Quotes to Inspire YOUR Self Confidence

Confidence is a bit like money. You don't need it to enjoy life, but it certainly makes it easier to do so. Yep, being self-confident just makes life more fun.

And it's possible, really possible, for anyone to be self-confident. In fact, when you look closely at those around you who ooze self-confidence, quite possibly the only reason they're self-confident is...

They have self-confidence!

That is, there is no reason for their self-confidence. Just as there is no reason for your lack.

That's what I say, anyway, and with the help of 3 self-confidence inspirational quotes I hope to prove my case. I also hope to show you why it's important to enjoy self-confidence in your life...

Self-confidence Quote #1:

"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."

-- Peter T. Mcintyre

Here we are straightaway, then, breaking one myth of self-confidence: confidence isn't about knowing you're right, or feeling best able to deal with a situation, it's about being okay if you make a mistake.

Let me repeat that, as it's such an important message to anyone who believes they lack self-confidence: it's not about being right, it's about being okay with being wrong.

Imagine now, for a moment, a situation that often occurs in your life where you do not think you are being confident. Let me imagine, also:

* You're in a group of people you don't know, and you're not speaking up, because...

* You're attracted to a woman (or man) in a bar, but you don't go over to talk to her (him) because...

In both these cases you might say that you're behaving like this because you lack confidence. And I say, it isn't true! You're being 'less' than you truly are because you're afraid of 'being wrong'; i.e. of the woman/man not being interested in you; or of the group not finding you interesting when you speak.

See? Subtle difference. Confidence is about showing people who you are and NOT being afraid of their reaction. This is quite simply a fear of rejection. "Great," you say, "but I can't handle rejection."

And I say back to you, "Really? Have you tried it lately?..."

Confidence Quote #2:

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."

-- E.E. Cummings

...Well - continuing on, and to put it bluntly - I don't believe you! You CAN handle rejection all right, you just don't like it. And, who can blame you - I don't like it, either.

But at least we're now being honest about the confidence thing. It's not that we lack confidence, it's that we don't want to take 'risks'.

But when you don't take risks in life, you don't grow. When you don't take risks in life, you don't fully appreciate what life can offer. Life IS about risk! That's what you signed up for - risk - the moment you were born!

And look at what you get when you dare risk, according to EE Cummings anyway. Wonder. Spontaneous delight. The human spirit...

Wow, can there be any better reason not to take risks, not to reveal to the world who you are (confidently so)?...

Self Confidence Quote #3:

"Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings."

-- Samuel Johnson

Clearly, a life filled with self-confidence is a life with many more pleasures and experiences than one blighted by self-confidence doubts.

And boy don't I know this from first hand experience! Ask any of my friends who have known me a while - both men and women friends, and partners - and most will say that I can lack confidence at times.

So, as ever with these articles that I write to inspire, the message is most definitely aimed at me, as well as you - this message of self-confidence.

Self-confidence is just your way of telling the world who you are, what you think and what's important to you. And your opinion matters, just as mine does. And when you are self-confident a whole new 'bigger' world opens up, it really does...

Your self-confidence is a gift to the world. So don't short-change us all, eh!...


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