Starting the Day

Everybody who reads this, would want to be a beautiful day, can be bypassed with a peaceful, and productive. Who would not want to have days like that.

But alas, most people just pass the day was so-so only. They passed the day with 'what it ada'. If there is a task or job, it worked. But if not, ya lazy. Until there is more work.

They become unproductive. And it's one of my experiences, I want to change. Having learned from many teachers are great teachers, I finally found a man named Jack Canfield.

He talked about "how to start the day". How to have a productive day. Want to know how?

The way it starts from the day before. Before bed, we should make a list of what we will do tomorrow.

Why should that be so? The first reason is that we know clearly, what-what should be done tomorrow. And we also get the job done right.

The second reason why how to write before bed is, because when we sleep, the subconscious will work and look for ways that our work can be completed effectively and efficiently.

So, the next day, when we start the day, we felt it knew what to do. That's the magnitude of the subconscious.

But usually, we would stress that makes too much to-do list. Advice from me, just write three most important things done for us all. Because the typically from all our lists, there are only three activities that result in 80% yield.

Hopefully this article useful?


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