Self Confidence - 5 Steps To Turbo Charge Your Confidence And Inner Belief

Self confidence is the key to success

Self confidence is a balance of a positive self-image, self-respect and an inner belief in yourself.

Your perception of yourself is critical to how you live your life. This perception is based on how you see yourself, feel about yourself, and how you believe other see you and feel about you.

It is these perceptions that lay down the foundations of whether you life will be one filled with happiness and success, or struggle and failure

A belief and a confidence in yourself and your abilities, enables you to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves to you and approach them with vigor and energy.

Also with belief and confidence comes an inner strength and determination which is vital when confronting the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come your way.

Having these personality traits and a positive attitude of mind will ultimately make it almost impossible for you to succumb to so-called 'insurmountable challenges' that you sometimes face and enable you to go on and achieve any desirable goals.

Every challenge that you face and overcome, will further strengthen you self-confidence and inner beliefs making you an unstoppable goal achiever and an irresistible attractor of success.

A great story that highlights great confidence in their own abilities was that of Hannibal. With an army numbering 38,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry and 37 war elephants, he told his generals he wanted to cross the mountain ranges of the Pyrenees and the Alps and attack Rome. His generals replies were an emphatic "It can't be done", in which Hannibal famously replied, "We will find a way or we will make one!"

Want a similar level of confidence? Well here are some steps to follow that will help you on your way

5 Steps To Self Confidence


Be easy on yourself, and try not to judge yourself too critically and harshly. All the mistakes you do are opportunities to learn and grow so treat them as such.

The words you use and your inner self talk holds incredible power. All words have accompanying thoughts and when consistently repeated create harmonious beliefs and ideas. These ideas and beliefs have corresponding actions which then ultimately determine your journey in life.

So I ask you choose your words carefully. Avoid negative and derogatory words and instead use language of a more positive, encouraging and uplifting nature.


Frequent with people you admire and would like to emulate. Be with people who are confident and successful and copy what they do, how they act, speak, stand and walk. Being in a vibrant positive environment will increase your confidence no end.

Whereas hanging out with people who are always negative and pessimistic towards you will inevitably drag you down to the extent that you start forming negative beliefs about who you are and what you can achieve. Avoid these people at all cost. They will drain your confidence and self-worth


Whatever plans, action or direction you decide on, just make sure to follow through.

Possessing a 'never give up' attitude will enable you to achieve anything and everything in life

There no such thing as failure, you only fail when you throw the towel in. There is nothing more damaging to your self-confidence than GIVING UP!!!!!

Keep focused and determined towards achieving your goals. Be flexible. Try different strategies, techniques and approaches and your goals will eventually be realized. The pay-off with all this is that your self-confidence will soar and you will develop more rounded, innovative and diverse skills.


Fronting up to your fear and just tackling it head on will mean that the fear will shrink to nothing and just disappear. Ok, it may not happen exactly like that, but the more you confront that fear or phobia that's been haunting you, I can guarantee that it will subside and eventually go away. Whether it's the fear of heights, approaching someone of the opposite sex, public speaking the more you confront the fear the easier it will disappear and of course the more your confidence will grow.


Keep a journal or diary of all your achievements and gains that you've experienced each day. No matter how small they are record these before you go to bed and congratulate yourself.

These positive thoughts prior to going to sleep will start to imprint on your subconscious mind that you are achieving goals and success which are the foundations to achieve more goals and success in the future.

Some of these achievements could relate to point four above when confronting and overcoming a fear. Whatever it is that makes you feel proud and good about yourself make a note of it and bask in some of the glory. In a few months you can then look back and see the strides you've made in your personal development journey; the challenges you've faced and overcome. All this will lead to giving you self-confidence and inner belief.

If confidence is an issue for you then I advise you to start practicing some of these points in your life With a little patience and perseverance, I'm certain your self-confidence and inner beliefs will slowly but surely reach the heights that enable you to realize any goal and making your life more happy, rewarding and fulfilling.


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