Tips to Improve Self Confidence

Self-confidence is not a trait that all of us are born with but it is something that can be developed over time. Don't worry if you are lacking in this department you are not doomed forever. There are hundreds of tips and techniques you can use right now to help you. Here are a few ways to improve self confidence

Remind Yourself Of Your Strengths

Make a list of areas of expertise you have, hobbies you have a lot of knowledge of, professions, sports etc which you know that you excel in, concentrate on the achievements that you have. The promotion you got, the book that you wrote, the puppy you saved from drowning in the lake, anything that makes you feel good about yourself. You will automatically feel confident. Write all of these things down and study this list regularly. It seems to be human nature to forget all the good stuff in our lives and only remember the bad. I can hear some of you saying 'I haven't achieved anything', or 'i'm no good at anything' this is your lack of self-confidence talking!! Everybody is good at something or has achieved something good in their life. I don't want to hear 'I'm no good at anything'. No matter how small or insignificant you think it is, write it down.

If you concentrate on a subject that you have limited knowledge of you will feel less confident, especially if you compare yourself to someone else who has more experience in the chosen subject as you will automatically feel inferior to them. End result-your confidence is shaken. This is why we must remind ourselves of the things that we do feel confident in.

What you need to remember is no-one is an expert at everything, you have strengths as does everybody else. Anyone who thinks they know it all, usually knows very little. ( I used to work with someone like this, as probably you have too. Irritating aren't they?) Confident people know this so they don't let other people's knowledge threaten their self-confidence.

Dress To Impress

Another great way to improve your confidence is to dress smart. If you look good you will feel great. As superficial as this sounds it has a profound effect on your self-confidence. Spend some money on some new clothes, think of it as investing in yourself. Taking care of your appearance is a massive confidence booster not to be overlooked or underestimated. When you look smart it changes the way you conduct yourself and interact with other people, you act in a more confident manner.

How To View Failure

How you view failure is another way to dent your confidence. If you take failure to heart at every hurdle you come across then your confidence will hit rock bottom. Failure is a part of life and should be celebrated. As long as you learn from your mistakes then it is no waste of time. All of the richest, most successful people in the world have failed at some time or another, NO-BODY gets it right all the time.You are no different.You WILL make mistakes, all you need to do is dust yourself off and try again.


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