposedly not in control of your actions and someone could be taking advantage of your frail state. In reality, you are hyper-relaxed and therefore very suggestible, like in meditation, but you are still in control and aware.

Hypnosis was first used by a Scottish surgeon named James Braid in the late 1800s. The words hypnosis and hypnotism basically mean "sleep of the nervous system" which is getting the patient to a specific mental state of deep relaxation. When the mind is quiet and freed from the incessant negative self talk, it becomes ideally open and susceptible to positive suggestions.

Self confidence hypnosis is about being verbally guided to a point of conscious relaxation, so that the therapist or you (using your own recorded voice or a guided self hypnosis mp3 or CD) can work with inspiring visualizations and positive suggestions, enabling you to achieve your goals of self confidence. In this new state of mind, you'll be able to see yourself in a different light with no fears, no anxiety, no failures and no need for the acceptance of others.

Using self confidence hypnosis, you and your therapist (or a guided self hypnosis audio) will have the chance to focus on bringing your essence out, perfect and flawless and a sense of worthiness by inducing new positive self beliefs and eliminating the outside noise.

The next time you think about your capabilities, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

The Essence of Self Confidence in Public Speaking

Have you ever tried talking in front of the public? Or even talk to a superior of your school? In boys' cases, have you ever tried asking for a girl to be your girlfriend? Or even tried telling her that you are madly, deeply in love with her?

If yes, then very good! Your confidence to yourself is high. And you have overcome your greatest inside problem, low self-esteem. You are ready to go farther than were you have been. But if not, then you better get ready for I am about to share to you how difficult life is without confidence and believing in yourself. And all you can do is turn your back from any challenges that need self-esteem as your weapon.

Let me start with a situation wherein you need to present a 5-minute speech in front of the class about any issues in the society. You know that only this speech could save you from failing a subject. That awkward feeling when your heart beats like drums on streets, hands shaking, the feeling of cat-got-your-tongue, and you can't even do anything about it. You can't deliver your speech clearly because you re afraid to talk in front. This is what you call glossophobia, or simply the fear of public speaking. Most people suffer from this because you could be scared of the other people's comment about your idea, pronunciation,or your gestures. But if you walk in front and be confident of your speech, you'll surely be receiving applauds from the audience. And I know you know how it feels to be appreciated by people.

Don't let fear of public speaking make you embarrass in front of other people. Do something with it. Develop your confidence in public speaking by being prepared in everything. Make sure you are ready with your speech, know and understand well your lecture. Open your own ideas to the audiences like examples, experiences, and quotations. You should also practice well your pronunciation and everything so that you would not get embarrassed in front with your own manner of speaking. If you are still nervous of delivering your speech, the only thing that you can do is pretend. Pretend that your nervousness feeling doesn't exist. Don't forget to make an eye to eye contact with the audience and watch your proper gestures that they wouldn't even notice that your shaking.

There are some bad things that may happen to someone who has low self-esteem. Maybe he or she couldn't live his or her life happily for the negative thoughts always bothers him or her. Don't let these bad things happen to you, make an action and improve your self confidence.

Self Motivation Tips - How to Motivate Yourself

In order for us to perform our best we need to be well motivated. Motivation plays an important role in our life since it is what keeps us going despite the many obstacles that hinder our path towards success. Moreover, motivation gives us the courage and encouragement to stand up each time we fall.

No two individuals are exactly alike according to psychology. People differ in outside appearance as well as in characteristics. We also have different ways on how we motivate ourselves. If you are one of those people who don't know how to motivate yourself, then you need some self motivation tips to help you out.

Here are some self motivation tips on how to motivate your self:

o Know who you are

You can motivate yourself easily if you know exactly how you can be motivated. Motivation may be extrinsic or intrinsic. Ask yourself which form of motivation appeals o you the most. Are you motivated with external rewards like material things? Are you motivated intrinsically wherein you are more after the fulfillment and joy you will get out of doing something right? Try to ask yourself these so you have an idea on how to motivate you.

o Visualize your prize

Coaches would often advice their players to visualize themselves doing the right moves and winning the game. The same thing should apply to you. Close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving that thing you aspire for the most. Think of the prize you will receive, the happiness you will feel, and other rewards you may get out of doing something. Visualization helps you remain focused and determined to go after what you want.

o Think positive

Your negative thoughts can dampen your enthusiasm and make you doubt your capabilities. If you want to be able to motivate yourself effectively you have to let go of your apprehensions and negativism. Think positive despite the problems you may face. Everything happens for a reason and it is how you look at things that matters the most.

o Pray without ceasing

Anything is possible through prayer. Having a silent moment with the Lord and telling Him everything that is on your mind can give you encouragement. Knowing that there is someone out there who understands you, listens to you, and has the power to make things happen can motivate you into working hard to reach your goal.

o Be with the right people

The kind of friends you have can greatly influence your performance and personality as an individual. Avoid people who have the tendency to put you down and discourage you into doing the things you must do. Instead, be friends with those who think positively or those whom you can always count on.

Anything is possible once you are well motivated to perform your tasks. The self motivation tips presented above are tested and proven to help you motivate yourself. Apply them in your daily life and see your performance soar.

The Importance of Self Motivation For Online Marketers

There is no greater asset online marketers can have than self motivation, NONE! Working online is typically reduced to a team of one for most online entrepreneurs due to the size of their business or budgets or both. As a result entrepreneurs learn to wear many different hats and also come to realize that to be successful they will have to be motivated and learn to stay that way.

Here are 3 main reasons why your success online will be highly dependent upon your ability to motivate yourself possibly like you have never done before.

Addressing 'Normal' Business Functions

Congratulations that you are working for yourself and are now finally on your own. Oh by the way since you are now on your own if it is not done by you it will not get done.

Online marketers with any amount of experience know that EVERY aspect of the business is monitored and maintained by them. Delegation is NOT an option in many small online businesses. Therefore it is important to be able to motivate yourself on a continual basis or the work will simply not get done.

Putting in 'Required Overtime'

As is the case in many businesses problems or other 'unexpected' occurrences tend to happen. This often throws off you carefully planned schedule which results in you investing more time than anticipated in your work. Having the willingness to work these longer hours will require you to be motivated enough to do so. Are you? Remember there will not be a team of support there to 'cheer' you on or encourage you. In fact there will be many times that personal sacrifices will have to be made by you in order to have the time to invest in your business.

Digging Deeper to Maintain 'Edge'

Routine business 'maintenance is not enough when working online. The need to take the 'extra' step in following trends and acting upon new opportunities is required. If you do not do it who will? This also will likely involve additional time spent by you on the business.

When working online if you are not willing to keep tabs on trends or to adapt quickly or often to change you will lose your competitive edge.

Self motivation is the single most important asset online marketers can have when working on the internet. Having the ability to motivate yourself will be required to perform even the easiest functions of your business. Online entrepreneurs realize that without somebody to tell you what to do you will need to not only figure it out on your own but also do it as well. The great part about working online is the independence you have. However this independence calls for you to be motivated even at times when you may lack enthusiasm or drive. Your success will depend upon that! This message is not to discourage you but rather to serve as a 'wake up' call to remind you that 'financial independence' will require some sacrifice and discipline.

Self Motivation Is Key

For the purposes of self motivation, your goals can be either tangible or intangible. They could be regarding your physical, material, emotional and spiritual needs or wants.

You should be aware that goals should never be forced or contrived because if they are, your chances of success are minimal. External factors may strongly modify, but should not determine whether your goals are achieved or not, because ultimately the desire to bring them to fruition comes from within yourself.

Self motivation is a force at play within you; external influences merely provide inspiration or discouragement. Therefore, your goals and the manner in which you achieve them greatly depend on your motives, drive, and determination. So always work on your goals by believing that you can reach them in the first place.

For you to believe in yourself and your capabilities to follow through, you have to know how to boost your self-esteem. As human beings, we are imperfect. There are things other people can do that you cannot, but there are also many things you can offer that others cannot. You have to know yourself and accept your imperfections and limits. At the same time, identify your strengths and develop them. Analyze your weaknesses and either avoid or eradicate them. By doing this, you will know how to deal with problems by believing in yourself and your ability to overcome them. Thus, you will also increasingly know with a sense of certainty, not mere hoping, that you are truly worthy of your loftiest dreams. You will truly believe in your abilities as well as your capacity to manifest them into reality.

The way you see yourself is a result of past experiences and traits that you have developed throughout your life, and particularly when you were young. Your family, friends, and all other people you associate with can be major external influences upon your goals: they can either be helpful or an obstacle in reaching them. You have to learn to be independent, but not to the point of being rude. You must know how to compete and yet be friendly at the same time. The people around you can support you during your lowest times, so really try to value them starting today. Remember that it is near to impossible to achieve most worthy goals without the help of other people at some point in the process.

External forces can indeed be very challenging, but the forces within you are even more difficult to control. If you lack the enthusiasm and self motivation to follow through on your aspirations, then you may get lost somewhere along the line and never reach your dreams at all. Stay focused. Remind yourself of precisely what you want. By doing this, you fuel your passion in working towards your goal.

Naturally, staying focused is much easier said than done. One of the best ways to do this is to keep your eye on the target, i.e. have a clear description of what your final target or objective looks and feels like. Use an arsenal of the best self-improvement strategies to help you to stay motivated.

If you are in a highly competitive field, try to be aware of yourself, your uniqueness and your edge against other competitors. Do not strive so much to be better than others, but rather try to be the best person you can possibly be in the field you are working within: strive to be outstanding on your own terms.

There are many different self motivation trainings and seminars for self-improvement that will enable you to learn different techniques about how to treat others and yourself well, as well as how to achieve the success you seek: hence, make full use of every such resource available to you.

Ten Tips on How to Build Self Confidence and Make a Success of Your Life

The essence of self confidence is that you trust yourself that you can achieve your goal. To build self confidence you have to believe in yourself. You do not think or worry about failure. In the event of failure, you do not get demoralized. Self confidence gives you the courage to accept failures as part of a learning curve which will eventually lead to success. Fear does not prevent you from doing the things you want to do.

People who do not have confidence in themselves have a tendency to worry and entertain a fear for the consequences of their actions. The question often asked is how to build self confidence?

These ten tips will help you build your confidence and guide you to success.

1. It Is said that "It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." Believe in yourself that you have the abilities to succeed and start from there.

2. Self confidence is all in your mind. Think positively and associate with positive thinkers. They are the ones who will motivate and inspire you to achieve success. Dissociate yourself from negative thinkers.

3. Talk positively. In discussions, where ever possible take a positive attitude. This will help you to be in a positive frame of mind.

4. Talk about your successes and accomplishments and not about your disappointments and failures. Constantly remind yourself of all the good things you have done and the appreciation received. This will make you feel great and increase your self confidence.

5. If you are doing certain tasks for the first time, do not give into fear. Think that you have done similar things before and take on the tasks with confidence.

6. Identify a person among your friends or relatives who is enthusiastic and confident in himself or herself. Choose that person as a role model and try to imitate his confident attributes and mannerisms.

7. Avoid criticizing your looks, height, weight or color. Accept what you are. Constantly reminding yourself of any of these negative attributes will only bring down your confidence level.

8. Do not keep away from gatherings. Join in the conversations and express your point of view confidently. The more you participate the more opportunities you create to build self confidence.

9. Each person is blessed with some special attribute. It could be painting, music, craft work or even remembering numbers. Identify it. Develop it and display it with confidence. Special attributes are always recognized and appreciated.

10. Don't worry about your past failures. Do not think of what could have been? Recollecting the past will make you feel depressed. Past is past. The future is uncertain. Think of the present and work with confidence. Success will be the outcome.

These tips will help you build self confidence but remember it is all up to you to take the initiative. All this is beautifully put in a nut shell by Paula Cole -"It's me who is my enemy, Me who beats me up, Me who makes the monsters, Me who strips my confidence."

What Is Self Confidence and How Is It Affecting Your Life

Self confidence is all about how you perceive yourself. It indicates your sense of worth. But, actually, there is more to it than having the utmost capability to believe, to deal with life's day-to-day trials and challenges and knowing that you are most likely to get pleasure, success, and of course, happiness.

Usually, your confidence levels are influenced by several factors, whether it is internal or external factors. This only means that the things within and outside yourself can seriously affect that way you perceive yourself. Hence, low self-confidence can greatly affect all the aspects of a person's life - whether it is your family, career, or health. For that reason, you need to learn how to cope with all these factors in order to build your confidence and maintain your sense of worth. Believing in yourself and recognizing that you are worthy of importance is the true essence of self-confidence.

But the question is how can low self-confidence affect someone's life? Since self esteem is all about how you like yourself, low self-confidence is exactly its direct opposite. A person is said to be confident when he feels good about himself. Low self-confidence, however, happens when something or a certain situation make you feel bad about yourself. This can be rejection, fear, failure, criticism, or poverty. Most of the time the things that make you feel bad are the main causes why your self confidence tends to become low.

Generally speaking, there are three basic factors that affect the level of confidence of an individual. These factors specifically refer to the following:

Values - To be able to enjoy your life, it is a must that you learn to live life with your deepest values. If it is clear to you what you really believe in, then, most likely you know how to truly value your life. And only people who respect themselves know how to value themselves and who are confident about whom they are.

Mastery - This factor refers to the state of being sure of yourself and be comfortable with your life and work. By being in control of yourself, you become more effective in anything that you do. It gives you the feeling of being valuable and great. And each time you feel that you are effective in whatever you do, your level of confidence is increased and your sense of worth is also improved.

Goals - It is very important that you know what you want in order to boost up your self-confidence. You have to set your goals in whatever activity that you take. You feel much better when you know that you are doing something that you want and you believe in. It helps you perform better because you know that you have an objective that you need to accomplish.

Needless to say, self-confidence is something that is quite complicated to put in plain words. This is in view of the fact that there are a lot of factors to be considered in order to explain how it can seriously affect a person's life. Nevertheless, if you will only learn how to make the most of all the good things in your life, and focusing only on the positive side, you will realize that your confidence or self-worth will suddenly begin to improve.

Teaching Self Esteem

Not a lot of teachers think of teaching self esteem, although there are motivational speeches available that you can read, or play a video of or assign for older students to read on their own. Some schools will have assemblies at which they discuss self esteem, but other schools leave it up to the teachers. Whether it is on your curriculum as part of a class unit, or if it is a homeroom lesson project try to teach the children about self esteem as well as you can.

Especially as they get older, children, pre-teens and teenagers are very susceptible to low self-esteem. In teaching self esteem, be sure to emphasize confidence and belief in oneself. Starting at very young ages, children can be very hurtful to one another. There are the bullies, there are the popular children who learn quite early how to look down their noses at the others, and there are (more than likely more than a few in your class) the children who are teased or threatened, beaten up or just ignored.

With any hope, the children who suffer most have good families they can rely on, but in teaching self esteem you cannot count on that. These kids are going to be the most difficult to teach self esteem to because they have probably already developed poor self esteem.

In teaching self esteem, your lessons must be designed especially to assist just this kind of child. Hopefully, the child will be able to find external validation elsewhere-but if not, we hope that teaching him or her about self esteem will help the child respect and care for him or herself-instead of needing to have external validation. There are few truly effective ways to teach self esteem. If you can instill within your students certain ways for a student to really have confidence in him or herself-you may very well be able to change his or her life for the better by teaching self esteem. Do not think of teaching self esteem as a burden, but rather, as an opportunity to make a real difference in a child's life.

Help them learn that you do not have to be popular, outgoing, tough, or good looking to be a wonderful, worthwhile person. If they can learn this-they will be able to avoid many terrible self esteem issues that would otherwise come up sooner or later in their lives.

In teaching self esteem, some teachers use self esteem worksheets-these may be a great tool to teach children to respect themselves and remain confident. Self esteem worksheets provide the class with examples of different ways that someone can perceive him or herself. They can see by illustrations on the worksheets that one's perception of oneself can constantly impact their emotional state. The children will answer questions about how they feel about themselves and why. If certain students feelings about themselves are negative, you can show them why they should not feel that way.

Sometimes, self esteem worksheets help students to evaluate where their self esteem lies. Then when they learn about their self esteem, they will be able to better understand what to do to make themselves feel better and have a happier life.

Self Medicated Or Self Motivated

Right now it appears we have two classes of individuals in the USA. No, I'm not talking about the rich and the poor: I am talking about those who are self motivated and those who are self medicated. I have personally been out of work many times during my former radio career, and I can tell you it's no fun. But once there you have certain steps to follow to get a job, and there are certain things to do which can help you succeed, just as there are certain things to do which can lead you to failure.

When I found myself unemployed, I began reading inspirational books, listening to motivational tapes, networking with successful individuals, and what's really important is, I would be honest with them and ask them for advice. It's amazing how much good advice you can get if you ask the right people. I sent out resumes, connected with everyone I could, and I kept up my attitude by realizing that life is full of cycles and this was just my down cycle. Now, here's what I didn't do. I didn't get drunk, I didn't do drugs to escape from reality, and I didn't seek psychiatric help because, "woe is me", I was depressed.

Self medicated or self motivated? That's the question everyone needs to ask when times get tough. I admit I had it easier than most, because I don't drink alcohol in the good times so it wasn't something I turned to readily in the bad times. I don't do drugs either so I had no drugs to turn to. In addition, I have a work ethic and have always hated being on unemployment payouts, or food stamps, or whatever, because I considered those things to be handouts, even though I always deserved them because I pay into them with my taxes.

The problem today is the government has made it so easy for people to claim disability, food stamps, free housing, medicaid, medicare, and every other kind of medi, that when tough times come, many people feel it is there responsibility to fall apart, and claim dependence on something. That something may be the government or it may be medication or alcohol or therapy, but many Americans have grown up being weak by watching others who have followed the same pattern. This is a pattern of getting self medicated and must be replaced with a habit of being self motivated.

Come on Americans. Get off the welfare, food stamps, and medi this and medi that, get off the alcohol and 6 packs every Friday night, the pills and smoking dope, and start watching the news, realize this country is slipping away, and start voting for someone other than who the news tells you is leading in the polls. Vote for someone who will help you get off the free this and free that. Start calling your politicians and start getting involved with your country instead of being so involved in your escapes from reality and your 6 packs. Put down the 6 pack of beer and bucket of fried chicken and pick up a motivational book. It's time for Americans to get self motivated and get away from being self medicated.

Weight Reduction - Self Motivation is Better Than Diet Pills!

Many say that losing weight is very tough for them and the extra kilos are piling up no matter what they do. Some feel that they aren't losing weight at all. If you are among those who feel that while others lose four kilos a month, and you are losing just two, don't give up. Self motivation is the key to losing weight.

Self motivation helps a great deal in weight reduction. If you are eating right, exercising enough and doing what all is required of you in order to lose weight, then you are on the right track. You just need to believe in yourself. Even if someone doesn't notice that you actually have lost weight, don't lose hope. Be truthful to yourself. You know you are losing weight, so keep up the good work.

Expecting others to motivate you to lose weight or noticing every time you lose some pounds is not right. Determine the objective of your weight loss program. Obviously you aren't losing weight for your neighbour. It is you who wants to lose weight and look fabulous; then it's important for you to notice the weight loss and not the whole world. The world will notice one day. You just need to follow what you have been doing up till now. The rest will follow.

Set goals for yourself. It is important for you to make realistic goals. Don't expect your body to lose 10 kilos in a week. Be patient. One thing that you must understand is that the amount of weight you lose and the speed at which you lose depends on a lot of factors. These factors are age, metabolism rate, how much overweight you are, how long you have been overweight, if you have any other health problems, diet and amount of physical workout.

Understanding your body is very important. Different people lose weight at different speeds. It also important to note that in the beginning stages when you have just started to lose weight you will notice that you are shedding kilos rather quickly later the speed slows down as the body gets immune to the weight loss program. A change in the program here and there might again speed up weight loss but expecting too much from your body is not good. You must remember the old adage here that says, "Rome was not built in day".

So if your weight loss program is succeeding reward yourself. Boost yourself by saying, "I have done a good job and I will not leave this spirit." If the weight loss isn't happening the way you wanted say, "The results will show. I won't give up." This is the true sportsman's spirit. Motivate yourself and the results will show.

Self Motivation Techniques to Boost Your MLM Business

Ever have those days when everything seemingly goes wrong? You miss a deadline, a sale falls through, no one calls you back or someone 'hangs-up' on you that day. Everyone gets de-motivated at one time or another, but the difference between those who fail and those who ultimately succeed is their ability to recover and power through. The 7 self motivation techniques that have helped me boost my MLM business include:

1. Remember Your Why - Why are you doing what you do? Remember your goals and what you set your intention to accomplish. Believe you can succeed because you have aligned your values with your purpose. When we focus on what we value or why we do what we do, it brings about a sense of purpose, passion and meaning. When you are passionate at what you do, the motivation is there.

2. Celebrate Your Successes - Many of us only focus on what's NOT working instead of celebrating and emphasizing what is working. Take some time out to look at all of your accomplishments and the effort you put in. Acknowledgment of your success will attract more.

3. Evaluate Your Strategy - It's obvious not to continue down the path with something that is not working. Take a step back, without emotion or bias and evaluate your strategy to make appropriate changes.

4. Ask For Help - Don't be afraid to ask for help! If you're in network marketing, ask your upline for guidance or if you're a business owner connect with your mentor. Stay positive and know that there are people out there that want you to succeed and will be happy to help out.

5. Be Open To Change - We live in an ever changing environment and as a business owner or network marketer you must be able to adapt to change. New techniques and tools are emerging at a rapid pace. It's important to stay focused on your goal but be open to changing some things to grow your business and offer new opportunities.

6. Positive Perception - Failure is a perception. What seems like failure now, can be an amazing opportunity in hindsight. Learn from your mistakes and move on from them knowing that success is closer than before.

7. Focus On Your Value - There is immense power in giving value to others. When you put your focus on providing for others without expecting anything in return, amazing things happen. Focus on personal development and strive to learn something new every day so you can share your experiences and provide value to others.

These self motivation techniques empower me to stay focused and keep motivated in my expanding internet network marketing business. I hope that you found value in these tips and to learn more about personal development to grow your business visit my blog.

Self Esteem and Your Inner Critic

Positive Self Talk Key

We all have an inner critic. It is that negative voice inside your head that blocks you from being the best you can be.

Self esteem and our inner critic are related. People with low self esteem usually have a more powerful inner critic. Nurturing yourself and practising self care improves self esteem. Positive self talk is the key to happiness and success in all your creative endeavours.

Recently I had the privilege of visiting a KS1 classroom in a little country primary school. The class consisted of 15 children. The children were working in groups and engaged in learning activities designed to help them discover more about fairy tales. The afternoon I visited the school was particularly exciting as the children were dressed up as their favourite fairy tale characters. After an afternoon of fun, it was time to clean up. I was particularly struck with the ease and gentleness of this whole process. The class teacher gained the children's attention by putting her hands in the air. The children followed suit and listened as their teacher took out a puppet. The puppet asked the children to tidy up and then sit on the mat.

What a fantastic idea! The teacher was not telling the children what to do... the puppet was. And cleaning up was fun.

So often as adults, when we reflect back on our childhoods, our memories are not of fun interactions, but of being criticised by our parents, teachers or significant others. We may have memories of being bullied or competing with our peers. When we write or indeed do anything that takes us out of our comfort zone,we may hear a critical voice inside our head that replicates what we were told as children or teenagers. This is our inner critic judging us.This causes loss of confidence and erosion of self esteem. Such negative mental chatter puts obstacles in the way of us being and doing what we are truly capable of.

The inner critic evolved initially to help us achieve what was expected of us. There are two inner voices, a good and a bad voice. You can differentiate between the two by how you feel. You feel good when you listen to the good voice because this is positive self talk. The bad voice is negative self talk and this inner critic prevents you from growing and causes you to feel bad. Shame, guilt, depression and self doubt are caused by the inner critic. People with low self esteem are particularly vulnerable.

Tara Mohr(http://www.taramohr.com)is a writer, coach and personal growth teacher. In her article, "How Do I know If It Is My Inner Critic or Just Realistic Thinking?" she explains how to identify your inner critic. She advises listening to what it is saying and suggests thatif it isinterested in, "the way things are" or questions whether it "is possible, or not?" it is your inner critic sabotaging you. She continues by asking whether or not any "real action is inspired by it." She says that if, "the energy behind the mental chatter is one ofself- critique," and, "the intention isshutting down forward movement," then it is your inner critic.

When you hear your inner critic, acknowledge it and the emotions you feel. Suppressing them will only make them grow stronger. Consciously thinking about what is happening and stepping back allows you to take control. Free writing quickly for 15 minutes, walking or mentally engaging in another activity for a while before returning to writing, prevents your inner critic gaining too much power.

Instead, be patient and kind to yourself and engage in positive self talk.Psychiatrist, Marcia Sirota (http://www.huffingtonpost.com)in her article, "10 Good Habits to Cultivate in 2012," states, "The more you practice talking to yourself in a loving and supportive manner, the better you'll do and the happier you'll be. Positive self talk will bring out the best in you."

Like the teacher, who cares for her pupils, engage in self care. When you nurture yourself and are patient and kind, your inner critic does not have the strength or the power to demotivate or harm you. Instead, by understanding that it is your inner critic that is undermining you by not telling the truth, you can move forward positively and be successful and happy. You will no longer feel blocked and your writing and creativity will blossom.

Self Motivation Strategies to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts

What you occupy your mind with is of essential importance to your physical and psychological health. Research shows that humans have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day. Although the idea of consistently controlling your thoughts can seem overwhelming, it is one of the most important skills you will ever learn. When you learn to gain control of your mind, you learn self motivation and can begin to take control of your life.

"You are now at a crossroads. This is your opportunity to make the most important decision you will ever make. Forget your past. Who are you now? Who have you decided you really are now? Don't think about who you have been. Who are you now? Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully."

-Tony Robbins

When you change your mind, you change:

your body

your daily activities

your environment

your entire life!

We are transformed by renewing our minds. It's an obvious and simple truth, but the trick is to put it into practice. You must train yourself to stand back and think about your thinking. It will be difficult at first, but if you persevere, it will become natural to you.

But you must dedicate yourself. Take your mental and physical health seriously. If you don't have the determination to cultivate a new disposition for yourself, you may as well give up hope of any significant change. But persevere, and not only will you be able to easily handle life's difficulties. Your difficulties will begin to disappear, and as you overcome challenges, you will gain self motivation.

So here is your challenge:

For one week, do not dwell on any negative thoughts that come to you, under any circumstances.

Watch yourself constantly. If you allow yourself to dwell on a negative thought, you must stop the diet, prepare yourself again, and start the 7 days from the beginning.

Negative thinking includes any thoughts of:








Condemnation of Self or Others

Sickness, Accident or Disaster

Any Other Type of Limiting Thought

People have thousands of negative thoughts a day. Having these thoughts are normal, and does not violate the rules of the diet. The point is to acknowledge your negative thoughts as they come along, and move on. Do not spend any time dwelling on them.

Some negative thoughts can be persistent, and hard to get rid of. If this happens, confront the thought by asking yourself these 4 questions:

Is this thought true?

Do I have absolute proof that it is true?

How do I feel when I have this thought?

How do I feel when I don't have this thought?

After 7 days without entertaining a single negative thought, your new way of life will be so much easier. You will have an abundance of self motivation, and you will never want to go back to the old way of doing things. It is common for a lot of difficulties to arise in the beginning. This is a good sign, as it means that things are being stirred up in your mind. But remember, if you don't follow the diet strictly, it will not work.

You may have to start over a few times, which is normal. But keep in mind that this is not a diet to be taken lightly. Only your own reactions can throw you off. It is up to you to be in control of your mind. Good luck!

Self Motivation - From Inertia to Action

Self motivation is what gets you to perform tasks even if there is nobody to egg you on. How many times has lack of motivation stopped you from reaching your fullest potential in a given situation?

Have you often found yourself daydreaming in your cubicle rather than getting started on a key report or presentation? If so, you are allowing your mind to rob you of precious productivity, drive and focus.

Self motivation is not only about getting work done in the office or chores squared away at home. It is also the quality that will make you sign up for a membership at the local gym and actually go there thrice a week.

It is what makes you put other stuff aside and write that letter to your mother. It is the attribute that makes all the difference between smoking and quitting. Not having enough drive to boost you from inertia into action can actually have serious consequences on your health, social life and career.

How can you motivate yourself? There are some fairly simple techniques that you can try. If you are a long-standing procrastinator and fence-sitter, you should begin by setting yourself simple, achievable goals. Don't bite off more than you can chew - keep it manageable.

Instead of deciding to lose twenty pounds a month, settle for two or three pounds a week. If you need to write a 2400-word college thesis, break it up into easy 300-word segments and tackle it on that basis. In this way, the magnitude of the task before you will not overwhelm you.

One of the most effective self motivation methods is to write your goal down and place it where you can see it regularly. It can be a plaque on the wall, a screensaver on your computer's monitor, a note stuck to the refrigerator or a message recorded on your digital alarm clock. Make sure that your goal is kept on the front burner of your awareness at all times.

Making a beginning is the hardest part, but it is extremely important to make that first effort. Don't think of the novel - just write that first page. Don't give your mind a chance to ponder about the long, grueling road ahead. Your mind needs tangible proof that you mean it - once it has such proof, things get progressively easier.

To motivate yourself further, announce the fact that you have set out to finish that report, quit cigarettes or clean the yard. If you are an inveterate putter-offer, prepare yourself for expressions of disbelief from colleagues or family members. Train your mind to see such statements as challenges.

If you find yourself indulging in negative self-talk such as "I can't do this", "I'll do it later", immediately squelch the thought as you would a poisonous bug. The second such a thought strays onto your mind's horizon, take one small step further towards the attainment of your goal.

You will find that self motivation is a simple matter of retraining your self-belief system so that you are perfectly capable of progressing from 'can't' to 'can', and finally to 'done'.

Self Motivation and Determination

Motivation is an internal as well as an external asset to many people's success. Other people feed off the energy that one radiates to help one achieve his or her goals. The Internet has provided many channels to make many dreams realities by providing the tools needed to take the necessary steps toward success. Online businesses provide convenience that many people seek to make future plans towards deciding on their career.

Think about the life changing situations that have arisen in your life. They resulted in one of two ways - for the best or for the worst. Self motivation ties us closer to who we really are and how we feel about ourselves. For instance, if a young man believes that he will one day make it to the NFL, there is nothing anyone else can do to take that away from him. However, if someone tells him he can, the drive may not be as intense and there is a chance that the other influences could deter his mind. Knowing what life means to you and setting goals provide an avenue for attaining the achievable. This is why it is important for people to tap into their resources and take advantage of the opportunities that come their way. The Internet has been a great tool to help put me on the right path for establishing a foundation for success. I strive everyday to do little more than I did the day before.

In many cases, success is broken down into different steps or laws that so many people try to follow seeking promising results. Can one's success really be determined through a step-by-step outline? Can one be motivated by someone elses achievements? Knowing someone else's accomplishments provides inspiration to those who also aspire to do great things. The real reward is being able to relate to someone who can show you how to achieve your goals. The biggest barrier for many is not knowing where or how to get started and they lose focus and give up. Ten years later, after experiencing more life situations and challenges, the same person comes back in full force and does well above and beyond what was initially planned in the beginning. In other words, everybody has his or her season when they will learn and become more knowledgeable about their aspirations and then the success follows later on. For some, the success comes early on. For those who aspire to do great things remember to know what you want to do and find out what it takes to get there. When the time comes, everything else will fall in place if you stay with it.

Self Motivation

There are two basic types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is generated due to external factors, whereas intrinsic motivation is generated due to internal sensation and is a longer lasting one.

Self motivation, also called intrinsic motivation, refers to an internal drive that originates from within a person which helps a person to overcome obstacles and pursue worthy goals. Besides internal factors, there are certain external factors that drive you to start something new or to make a move in a positive direction.

Desire, values, and beliefs are the three motivating factors that constitute self motivation.

Self motivation is necessary as you cannot always rely on others to get motivated. It is surely needed to gather courage and strength to achieve your goals. Furthermore, it is essential to take up a new activity or to plan and find new directions in life.

Self motivation has the power to enable you to achieve anything you want to experience in life. The power exists within every person, but you should be able to get self -motivated to achieve your desires or goals. Try to identify your desire, values, and beliefs and also your strength and weakness in order to establish realistic goals.

To improve self motivation, one of the easiest ways is to educate yourself through training programs. Self hypnosis is also found effective in improving self motivation. Majority of the training programs specifically teaches the skills required to consistently become a self motivated person. Nowadays, there are several learning institutes that provide pragmatic steps to improve self motivation. Also, there are opportunities to learn how to increase your self-motivation through the Internet.

Self motivation plays a vital role in the early student life. Students should be self motivated by means of various motivation techniques in order to enable them to overcome life's challenges.

Self Help Motivation - Knowledge is Power

Lack of motivation can completely destroy your day to day life. You have no drive, no enthusiasm for your tasks. It sometime seems the more effort you put in, the less you get back out, so why bother? Sound Familiar? I have some good news for you, it doesn't have to be this way.

The reason you should bother is for your sense of self worth, everyone has times when they struggle, the people who win through have just found better ways of motivating themselves. Try these ideas if you need a little help, soon you will find yourself feeling better, and stronger, more able to handle the things that other people seem to be able to manage without a problem. Then, and only then, are you on the way up! Keep at it and good luck!

Self help Motivation Tip One

Set yourself some goals, some easily attainable, some a little more difficult. Get a picture of your main goal, car, house, whatever, and paste it where you can see it regularly, just a little reminder of where you,re going.

Self help Motivation Tip Two

Set up a deal with yourself, write down your goals on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet, research has shown that folk who write their aims out are far more likely to achieve them than those who just keep a mental note.

Self help Motivation Tip Three

Decide when and how you intend to achieve these aims, and when you do give yourself a certain reward, something that will spur you on. After all, if you don,t reward your good work why should others? As you feel happier about things try to see other areas you can improve and actually set out to make things happen, rather than just let them happen.The more you achieve the more you`ll be able to handle, it just gets better from here on in.

Self Help Motivation Tip Four

Seek out inspirational books and reports. As I said in the title, Knowledge is Power. These books will give you the enthusiasm to keep trying to improve. You will read of other peoples success stories, their experiences and learn the methods they used to pave their route to the top. The fact that one person has found a way through will give you reassurance that things do not have to stay as they are, others have done it so why not you?

What's The Difference Between Selfishness And Self Respect

Do you know that most people are confused between being/feeling selfish and making choices that are self respecting? Do you know that these are opposites and never represent the same thing? Do you know that being/feeling selfish is always toxic to you and that having self respect is always life enhancing? Do you know that it is possible to live perpetually in the latter while at the same time completely eradicating the former from one's life? Finally, do you know that in order to do this one must have the desire and courage to respect the integrity of what I call their Life Force Energy (LFE)? So what is this all about, you ask?

In order to elucidate this vital topic let me introduce what these two diverse experiences actually feel like.

To feel/be selfish means to hoard, be self centered, self aggrandising, uncaring, and self absorbed, etc. All of this stems from some (often more than one) underlying need to prop up one's self esteem, self worth, self image, reputation etc. In other words it is driven by an underlying "need" (and that is the key word) that is often associated with fears of being controlled, used, exploited, deprived, helplessness, feeling unworthy, being left out, and feeling like a victim to name a few.

When one engages "selfish" behaviours it invariably makes the person feel worse in many ways i.e. it further lowers self worth and self esteem, makes one feel guilty, bad, uncaring, unloving, cruel, anxious, vulnerable, bad about one's self and all this has the tendency to lower LFE. A decrease in LFE (or the vital energy of life) is experienced as tiredness, heaviness in the body, decreased mood, depression, enthusiasm and motivation for life.

Another way of saying this is that the "integrity" (or wholeness) of the LFE is compromised by such actions/choices.

Conversely "self respecting" choices (which others may sometimes mis-perceive/mis-interpret) as selfish) actually support, enhance or increase the LFE thus making one feel worthy, alive (or enlivened), joyful, confident, fulfilled, at peace with one's self, whole, strong, resilient, independent, good about one's self, happy, motivated, enthusiastic, self assured and like one "knows" they are on the right track.

To put it simply selfishness is "life (energy) depleting" and self respect is "life (energy) enhancing". In order to discern whether one's LFE is going up or down it is at first necessary to know what it feels like to have LFE coursing through one's physical body. This is where the problem and hence the confusion around this important topic arises.

So many people are walking around in a LFE depleted state that even if it went down they would not have enough awareness to be conscious of it. That's like saying that if you have never washed for 6 months would you know the difference in how clean (or dirty) you felt if you happened to fall into a puddle of mud? Hardly!

So why is LFE so depleted in "normal" human beings, you ask?

Well primarily because LFE is progressively and systematically depleted from the mind/body/energy field each time one experiences a negative (life depleting/stressful) event that then gets "recorded" as a negative memory in that mind/body. The accumulation of such memories is what many call their "life history".

These memories behave as what I call "LFE parasites" that constantly deplete LFE thus leading to death (after all that's what it means to have one's LFE depleted from the mind/body i.e. dying).

It is now possible to completely eradicate these LFE parasites (i.e. negative memories) from within thereby progressively restoring one to life. In do so the ability to discern life enhancing (i.e. self respecting) choices from life depleting choices (e.g. selfish acts) will become more clearly evident.

As I'm sure you can see the benefits of being able to discern between the two is absolutely vital to all aspects of your life.

To learn more about a new coaching process that can help take you there kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation to help you get started on your journey back to life.

Self Motivation Tips - The 3 Key Reasons Why You Consistently Fail To Motivate Yourself

Let me ask you a very direct and blunt question. Why do you need help on how to motivate yourself - why can't you just decide to do something and then just do it? What's stopping you?

The internet is saturated with "self-help" materials on "how to motivate yourself". There are endless advice, tips, tricks and lists of "self motivation tips". The "self-help industry" generates billions per year, and many of us buy books and attend courses on how to "improve" ourselves and on self motivation tips. Yet most of the time we don't change. We can't change.

However, based on my own direct lived and observed experience, most of this completely misses the point. There is an "elephant in the room", and it's this: if you can identify and deal with whatever it is that's stopping you then you won't need self motivation tips.

To change you have to do some work on yourself - identify and address your root cause resistance and this goes beyond being informed about it and means engaging directly with it - that is, actually doing something about it.

In my experience, the vast majority of people who say they want to change don't change. Most people reading this won't change because they don't really want to change. You may on the surface - consciously - believe that you want self motivation tips to change, but there is usually another hidden belief or assumption that will resist your apparent desire to change.

Most of us are so attached to how we are - at an unconscious level we feel safe with how we are (even when it so obviously isn't working) - that in practise we would rather die than change (and we usually do).

Here are the 3 fundamental reasons why you resist change and are looking for self motivation tips, and if you work on these you will never again need to go reading "self motivation tips" articles like this one.

The simplest and easiest metaphor for explaining this is to think of your desktop PC (or your laptop or blackberry):

[1] The hardware of your brain - the simple physiology and neurology of how your brain functions

This is all to do with evolution - or more precisely, the current stage of the neurological evolution of the "average" or "normal" human brain - which is that (what is conventionally and colloquially referred to as) the "left brain" and the "right brain" do not communicate easily or much at all.

The same is also true for the other 2 major brain centres (conventionally and colloquially referred to as "the emotional centre" and "the reptile brain" or the survival instinct).

The lack of communication between these 4 major brain centres, or to express it another way the lack of brain balance, is the underlying evolutionary and neurological reason why we feel the need for self motivation tips; why we experience life the way we do; why we suffer so much, and as a species why we inflict so much suffering on each other.

This lack of "brain balance" is also the root cause of all of our personal internal conflict and inner resistance or immunity to change

So improved and more frequent and conscious communication between these different brain centres is the route to peace, insight and overcoming your inner resistance. Meditation practises, mindfulness practises and brainwave entrainment resources will, over time, facilitate this process.

[2] The software running inside your head

For the sake of brevity let's call this your "inner map" of reality - or your "operating system". We are all the product of our own ethnic, national, social and religious backgrounds, and we each have an inbuilt operating system (or inner map) that sees life from the perspective of that background. This operating system applies a whole range of filters related to the characteristics and profile of our broad environmental background.

Here's the big picture summary of how your internal map of reality operates to generate your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours:

First, you experience something through your senses. You see something, hear something, touch or feel something, smell something, or taste something. In other words, you have an experience.

These sensory impressions first pass through a number of filters, which delete huge amounts of it, distort it in various ways, and create generalisations. These filters are hugely important in determining how you create your reality.

With what is left after this filtering process, which happens almost instantaneously and almost totally unconsciously, you then create some sort of internal representation of reality.

This internal representation is really a pretty impoverished copy of reality, because much of what came in through your senses has been deleted, distorted and generalised in a number of ways. You've made a map that represents reality, but it isn't reality, and it isn't really very accurate - which is partially why you feel the need for self motivation tips.

If you can learn how to take charge of these things, via meditation, mindfulness and cognitive practises and tools that considerably increase your self awareness, you can choose how you do these things instead of having them just run on automatic pilot.

Gaining this insight and mastery into this can enable you to facilitate and participate in huge changes in how you experience life and what kind of outcomes you get.

[3] The operating environment - struggle and suffering

At the "bigger picture" level there are those who believe that mankind is moving towards a "new era" of peace and goodwill and raised consciousness etc. That may or not be true, but the present lived experience of reality is that struggle and suffering are unavoidable and integral aspects of life on this planet.

There are many people who see suffering and struggle as things to be resisted, that "shouldn't" happen and that are "wrong".

At the personal level this is often expressed as "if only" or "why me" or "it isn't fair" etc, and is another form of resistance - based around our refusal to accept how things are when things don't happen as we want them to or feel that they "should" - and this then creates the desire for yet more self motivation tips!

Without getting too philosophical in what is intended as a brief instructive article, in my view all of the evidence suggests that suffering and struggle are inbuilt into the way the universe runs - not by accident but by design.

If we can drag our attention beyond the horror, unfairness and sheer "unacceptability" of it all and focus instead on the intention behind all this inbuilt suffering and struggle - we eventually and paradoxically find that its true purpose is constructive and transformative.

In the natural world, there would seem to be extensive evidence for the transformative and evolutionary processes conventionally understood as "natural selection" via a competitive process of "survival of the most adaptive".

An adaptive response to our "operating environment" of imposed change, struggle and suffering is possible when we either have evolved and developed the personal capacity to do this, or at least when we have the resources to help us.

Self Motivation Books

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." ~ Henry David Thoreau.

In life, we all experience good and bad times. It is all about destiny isn't it? We wish we could have avoided all those bad times and instances but now we can't. Most people forget that these hard and tough times which everyone fears makes a better person out of them. In all these tough situations, the one thing that keeps us going is motivation. Motivation is one thing that can do wonders, it can help you achieve goals that were termed as impossible at some point. Just with a little bit of motivation and belief in oneself, man has attained the unattainable. There are also some instances that happen in our lives when we are left alone. We need someone beside us to put in some words of motivation in the mind, but no one is available. In such circumstances, reading some self motivation books can give you the ray of light that you are looking for.

Self motivation is a rare term nowadays, and I am pretty sure that most of us have even forgotten it. We always have people who love and care for us, who have faith in everything we do and who guarantee us that we are going to make it, no matter what. However, the biggest truth in this world is "Nothing is Permanent". There are some unfortunate moments in everyone's life when we are left alone with no one near us. In such drastic times, we strive not to give up but the tide against us is very powerful. So to give that tide a strong competition and not lose faith in ourselves, reading some self motivational books is always a good option.

Best Selling Self Motivation Books

Self motivation is one factor that I dig because I am ambitious, and there are many things on my mind I want to accomplish. If you want to be something unique in life, then I urge all to read one of these best self motivational books.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Co-authored by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter, Rich Dad Poor Dad is one book that has left every reader speechless. Considered as one of the best selling books of all time, the advice and insights given in this book are so simple and realistic that you'll ask yourself, why didn't I think of that? That's the truth of life, the things that we need to succeed are place right under our noses but we don't pay any heed to them.

Who Moved My Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese is one book that I'll remember as long as I live. This brilliant piece of writing filled with self motivation tips, is written by Spencer Johnson. I found it in my mother's cupboard and thought of reading it as I had an entire day of no work. After finishing the book I was lost for many hours, and kept thinking about all the decisions that I had made and had I put enough thought in making them. The story of those two mice correlates to people in general, who Moved My Cheese is a must buy.

Think and Grow Rich

Whether you desire, money, fame, power, contentment or happiness; the 13 chapters of this book written by Napoleon Hill are designed to give you that. Financial experts call it the best investment book of the decade. I guarantee, you will be a changed person after you've read this book. One of the best motivational books, read it once, twice, then thrice, read everyday until the message becomes crystal clear.

The Brand You 50

This book written by Tom Peters is mostly about reinventing yourself and becoming more unique day by day so you standout in a crowd. The book is generally preferred by young corporates in America but if you want to think out of the box, grab your copy now.

Top 10 Self Motivation Books

The main aim of a self motivational book is to fill the mind and heart with positive energy and a belief which says, "Nothing is Impossible". The world is filled with negative people who want to put you down. Don't let them, learn the concept of self motivation and how it can be helpful through these books.

Man's Search For Meaning ~ Viktor E. Frankl

The One Minute Manager ~ Ken Blanchard

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ~ Stephen R. Covey

Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! ~ Anthony Robbins

Organizing from the Inside Out, Second Edition: The Foolproof System For Organizing Your Home, Your Office and Your Life ~ Julie Morgenstern

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated ~ David D. Burns

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time ~ Brian Tracy

50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life ~ Tom Butler-Bowdon

How to Win Friends & Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Such books are not only for businessmen, they are highly recommended for an average person so that he can make his life more simple.

Ways to Boost Self Esteem


Low self esteem can come from feeling like a failure or a fear of failure. Winston Churchill talked about being courageous in the face of failure. A person with low self esteem may be afraid to try something new. This quote tells us failure is okay. Don't let failure hold you back. You may boost your self esteem by:

Deciding you are a worthy person

Becoming aware of your special skills and abilities

Helping other people (helping family, friends, community, or by getting involved with political or social causes)

Deciding You are a Worthy Person

People with fabulous self esteem feel like they have a purpose for being alive. It can be based on personal characteristics or their accomplishments. People who receive unconditional love are more likely to experience affirmation of their worth than people who grow up in families that are achievement-oriented or abusive. If you don't get that kind of affirmation from the outside, you might be able to get it through philosophy or religion.

Using Your Special Skills or Abilities

The best way to find out your special skills or abilities is through experience. For example, most babies start walking before the age of two. When a baby starts walking, they usually only go a few steps while holding furniture. Walking takes skill, and many children are able to walk long distances before going to kindergarten. Trying a new skill can be awkward. Don't let that stop you. If you try something and you decide you don't like it (for instance, singing or playing the guitar), you might decide to pursue other skills instead.

No two people are alike. Some people are more intellectual than others. People who are intellectual are not always good at playing sports and vice versa. When you recognize your special abilities and you use them, you gain positive experiences. Some of the ways to find out your special abilities is by getting compliments from other people or by getting awards. Just remember, everyone is unique.

Helping Other People

When you help other people, you have a chance to focus on them and not on your problems. You may decide to help family or friends. You might help people through your community by providing services to them. You also have a chance to get involved with political causes or social issues. This can be a way to get compliments from others or to improve your skills.


When you feel worthy, use your special skills and abilities, and help other people, you start feeling better about yourself. When you have low self esteem, you don't reach your potential, and you may decide you have no purpose in life. With fabulous self esteem, you can overcome difficult situations and become better at dealing with those situations. You also feel confident in your skills, and you are able to reach out to other people when you need help. You find other people who appreciate you, and you feel like you have a reason for being alive.

Self Motivation Techniques The Simplest Ways to Keep Your Eye on the Goal

There are days when a person's drive is particularly low.

There doesn't seem to be any energy left to do anything else, even though no energy has been exerted for any productive activity whatsoever.

Once this feeling sets in, problems like procrastination and putting off schedules arise and the situation worsens.

There are a couple of simple self motivation techniques that are guaranteed to get you off the lazy train and keep you up and running.

Self Motivation Techniques that Actually Work

One of the oldest self motivation techniques is the setting of rewards and punishment.

This method has been employed by science to incorporate behaviour training among animals, young children, and even adults.

It is important to take some time for rewards and enjoyment after a long day's work. These "reward days" have to be regular and consistent, and the person needs to be able to trust himself to stick to that schedule, otherwise it will result in failure and depression.

Self motivation techniques that include punishment does not necessarily mean that of the corporal - or physical - form.

Punishment can come in various forms, such as having to stay home and work instead of going out with friends because of a deadline that has not been reached.

Likewise, punishments need to be consistent and followed rigidly, otherwise motivation will quickly die out because of a lack of consequence.

Exercise and movement have also been found to be effective self motivation methods.

The more sedentary the person is, the less likely he will be willing to work.

People tend to want to stay in their current state, so if one is more active than the other, that person will most likely stay active for longer periods of time. Daily exercise could be the first step in managing this problem.

Taking a regular walk for at least thirty minutes will keep the blood circulating and ensure a healthy exchange of air in the lungs. The person will consequently feel more active and be able to do more things throughout the entire length of the day.

One of the simplest self motivation techniques involves a frequent change in environment.

Staying indoors for long periods of time and having to look at the same objects, the same walls, the same doors, the same view day after day after day will slow people down physically and psychologically.

Having variety in the environment gives the mental attitude of activity and alertness.

The most common causes of losing motivation is having to complete extremely large tasks within a short period of time.

Self motivation techniques that work with this kind of stuff usually require that the task be broken down into smaller work units.

It is much easier to complete tiny steps than to accomplish one big one at once.

Taking it one tiny step at a time will give the illusion of having only small tasks, while actually working slowly in accomplishing the entire thing.

Usually the benefits that come upon accomplishing the goal are enough for people to keep motivated. Unfortunately, though, there are always moments of discouragement that brings the spirits down.

Our programs and services allow you to learn more about how to use motivation to your advantage and to master several more of guaranteed-to-work self motivation techniques.

Self Esteem For Teenagers

Replacing low self esteem with a positive self esteem is extremely important for teens. Self esteem has everything to do with how you view or value yourself. It's the acceptance, respect, trust and faith in you. Self esteem plays a huge role in a teen's life. It can affect your physical appearance, self improvement or self growth. A negative self esteem leads to failure while a positive self esteem leads to success. This is why it is important to maintain a high level of self esteem.

Teens With A Low Self Esteem

Teens with low self esteem view themselves as inadequate, unworthy, unlovable and incompetent. They are likely to develop a negative body image or physical appearance as well. They are also liable to have personalities that might limit or restrain them from enjoying life. Therefore limiting their opportunity to succeed or experience more. They don't have self confidence when it comes to expressing themselves due to the uncertainly thought or feeling about what they said and anxiety about the listener's responses. As a result, instead of expressing their own thoughts or feelings, they express what they believe the other person wants to hear. This leaves them living on other people's expectations instead of their own.

Some character traits linked to low Self Esteem

No Self Confidence

Inability to expect new ideas and deal with pressure


Blindness to reality

Withdrawal from society

Dependent on others


Too much emphasis on what others might think or say about them

Self neglect

Lack of expectations

Hesitant to face challenges

Apprehension of the future

Self dissatisfaction

Put others before themselves

Lack of a positive physical appearance

Lack of self-awareness

Focusing more on the negative aspect of life and personality

Teens with a positive Self Esteem

As a teen, you are becoming more responsibility each day. You have the power to choose right from wrong. With a positive self esteem, you have the courage to be your own person while trusting your own values and making the right decisions when the pressure heats up. You become a free person who has expectations and room to grow. Thereby allowing you to blossom so they entire world can see how breathtaking you truly are. People will love to be around you because of your high physical appearance and self confidence.

Character traits linked to a positive Self Esteem





Capability to cope with change


Admitting and learning from mistakes


Curiosity; Desire to discover

Accepting criticism

Able to cope with pressure

Have faith in your own abilities

Unruffled and stress-free attitude

Confidence around people

Open to new ideas and the way of life

The Importance of Self Motivation

To do just about anything requires some level of self motivation. It's essential for making improvements in our lives, and for reaching for something greater. If we're not motivated, we won't find the drive or energy to go after our goals. We end up going along with the status quo and accept life as it is in the moment.

Without self-motivation, we have a hard time dreaming or fantasizing about something new. Any time you want to make changes in your life, you have to tap into your self-motivation to do it. While we can rely on personal growth or self-improvement DVDs, books, and speakers, in the end, the motivation to do what it takes has to come from within us. People who lack self motivation often feel like their lives have no direction. Without direction, and without purpose, people become more prone to depression, and other limiting conditions.

If you cannot motivate yourself to take charge of your life, you'll also struggle to:

Be enthusiastic

Be courageous

Remain positive

Experience joy

Try new things

Maintain relationships

Achieve career success

Feel fulfilled

One of the best ways to grow your self motivation is to examine your life. Make a list of all the things you really and truly enjoy about your current circumstances. You may enjoy the neighborhood you live in, the car you drive, the time you get to spend with your children on the weekends, and so on. After you've compiled a list, rank each item on your list with a number between 1 and 5. In this ranking system, one would represent the lowest level of satisfaction, and five would represent the highest level of satisfaction.

For everything on your list that is lower than a 5, take a moment and imagine what that item would look like in order for it to rate a 5. What slight improvements would it require? Now, make a list of things or behaviors you are willing to change in order to bring everything on your list up to a 5. When you can see the end result you want, you can usually find the motivation to make it happen. Once you start to develop self-motivation, it will come more and more naturally to you over time.

Stop Negative Memories From Killing Your Self Confidence Today

Do you know that every person who suffers from low self confidence is carrying one or more negative memories of failure, abuse, abandonment, humiliation, loss, rejection etc. that is/are entirely responsible for such feelings? Do you know that low self confidence can be rapidly and permanently and completely reversed simply by erasing these negative memories from the subconscious mind? Want to learn more?

Low self confidence is not something that you are born with or that is genetically inherited. Rather it is the result of negative events that occur to you somewhere along the path of your life that get recorded within as negative memories. These memories generally serve as "evidence" for why you believe and feel that you are, say, inadequate, defective, deficient, a failure, useless, unworthy, unattractive, stupid, etc.

As long as these memories remain buried deep within your subconscious mind they will play themselves out in the background of your mind/consciousness and directly generate and support the negative self beliefs mentioned above. These invade and hijack the conscious mind and make up much of the mind chatter that most people are familiar with and feel imprisoned in most of their lives.

Another way of conceptualizing this is that those memories create an invisible force field that literally behaves like a limiting "belief prison" that distorts one's self perception, undermines their self esteem and self worth, lies to them about what they are truly capable of and thereby kills one's self confidence.

Although many individuals who are caught in this invisible web attempt to do battle with it by attempting to "overcome it" this strategy is not only not fruitful it also consumes and diverts a great deal of Life Force Energy away from creative manifestation and wrecks one's potential for true greatness.

Unless, and until, one can literally depower this invisible force field permanently and completely they will remain forever enslaved to it.

So is there a way to do that, you ask?

Yes, however it entails challenging the very beliefs one has about the memories themselves i.e. those pertaining to their usefulness. When this is done the memories themselves completely dissolve.

It's much like deleting old useless files from one's computer hard drive. This is not simply about deleting the negative emotional charge associated with a negative memory, which on its own yields only temporary and incomplete results rather a deletion of the entire memory completely and forever.

In order to appreciate how this is possible it is useful to think of negative memories in the same way that one concepualizes a normal parasite. Parasites essentially feed off their host. Negative memories feed off of one's Life Force Energy, the soure of all one's positive resources, including their self confidence.

Parasites need to get inside you and hook themselves in so that they don't automatically get flushed out. Negative memories essentially do the same thing by providing "lies" as to how they are useful to you or necessary for your survival. These lies serve to fool you into allowing them to remain embedded within while they "suck" your Life Energy out of you.

These lies, can be made conscious and in doing so their true nature is revealed. As this happens their "holding power" significantly diminishes thereby releasing (and erasing) the memory permanently and completely. As this happens one's self confidence as well as many other positive self experiences re-emerge spontaneously.

To learn more about a new coaching process that has the capability of accomplishing this kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that will help you get on track to permanently restoring your self confidence.

Self Motivation For Sure Success!

Many have this tendency to blame circumstances for their failure. Financial status of my family is not so good, that is why I cannot go for higher studies. My ill-health is irritating and I could not work hard. Many depress themselves by saying that 'my fate is like this; I cannot do anything in this life.' These are all the thoughts of an irresponsible individual who do not have a goal of his own to achieve greater heights in life.

There are many who are poorer than you; and there are many who are unhealthier compared to you. The circumstances which you are telling are just excuses to avoid your responsibilities. If you cannot respect yourself; nobody will respect you.

If you are waiting for the compliments of others; you cannot achieve anything in your life. Do not do anything only to attract attention of others and for compliments. Self-motivation is one of the key factors for your success. If you cannot motivate yourself with your lofty ideals and great goals; nobody can motivate you. You can motivate and encourage yourself with the following tips.

1.Always remember that you are the one to decide your goals. Do not depend on others to decide your goals. This is what is called self-respect. If you respect yourself, everybody will respect you.

2.You have to reach a level where people fell jealous of you; not pity you for your actions with lack of goals. Do not insult yourself by comparing with others. There may be many specialties in you which they do not have. They may be highly educated; but they may not sing like you. Always pat yourself on your back; realizing your specialties, compared to others.

3.Always inspire yourself remembering the previous victories. One success will cover many mistakes. Remember one success and that will inspire you for the next win.

4.List out all your victories since your childhood whether it is small or big. Whether it is a first rank in your class test or second position in sports; whatever it may be, list out everything which will magically enhance your confidence to move ahead to achieve more successes.

5.Keep the shields, mementos, souvenirs which you have got, in front of you and remember how you grabbed them from the less fortunate losers with your winning abilities. This will help you to realize your duty. Do not develop over confidence and always be practical about your abilities and pat yourself on your back now and then to gain self motivation and achieve continuous successes.

Self Help Motivation Helps You Achieve Your Goals

The idea is to meet our goals and do everything possible to make them happen. This is especially true in the work place, as we need to figure out how to get ahead of the competition. Most people feel that the proper motivation helps produce the best results. This means if you need a huge project done, provide positive encouragement and various rewards. It might mean taking out someone for lunch or showing you care. This goes a long way in creating self help motivation, as a person begins feeling like he or she has some say in the situation.

People need to feel like they have a reason behind their decisions. It doesn't matter whether you are exercising or trying to complete a project at work; having clear goals is one of the first steps toward self help motivation. Otherwise any research or time reading a book won't go very far because it won't be that enjoyable to the person.

Once you have a goal or something to focus on, it helps to work on it every day. This means taking little steps toward the self-improvement project. Many suggest working on one part of the goal at least every day. Other people suggest surrounding yourself with positive-natured things and people. You want people who are going to build you up and encourage you. This could also mean getting magazines, books, and software that provide additional information. Listening or reading uplifting material will go a long way because it works into your consciousness.

People are important to your self-image, which is why you must remove those who might impact you in a negative manner. A person can only handle so much ridicule, at least if they want to experience self help motivation. Many times a do-it-yourself project will show you that anything is possible in life.

Self Motivation Tips - 5 Effective Ways to Motivate Yourself

You wake up in the morning not knowing how to start your day. You grumpily get up forcing yourself to start doing something. But for some reason, you just can not. It happens a lot of times to a lot of individuals. It just does. And the only way to pull yourself out of your slump is to stand up and think of the things that might help you out of your misery.

Below are great self motivation tips that are sure to help you become more active and productive everyday.

1. Know what you want to do and what you want to achieve, be it a long-term or a short-term goal. Make sure they are achievable. Write them down and post it on your wall where you can see it every morning. Make it a habit to read them out loud. Visualize them and share them with your friends.

2. Have something to look forward to when you wake up each morning. Think of the happy and good things that are going to happen on that day. Doing this will surely set your mood and mindset for the rest of the day.

3. Discover the best way to motivate yourself. Different people have different personalities and preferences. You just have to experiment and find out what gets you into action. You can get out and breathe some fresh air. You can play your favorite music as you do your early morning routine. You can think of a person that inspires you the most or probably a movie you have seen.

4. Before going to bed, think of the great things that happened during the day. Never ponder on bad things as these will only keep you awake the whole night. Good sleep leads to good outlook the following morning. It will also keep you from waking up in a bad mood.

5. Visualize the result once the job is done. Just imagine the wonderful feeling you will have once your goals are achieved. Push yourself harder and focus on the positive results of what you are trying to reach. Nothing can beat the feeling of pride, satisfaction, and relief.

Try practicing these simple self motivation tips everyday. Without you realizing it, you are on your way to a better self.

Where Do You Get Your Self Esteem

Instead of looking for self-esteem in what you own, look for it in what you do.

My friend has several home improvement projects in mind and was worried about which one to choose and what it would cost. I asked her "Why are these choices important to you?" and she said, "I need them to boost my self esteem." Where do you get your self-esteem?

Self-esteem comes from within

It's not about the power suit or the great hair cut - those may be confidence builders, but self-esteem is about what you think about yourself. It's about how much you love yourself, how good a person you try to be. Self-esteem comes with how you conduct yourself. It comes from the choices you make and how you show up in your world. Your feelings of self-worth come from within. Your self-respect comes only from how you perceive yourself. Can you look in your mirror and say, "I love you."?

Don't be fooled by the outer trimmings

Have you ever met someone who presented a good image but wasn't a very nice person to know? All the trappings in the world won't make that person more likeable. Are all pretty people likeable? Are all unattractive people unlikeable? Of course not. It's what's within that counts. The size of your house or the quality of your clothes are just trimmings. The important "you" is in your smile, your kind eyes and your appreciative laughter. How is your inside showing up on the outside?

How can you increase your self-worth?

Money, or the lack of it, can be a great leveler. I know a community of retired senior women who live their lives with very little money. Their apartments are all the same size; their incomes are all about the same as in not very much, so they are valued for their friendships, their common interests and their contributions to their community. What they do or don't own is totally irrelevant to who they are. You can improve your feelings of self-worth by acknowledging the gifts of others, by helping those around you, by being kind and helpful, and by acknowledging the gifts of their being that every person brings to you.

How do you show up in your world?

If the Universe started giving out gold stars, it wouldn't be for the furniture in your house or the clothes on your back. It would be for what you do for others, how you respond to them, how you support them, how you laugh and love with them.

You are perfect just the way you are and who you are and what you do is much more important to others than the paint job on your house.

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