Relationships - Erasing Feelings of Low Self Confidence Responsible for Fears of Intimacy
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cep bagoes
Do you know that the fear of intimacy is a permanent impediment to having a successful and fulfilling relationship? Do you know it drives self sabotaging behaviours that irreparably damage one's most prized relationships? Do you know that one of the more significant drivers of this fear is low self confidence that is rooted in earlier negative memories of abandonment, neglect, rejection, humiliation, abuse, etc. that are stored within the subconscious mind? Do you know these memories behave like "pirates" that literally hijack one's mind, body and life away from them and ruin their best chances of achieving an intimate loving connection? Finally, do you know that you can now take back control and ownership of your relationship life simply by erasing these destructive negative memories? Want to learn more?
Metaphorically, if one builds a house on a weak foundation it is unlikely that person will ever feel secure living in that house. Well, in the same way, a relationship is built on internal emotional foundations that require each partner to be whole, self confident, self assured, mature, emotionally independent, worthy, etc. This often necessitates having had an ideal early family life; a rare and illusory concept for many.
Instead many individuals have had negative early life experiences that undermine their natural self esteem, self confidence, self worth and sense of adequacy. This leaves them feeling defective, deficient, unworthy, and often ashamed of who they "believe" they are. They also assume that others will feel the same negative way about them that they do.
This leaves them with no other option than to make themselves emotionally unavailable to their partners; i.e. what many recognise is driven by a fear of intimacy and ultimate rejection. This leaves them feeling inauthentic, vulnerable, insecure and like imposters.
Until recently it was impossible to rectify this situation because one was permanently "scarred" by an unchangeable past that they carried within them in the form of negative memories. Such memories harbour the emotional pain of early negative events and also serve as the so-called "evidence" justifying why they feel so bad about themselves.
What if that "evidence" could be permanently erased however, would that help restore one to a sense of wholeness, self confidence and self respect? Well, in order to answer that let me make a short diversion.
Those memories behave much like a series of hypnotic trance like states. In other words the person is actually still living in an early childhood trance in which they feel like they did when the negative event actually took place. In other words they have become stuck in a state that in no way represents who they really are i.e. an effective, mature, capable self confident and empowered adult.
Like any trance, once one is able to permanently wake up from it they will then be immediately restored to this mature and whole state. Many individuals actually never wake up from their early negative childhood trances and go through life feeling like unworthy and inadequate "children". This is because few have realized their entranced state and fewer still have realized a strategy to wake up from it.
A decade ago it was discovered that such trance states can be completely eliminated simply by erasing the negative memories associated with them. Exactly how this is accomplished is difficult to fully describe here. Let me say however that it has been helping empower individuals around the world and has helped put their relationship lives on a solid and unshakeable footing.
To learn more about this new coaching process or to request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation kindly visit the web site below.
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