Activities For Building Self Confidence

Furthermore, has this dream of being self-confident remained something in your imagination you would never achieve (or try to achieve), or has it become a goal - something you can work towards? The following points will show you how you can stop dreaming about building self-confidence and start making your dreams into goals. Goals, of course, need careful planning in order to be accomplished. Here are some steps to help you take the plunge.

Build confidence by making a point-plan

If you want to turn your dream to build confidence into a goal, make a plan of how you'll start. This will be your number one. Never mind about how you'll get to the end because building confidence is a journey, not a destination. The most important thing is making a plan of what you will do first. If you have a bowl of raw rice and wish to eat it, the first step is to boil some water. In order to have the confidence you deserve you have to cut the goal up into segments and begin with the number one point. Are you going to employ a life coach, download some self-confidence articles online, sign up to a confidence building blog, buy some 'How to build confidence' aides? How are you going to start? Once the first step has been taken, the goal becomes easier to achieve and nearer to your grasp because the journey has begun. You're now ready for step two.

Build confidence by leaving your comfort zone

You'll agree there's only one thing do if your goal is to be confident enough to speak in public. This one thing is to speak in public. You will never get anywhere near achieving your goal of confident public speaking if you remain in the comfort of never opening your mouth in public. You have to take the plunge and actually do the task. Likewise, in every form of confidence building, you have to do the thing you're more scared of. You want to build confidence to talk to the opposite sex, then your step one needs to be - talk to the opposite sex. You want to achieve your goal of singing a solo at a concert, then perhaps you could start by convincing your local club/pub to allow you to sing on stage. Remember the comfort zone is the very thing keeping you locked away inside your shell of self-doubt. Remaining in it will keep you buried deeper still. Eventually, you'll only be able to look at confident people and wish you could be like them. You would've lost the will or strength to actually do anything about it.

Build confidence by making use of your strengths

Everyone has got strengths. You may not be able to stand up and talk to a room full of people, but you can teach someone a skill on a one-to-one basis. Start building your confidence where your abilities lie. This will condition you to reach further afield as you continue to grow from strength to strength. Is your ability playing the piano? Then the best place to start building your confidence is not in ballroom dancing, but with the piano. Expose your skill, showcase your skill and accept the praise others shower on you. Teach someone else to do what comes naturally to you. All these activities build your self-confidence. Starting from 'where you know' helps you to branch off as you become stronger. Remember it's not the thing itself that's the confidence builder, it's how you feel about it. Feeling good and certain of yourself in one field will definitely build your self confidence up in general.

I've always maintained on my 'How to Build Confidence' site that the road to confidence is not a short and steady one. The hardest part is taking that first step, but each person grows differently, so it's important to work with the tools that suit you best. I can help point you in the right direction.


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