Youth Camp, Grades, and Self Esteem What Is the Connection

Some parents send their children to youth camp so they can work while knowing their children are safe. For others, it is a place to send their children when they need a break and just want to relax a little. Yet, the smartest parents send their children to youth camp because they want them to be motivated and inspired in unique ways. They want them to be reached by professional counselors who know how to get youth on track for a successful future.

In order to benefit from youth camp, you have to consider what you want your children to get out of the experience. If you just want them to have fun while you have a bit of a break, then any summer camp will do. If you put a bit more thought into it, you can find a youth camp that enriches and teaches your child in deeper ways. They can be coached to make better decisions in life. They can learn mental strategies to keep their calm while taking a test. They can be taught successful learning and study strategies that will take their grades up in school.

There is a lot more to summer camp than just playing games and running around with other children. Kids are now learning important life skills that will stay with them throughout their lives. Those skills enable kids struggling with academics to turn their grades around, and they enable self-conscious kids to hold their heads high with improved self esteem.

What life skills do you think your child could benefit from learning? Think about areas in life where they may be struggling and identify areas where they could improve in some manner. Here are some ideas of skills that children may learn from enrichment summer camps:

Social interaction skills

Communication skills

Study skills for




Problem solving

Decision making

If you think your child lacks in any of these areas, then sending them to a youth camp could be the best thing you ever do for them. The right camp will teach them to care for themselves, respect others, and make the best decisions for their own lives. They will interact with trained coaches who love working with pre-teens and teenagers, or even younger children.

The best thing your child could ever get from summer camp is motivation to do the right things in life. If you have ever worried about your little one getting in with the wrong crowd at school, trying drugs, or becoming sexually active, you will get some peace of mind knowing they are learning decision making skills at youth camp.

Kids with the strength and confidence to say no to others and stand up for themselves are far less likely to be led stray by their peers. Unfortunately, not all kids get the youth camp experience, so they do not have the confidence to say no when they do not want to do something or when they know something is wrong.

As you consider summer camp for your child, think about all the things they could learn besides sports and play. There is so much more out there for your child!

Where Can You Find Self Esteem Help

Until recently most people thought of self esteem as a pretty vague term and one that was only used by people who had spent a lot of time in psychotherapy. However, recent studies have shown that those with high self esteem are simply more apt to succeed in all parts of their lives and that those around them will also see them as more successful.

What Is Your Self Esteem?

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see someone who is happy and excited for what the day has to offer, or do you see someone who is beaten down, unsuccessful, overweight, and struggling to get by? If so, then you need to find self esteem help in order to dig yourself out of this hole.

Where Can You Find It?

You might be able to find some self esteem help from a psychotherapist or other type of social worker, but not only can that be extraordinarily expensive, but it is a very long road. You will end up deconstructing your entire life to find the roots of your problems before you will be able to put the pieces back together.

Most people prefer the shorter route to self esteem help, and that can be done in a number of ways, including affirmations.

What Are Affirmations?

If you have ever walked into a job interview, muttering under your breath, "I can do this!" then you are giving yourself an affirmation. This is a positive statement from you to yourself that is designed to pump you up and give you encouragement. In an ideal world, we would be able to surround ourselves with people who would do this for us, but that is not always the case.

Most of us are part of families that are much more competitive, with the successful brother, the beautiful sister, and the loser kid. If you are the "loser," then you are probably beaten up each and every time you are around your family, and it is time to put an end to that.

How Can You Learn More?

The first thing that you will need to do if you are looking for self esteem help is to determine just what it is that you are unhappy about, whether it is your weight, your financial status, your relationships, or your career. Then, you will need to make a list of things that you are grateful for and things that you are truly good at, no matter how trivial they are. If you can make a great cake, then write it down. If you are loving to your pets, then write it down. Seeing that you have positive traits can only help you to develop higher self esteem.

Online Resources

There are also some very good online resources that can provide self esteem help and get you on the right road to feeling better about yourself. Once you are able to raise your self esteem, you might be surprised at just how quickly your life's fortunes begin to change.

Self Motivation to Lose Weight

There are several reasons that motivates an individual to shed those extra kilos from the body. Some common reasons to get in shape are to achieve a healthier body and enhance one's physical appearance. While most of us are initially very enthusiastic about losing weight, the self motivation decreases with every passing day. Self motivation and weight loss are inextricable. Without some healthy and occasional dose of self motivation, it's difficult to keep yourself on track and monitor your growth and progress. For self motivation to lose weight, you can do several tasks that form the contents of this article.

Motivating Yourself to Lose Weight

Man is an amazing creature and if he decides, he can make a world of difference in his own life. How? Just by adopting positive thinking and an optimistic outlook towards life. Develop and keep your self motivation to lose weight unwavering by following some simple tips mentioned further.

Thou Shall Know Why

After your weight has become a concern for you, you're ready to do something for it, before you turn diabetic or your family doctor warns you of some severe complications. Or may be you wish to lose some weight to look better, wear your favorite outfits and get the body you desire. Mind you, there are various reasons for you to lose weight. But all these reasons become extinct and your motivation drops once the weight loss regime starts. Reason? You forget why you want to lose weight. You need to ask yourself some questions about why you really want to lose your weight. Ingrain in your mind that you've got to lose weight for yourself, most importantly. Remember, 'why' is the foundation stone of your motivation. Be crystal clear about your goal for losing weight and you'll never feel deviated from the path.

Thou Shall Muster Courage

Enough of talking and thinking about healthy weight loss. Now, it's the time to be in the battle and face the demons of laziness, discomfort and boredom. Muster all your courage and get connected to the determination that has been lying dormant in the heart. Yeah, it has been there. You must have always heard that small voice within you motivating you to lose weight. Create a game plan. It's apt to join a gym as that will make you disciplined in the initial months. Make a journal and note all the important achievements, start dates, end dates for your workouts. Keep a note of what you're eating, drinking and exercises you're following. Being brutally honest and disciplined is difficult but it works wonders. I saw a magical result in the weight loss programs of one of my friends after she started noting everything about her weight loss experience and monitored her growth closely.

Thou Shall Be Flexible

Self motivation for weight loss is more successful if you give some flexibility to your schedule. This means you can switch over to less strenuous activities on some day if you don't feel like doing it or if you don't have sufficient time at your disposal. Be flexible. Use the stairs instead of lifts to reach to your office floor, in case you missed some of your workouts for the day. This helps you to be focused around your objective. In case you miss a workout some day, try some relaxation and breathing exercises of Yoga and meditation. Hundreds of thousands of people have been able to benefit by Yoga.

Thou Shall Love Commitment

Your decision to lose weight is something that has stemmed from the bottom of your heart. Right? Then give your heart to it. There will be moments of isolation from your objective but don't lose hope. Develop self-confidence to lose weight and gradually you'll win over your limitations. Write your goals on footnotes and paste them on your toothbrush mirror, study desk, wardrobe, etc. Keep a reminder in your mobile phone and let it beep once everyday. Your subconscious will automatically direct your energies towards your objective.

In a Nutshell

So, aren't you motivated to lose weight? I guess, you're. So, let us summarize our discussion to again remind you of several pointers that you must not forget in your journey to lose weight. These tips and tricks must be on your fingertips so that you can ease out in this quest, without losing sleep over all the hyped weight loss regimes. So, here we go.

Remember the 'why' behind your desire to lose weight as it acts an impetus to keep you motivated. While the goal of achieving a slimmer body is always the first priority of many people, try focusing on some intangible benefits like a healthier body. Living longer without diseases is a natural desire in human beings and that will propel you to give that extra effort to succeed in your endeavor.

Don't isolate from close friends and family members. Seek help and talk to them to support you in this mission, which may at times appear to be frustrating. Remember, the motivation levels are always high when your family and friends help you to ease the stress.

Stress is the number one spoiler of all your efforts. Priorities at workplace and at home may interfere with your weight loss schedule inducing stress. Patience is necessary in these situations. Don't let stress affect you to an extent where your weight loss efforts go waste.

It is best to train under the guidance of a personal trainer who can help you in the entire process. It is beneficial to seek professional help because a trainer keeps you motivated and monitors your progress effectively.

Keep in touch with your goals, values and progress by recording them in a personal diary. You can even start a blog dedicated to your weight loss regime. You can connect to several like-minded groups and can stay motivated by learning from others' experiences.

On the Internet, there are several sources from where you can learn and know more about people who have had successful weight loss experiences. Try to understand there views and adopt those that favor you. If you read about weight loss, there are hundreds of thousands of websites but you should focus upon very few, that you find useful.

Celebrate your victories even if they're small by rewarding yourself gifts.

If you cheated on your exercise or diet regime, don't let it demotivate you. Get back to your schedule with more determination. Once you have generated sufficient self motivation to lose weight you'll be able to win all odds in your way for your weight loss plans. But during all this endeavor, there will be frequent episodes of procrastination which you have to face bravely, reminding yourself about the mission again and again. So, relax now. Take a deep breath. And, get ready to lose weight without worrying about it. All the best!

Self Motivation Tips How to Motivate Yourself

Self motivation is the inspiration behind your behavior and actions. It is an important mechanism that will help you to reach your goal, without external influence. Self motivation improves your confidence and self-esteem, as well as gives you strength to achieve your goal.

How to Motivate Yourself

Self motivation is important in every aspect of your life, be it career, social life, relationship, health and fitness, spirituality or personality development. Firstly, you must find out what motivates you. Some people may get motivated by influential people; while, some by reading inspirational books, stories or poems. Different methods are used by different people. Self-motivation is a more efficient method. Reading motivational books will inspire you temporarily. If you can motivate yourself, you do not have to depend on any external factors. Self motivation is the best inspirational technique. Here are a few self-motivation tips that are easy to remember and follow.

Self Motivation Tips

Dream: Without having a dream, you cannot achieve anything. You must have observed how obsessed great men are with their dreams. Everyone is aware of Martin Luther King, Jr's famous speech, 'I Have A Dream'. Only when you have a dream, you will be determined to follow it and make it real.

Make concrete plans: It is very important to make realistic goals. They should not be extraordinary and unreachable. Firstly, discover your strengths, your fortes and also your limits; only then, set your goals. You should also have a blueprint of your plan. Your action plan must be flexible, so that it lasts long.

Positive attitude: Your attitude is your biggest asset. Positive thinking is extremely important as your thoughts and attitude will influence your plans and actions. Do not let negative thoughts or people influence you. Do not get frustrated or depressed. Recall the famous song, Some Days Are Diamonds, Some Days Are Stone. Write your positive aspects and achievements. It will definitely boost your self-confidence.

Start with a small step: It takes a lot of effort to initiate the planned course of action. It is observed that most people have their plans ready, but they find it extremely difficult to make a start. You must at least take a single step to begin your work. Once you begin, it is easier to continue. Do not fear making mistakes because the more you fear, the more likely you are to commit one. Remember that failure is followed by success.

Block external forces: Harmful external forces likes negative thoughts and ideas must be completely blocked. You should never lose your mental balance under any circumstances. You should not be nervous or depressed. Do not let emotions empower any of your actions.

Consistency: Steadiness and regularity in your actions is very essential. It is possible that you may get discouraged or tired, after the initial excitement is over. But, you have to self-motivate and be focused. Strengthen your interest and desire to succeed. Do not complain about lack of resources or unsuitable situations. If you are really determined, you will accomplish your goal. You must not let any kind of obstacles affect you or your action plans. Commitment is the key word.

Procrastination is your enemy: Delaying your day's work will lengthen your time in achieving your goal. Avoid being lazy. Taking breaks to get refreshed is accepted, but not putting things off for the next day. Procrastination is a hindrance in your progress.

Never quit: If you follow the right plan and procedure, you are sure to succeed. But, there may be times when things can go wrong. However, you must never lose hope. Keep on trying, find out what is wrong but do not quit. Memorize the famous quote, Losers quit when they are tired, Champions quit when they hold gold.

So, gear up and get started. Reward yourself, even if you make any single accomplishment. Believe in yourself so that you can easily self-motivate yourself. Recall these self motivation skills daily, and you are sure to succeed!

Self Motivation Quote - The Way To Get Over The Humps of Life

This is actually what you can do, to motivate yourself, if there is no one around to pick you up, when you feel low. But of course you can use Self Motivation Quotes in your everyday life, just because you want to develop your own mind.

Quotes can actually do many things to your mind in all situations. When I think of motivation quotes, I think of quotes that can make me push myself further, than I normally would have gone.

By this I mean e.g. I'm standing in a situation, where I feel uncomfortable to go on. Let's say I'm standing outside a door to a house, owned by a person I do not know. I need to make a sale at this house, and it's the last sale I have to do this month, and I have managed to sell the demanded of me.

In this house, he is actually not totally unknown to me, he's one of the known faces in town. Many thinks he's intimidating. Actually I just want to move on, and let this house be..

Think I've painted the picture really nice now, right? Do you know the feeling of this? I think you do, or I think you can relate to the feeling.

At this situation, I think of some quotes, and I need a quote, which can get me over this feeling, or make me cope with the feeling. Actually, I have a favourite quote that usually does for me, in any situation I can think of, when I'm feeling uncomfortable doing something.

This Quote is a very famous one by Vincent Lombardi: "Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win"

This self motivation quote really does it for me, and it usually can make me cope with any feeling, if any action is needed by me.

Do you see what I mean? The right quote can take you further in life, and take you closer to your goal, because it can motivate you to do something you wouldn't normally do. Think about it.

Steps to Enhancing Self Motivation

Being motivated can help a person to succeed in many different areas of their life such as their work, their home life, their relationships with others and it can even help a person to increase their wellbeing. In other words motivation can do a lot of positive things for an individual which can really benefit them and their lives. One of the problems however that the majority of people have with being motivated is that becoming motivated can be very hard. It can be made even more difficult if a person is having a rough time in their life and feels as though nothing is going right for them. Anyone who wants to become self motivated should take note of the following steps to achieve this.

Step one - have self belief. When you believe in yourself you will find that it is much easier to become motivated. Often self belief can feel strange to anyone not used to thinking positively about anything, let alone themselves. To combat this start small and make a list of positive things about yourself. For example if you are a good listener put this on your list. As you think of more things keep adding them to your list and you will soon see the positive things about yourself and develop self belief over time.

Step two - decide what you would like to be motivated about. Having clear and well defined goals will help to increase motivation, after all it is very hard to motivated about nothing. So think what you would like to be motivated about. So would you like to achieve a new qualification or maybe improve a relationship within your family.

Step three - decide how you will start on your path to motivation. This is actually a whole lot easier than it sounds. Say you would like to gain a qualification think about what you would need to do to achieve this. Firstly, you would need to decide on the qualification then find out where you can gain this.

Step four - start on your road to self motivation by taking the first steps towards your goal. As you do this your motivation will grow and it will start to become second nature to you. In no time at all you will find that you are motivated and can easily motivate yourself to achieve whatever you wish.

Step five - start living your life as a person who finds it easy to become motivated. When this happens you will find that you have a new sense of freedom and start to think more positively.

Some people use self help books in addition to these steps to help them to be more motivated and this can also be useful. So if you are looking to enhance your self motivation and start getting things done in your life, follow the steps mentioned above. In no time you will find that you have a more positive outlook on life and you are achieving more than you ever thought possible.

What Is Self Confidence Hypnosis

Self confidence hypnosis is a great technique for building self esteem and regain a sense of self worth.

As you are probably aware of, low self esteem gives you all kinds of limits and fears. Moreover, these are feelings that started earlier in life and kept growing stronger and harder to manage. Sometimes, even when you really try to maintain a confident attitude, remembering your many fine attributes, there is just too much going on in your mind, pulling you down and not allowing you to retain that positive energy.

If you can relate and are feeling frustrated with your efforts in overcoming low self esteem, don't despair. Self confidence hypnosis can help you break free from that very negative mindset because it deals at a deeper level of your mind where fears, phobias and other issues have been stored from an early age.

Hypnosis is an amazing way to arm you against this particular inside struggle. Some people are still resistant to the idea of using hypnotherapy. Unfortunately, there seems to be a common myth that when you're hypnotized, you put yourself in a dangerous position since you are supposedly not in control of your actions and someone could be taking advantage of your frail state. In reality, you are hyper-relaxed and therefore very suggestible, like in meditation, but you are still in control and aware.

Hypnosis was first used by a Scottish surgeon named James Braid in the late 1800s. The words hypnosis and hypnotism basically mean "sleep of the nervous system" which is getting the patient to a specific mental state of deep relaxation. When the mind is quiet and freed from the incessant negative self talk, it becomes ideally open and susceptible to positive suggestions.

Self confidence hypnosis is about being verbally guided to a point of conscious relaxation, so that the therapist or you (using your own recorded voice or a guided self hypnosis mp3 or CD) can work with inspiring visualizations and positive suggestions, enabling you to achieve your goals of self confidence. In this new state of mind, you'll be able to see yourself in a different light with no fears, no anxiety, no failures and no need for the acceptance of others.

Using self confidence hypnosis, you and your therapist (or a guided self hypnosis audio) will have the chance to focus on bringing your essence out, perfect and flawless and a sense of worthiness by inducing new positive self beliefs and eliminating the outside noise.

The next time you think about your capabilities, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

What Is Self Confidence and How Is It Affecting Your Life

Self confidence is all about how you perceive yourself. It indicates your sense of worth. But, actually, there is more to it than having the utmost capability to believe, to deal with life's day-to-day trials and challenges and knowing that you are most likely to get pleasure, success, and of course, happiness.

Usually, your confidence levels are influenced by several factors, whether it is internal or external factors. This only means that the things within and outside yourself can seriously affect that way you perceive yourself. Hence, low self-confidence can greatly affect all the aspects of a person's life - whether it is your family, career, or health. For that reason, you need to learn how to cope with all these factors in order to build your confidence and maintain your sense of worth. Believing in yourself and recognizing that you are worthy of importance is the true essence of self-confidence.

But the question is how can low self-confidence affect someone's life? Since self esteem is all about how you like yourself, low self-confidence is exactly its direct opposite. A person is said to be confident when he feels good about himself. Low self-confidence, however, happens when something or a certain situation make you feel bad about yourself. This can be rejection, fear, failure, criticism, or poverty. Most of the time the things that make you feel bad are the main causes why your self confidence tends to become low.

Generally speaking, there are three basic factors that affect the level of confidence of an individual. These factors specifically refer to the following:

 Values - To be able to enjoy your life, it is a must that you learn to live life with your deepest values. If it is clear to you what you really believe in, then, most likely you know how to truly value your life. And only people who respect themselves know how to value themselves and who are confident about whom they are.

 Mastery - This factor refers to the state of being sure of yourself and be comfortable with your life and work. By being in control of yourself, you become more effective in anything that you do. It gives you the feeling of being valuable and great. And each time you feel that you are effective in whatever you do, your level of confidence is increased and your sense of worth is also improved.

 Goals - It is very important that you know what you want in order to boost up your self-confidence. You have to set your goals in whatever activity that you take. You feel much better when you know that you are doing something that you want and you believe in. It helps you perform better because you know that you have an objective that you need to accomplish.

Needless to say, self-confidence is something that is quite complicated to put in plain words. This is in view of the fact that there are a lot of factors to be considered in order to explain how it can seriously affect a person's life. Nevertheless, if you will only learn how to make the most of all the good things in your life, and focusing only on the positive side, you will realize that your confidence or self-worth will suddenly begin to improve.

Tips to Improve Self Confidence

Self-confidence is not a trait that all of us are born with but it is something that can be developed over time. Don't worry if you are lacking in this department you are not doomed forever. There are hundreds of tips and techniques you can use right now to help you. Here are a few ways to improve self confidence

Remind Yourself Of Your Strengths

Make a list of areas of expertise you have, hobbies you have a lot of knowledge of, professions, sports etc which you know that you excel in, concentrate on the achievements that you have. The promotion you got, the book that you wrote, the puppy you saved from drowning in the lake, anything that makes you feel good about yourself. You will automatically feel confident. Write all of these things down and study this list regularly. It seems to be human nature to forget all the good stuff in our lives and only remember the bad. I can hear some of you saying 'I haven't achieved anything', or 'i'm no good at anything' this is your lack of self-confidence talking!! Everybody is good at something or has achieved something good in their life. I don't want to hear 'I'm no good at anything'. No matter how small or insignificant you think it is, write it down.

If you concentrate on a subject that you have limited knowledge of you will feel less confident, especially if you compare yourself to someone else who has more experience in the chosen subject as you will automatically feel inferior to them. End result-your confidence is shaken. This is why we must remind ourselves of the things that we do feel confident in.

What you need to remember is no-one is an expert at everything, you have strengths as does everybody else. Anyone who thinks they know it all, usually knows very little. ( I used to work with someone like this, as probably you have too. Irritating aren't they?) Confident people know this so they don't let other people's knowledge threaten their self-confidence.

Dress To Impress

Another great way to improve your confidence is to dress smart. If you look good you will feel great. As superficial as this sounds it has a profound effect on your self-confidence. Spend some money on some new clothes, think of it as investing in yourself. Taking care of your appearance is a massive confidence booster not to be overlooked or underestimated. When you look smart it changes the way you conduct yourself and interact with other people, you act in a more confident manner.

How To View Failure

How you view failure is another way to dent your confidence. If you take failure to heart at every hurdle you come across then your confidence will hit rock bottom. Failure is a part of life and should be celebrated. As long as you learn from your mistakes then it is no waste of time. All of the richest, most successful people in the world have failed at some time or another, NO-BODY gets it right all the time.You are no different.You WILL make mistakes, all you need to do is dust yourself off and try again.

The Essence of Self Confidence in Public Speaking

Have you ever tried talking in front of the public? Or even talk to a superior of your school? In boys' cases, have you ever tried asking for a girl to be your girlfriend? Or even tried telling her that you are madly, deeply in love with her?

If yes, then very good! Your confidence to yourself is high. And you have overcome your greatest inside problem, low self-esteem. You are ready to go farther than were you have been. But if not, then you better get ready for I am about to share to you how difficult life is without confidence and believing in yourself. And all you can do is turn your back from any challenges that need self-esteem as your weapon.

Let me start with a situation wherein you need to present a 5-minute speech in front of the class about any issues in the society. You know that only this speech could save you from failing a subject. That awkward feeling when your heart beats like drums on streets, hands shaking, the feeling of cat-got-your-tongue, and you can't even do anything about it. You can't deliver your speech clearly because you re afraid to talk in front. This is what you call glossophobia, or simply the fear of public speaking. Most people suffer from this because you could be scared of the other people's comment about your idea, pronunciation,or your gestures. But if you walk in front and be confident of your speech, you'll surely be receiving applauds from the audience. And I know you know how it feels to be appreciated by people.

Don't let fear of public speaking make you embarrass in front of other people. Do something with it. Develop your confidence in public speaking by being prepared in everything. Make sure you are ready with your speech, know and understand well your lecture. Open your own ideas to the audiences like examples, experiences, and quotations. You should also practice well your pronunciation and everything so that you would not get embarrassed in front with your own manner of speaking. If you are still nervous of delivering your speech, the only thing that you can do is pretend. Pretend that your nervousness feeling doesn't exist. Don't forget to make an eye to eye contact with the audience and watch your proper gestures that they wouldn't even notice that your shaking.

There are some bad things that may happen to someone who has low self-esteem. Maybe he or she couldn't live his or her life happily for the negative thoughts always bothers him or her. Don't let these bad things happen to you, make an action and improve your self confidence.

Stop Negative Memories From Killing Your Self Confidence Today

Do you know that every person who suffers from low self confidence is carrying one or more negative memories of failure, abuse, abandonment, humiliation, loss, rejection etc. that is/are entirely responsible for such feelings? Do you know that low self confidence can be rapidly and permanently and completely reversed simply by erasing these negative memories from the subconscious mind? Want to learn more?

Low self confidence is not something that you are born with or that is genetically inherited. Rather it is the result of negative events that occur to you somewhere along the path of your life that get recorded within as negative memories. These memories generally serve as "evidence" for why you believe and feel that you are, say, inadequate, defective, deficient, a failure, useless, unworthy, unattractive, stupid, etc.

As long as these memories remain buried deep within your subconscious mind they will play themselves out in the background of your mind/consciousness and directly generate and support the negative self beliefs mentioned above. These invade and hijack the conscious mind and make up much of the mind chatter that most people are familiar with and feel imprisoned in most of their lives.

Another way of conceptualizing this is that those memories create an invisible force field that literally behaves like a limiting "belief prison" that distorts one's self perception, undermines their self esteem and self worth, lies to them about what they are truly capable of and thereby kills one's self confidence.

Although many individuals who are caught in this invisible web attempt to do battle with it by attempting to "overcome it" this strategy is not only not fruitful it also consumes and diverts a great deal of Life Force Energy away from creative manifestation and wrecks one's potential for true greatness.

Unless, and until, one can literally depower this invisible force field permanently and completely they will remain forever enslaved to it.

So is there a way to do that, you ask?

Yes, however it entails challenging the very beliefs one has about the memories themselves i.e. those pertaining to their usefulness. When this is done the memories themselves completely dissolve.

It's much like deleting old useless files from one's computer hard drive. This is not simply about deleting the negative emotional charge associated with a negative memory, which on its own yields only temporary and incomplete results rather a deletion of the entire memory completely and forever.

In order to appreciate how this is possible it is useful to think of negative memories in the same way that one concepualizes a normal parasite. Parasites essentially feed off their host. Negative memories feed off of one's Life Force Energy, the soure of all one's positive resources, including their self confidence.

Parasites need to get inside you and hook themselves in so that they don't automatically get flushed out. Negative memories essentially do the same thing by providing "lies" as to how they are useful to you or necessary for your survival. These lies serve to fool you into allowing them to remain embedded within while they "suck" your Life Energy out of you.

These lies, can be made conscious and in doing so their true nature is revealed. As this happens their "holding power" significantly diminishes thereby releasing (and erasing) the memory permanently and completely. As this happens one's self confidence as well as many other positive self experiences re-emerge spontaneously.

To learn more about a new coaching process that has the capability of accomplishing this kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation that will help you get on track to permanently restoring your self confidence.

Self Confidence, A Definition

Our self confidence is something we can all do with boosting; whether it needs boosting occasionally or regularly. A surprisingly large amount of the population suffers from low confidence and/or low self esteem. The self improvement market is a healthy, growing market, even in our current economy, which would indicate that we all see the need to work on these areas of our lives and that we all understand the importance our confidence and esteem. So, what exactly is self confidence?

Self Confidence - What Is It?

Self confidence is having a belief in your ability and future performance. Having a high level of self esteem means you are more likely to see yourself as someone who is worthy of happiness and success. This, in turn, means you will have the confidence to push yourself to try harder and to aim for whatever goals you want to set out to try to achieve.

So What Does This Mean?

The definition of self confidence actually goes further than believing in your ability and performance. If you are a self confident person, you are a lot less likely to worry about the disapproval of others if you happen to fail at something - and less worried yourself about this failure too. So, in a nutshell, you are far more likely to enjoy the experience and the act of taking part - failing or losing becomes irrelevant really. Ironically, this leads to the probability that you are more likely to succeed anyway!

How is Self Esteem Different?

Basically, self confidence is belief in your abilities and future performance, self esteem is feeling a sense of pride in yourself. It is how you see your own self worth. This is evaluated in several ways including our emotions and our beliefs. Any feelings of despair of triumph we have are as a result of our emotions; feeling worthless or worthwhile is down to our built in beliefs. Self esteem can be applied to specific parts of us (like our ability to do something specific) or globally to us as a whole (for example, if we believe we are a good or bad person in general).

Why should I care?

The benefits of having a good level or self confidence and esteem are endless! Building your confidence and esteem will build your belief in both yourself and your actual ability to achieve whatever you want to have a go at. It gives you the courage to be yourself; to live life the way you want to. So the question should really be - why wouldn't you care?

Self Confidence Tips For Women

If you're going through midlife changes, life transitions, or just need a boost, here are 10 simple self confidence tips to help you start living your best life:

1. Give Thanks - Consciously focus on what you can appreciate in your life right now. Look at anything in your life that you can be grateful for and give thanks for having it!

2. Upgrade Your Wardrobe - I know... Clothes don't really make the woman, but they sure can impact how she feels about herself... Start wearing clothes that make you feel good about yourself. This doesn't mean you have to spend a ton of money! Go shopping in your own closet first and see what you have! You can always add to your wardrobe by buying a few quality classic items like, white shirt, black dress, a good pair of jeans, etc. Then you can create different looks with by mixing and matching your tops and bottoms and using various accessories (earrings, belts, scarves, shoes, etc.) Remember, when we look good it affects how we carry ourselves and interact with others. So dress sharp, take care of your personal appearance, and have fun with it.

3. Work Out - Always take care of your physical body by exercising and eating well! This is definitely one of the best things you can do for yourself and boost your self confidence. Make a list of activities you enjoy: walking, hiking, yoga, dancing, going to the gym, swimming, running, tennis, biking, weight training, etc. Then do something active everyday! Not only will this help you feel good about yourself, but it will give you more energy and improve your mood.

4. Stand Up Tall - Be conscious s of your posture at all times. Stand tall with your head up and shoulders back. Breathe from your diaphragm, smile and relax. This alone would automatically make you feel more confident!

5. Walk with Purpose - People who are confident and know where they're going walk faster than other. Pick up your pace and walk quickly with purpose as if you know exactly where you're going!

6. Listen/Read inspirational material - Get in the habit of reading positive quotes, magazine, books, materials, and/or listening to uplifting music, or motivational CDs. Feed your mind by surrounding yourself with positive people, images, and messages.

7. Write a New Story - Write a new story about you and your life. Moving forward, decide who you intend to be; how intend to act; what you intend to have and create; who you want in your life; and what empowering beliefs, habits, and thoughts you intend to reinforce. Write 2-3 paragraphs about your new story and life.

8. Give Compliments - As you go through your day, start giving genuine compliments to others without expecting one back. This forces you to look for the good and positive in people, which will bring out the good and positive in you. Give at least 3 authentic compliments a day.

9. Use Your Voice - Make an effort to speak up at least once a day in group discussions at work or with friends/family. Remember, what you have to say is just as important as what some else has to say! So use your voice and speak up whenever you want to!

10. Make a difference - Stop focusing on you and your life all the time! Shift your focus to contributing and making a difference in someone else's life. Volunteer your time as little or as much as your schedule allows. Find an organization or cause that you are passionate about, and reach out and support them. The more you give to the world, the more the world will give back to you.

To learn more, visit us at: or email me at .

Farah Risoen - Life Coach, Trainer, and Speaker

Self Confidence Testing

A self confidencetest could be most helpful in overcoming low self esteem issues. Frequently, a self confidencetest will grant you an estimation about what sort of confidence builders you had better be applying in your life, if you want your dreams to come true. Self confidence boosters can become a tenacious weapon for overcoming low self esteemissues throughout life. I'd commend anyone willing to take a self confidence test to get an idea about where to begin with self esteem building methods.

Confidence builderscan be very productive in overcoming low self esteem. These are childlike things you are able to do in order toget you through tough bout with self esteem issues. Granted, self esteem boosters fall into an assortment ofdifferent methods. Ultimately, it'sadequate to find out for yourself which confidence building methods work for you and what does not. It is crucial to know at this point that there's a difference ofopinion between what is calledconfidence builders and what are known as, self confidence boosters. A self confidence test ought to establish an estimation about both that may work for you.

Self confidence boosters

Self confidence boosters are things you are able to do to almost immediately toget that little extra boost of self esteemyou might need to get you through the day. No worries, they soon become habit forming. Self confidence boosters differ from confidence builders in that confidence builders are the things you are able to do when you have extra time but for better results, I suggest if a scheduled time for using your confidence builders. I strongly suggest a self confidence test to get started in overcoming low self esteem right away.

Briefly, self confidence boosters do a bang-up job if you are trying to raise your self esteemquickly. The issue of confidence and self esteemshouldn't beover looked anyway. A lot of times this is the adjudicating componentin your journey to achieve life long goals. Wishing the best to anybody overcoming low self esteem issues and for them, the most beneficial thing I can do is propose a self confidence test to get started building your self esteem.

Self Confidence Building

Self Confidence Building is quite simply the ongoing process of bolstering your self esteem and self concept. You see, the degree of self confidence you possess at this very moment in time is the culmination of A)how you currently perceive yourself, B) how other (influential) people perceive you, and C) how you respond to both yours and other's perceptions. Ultimately, all three of these items are within your control; however, there are natural and logical limitations on your level of control at any given time. So, while you can most definitely improve the way you and others see yourself in the short term, you must also be in a constant state of progress and self-improvement in order to justify any new found levels of confidence. In a nut shell, the art and science of self confidence building is a twofold campaign: seizing control of the three items listed previously while simultaneously increasing your paradigm of your place in the world and improving your life.

Self Confidence Building: Changing Your Self Perception

Improving the perception you have of yourself is relatively easy to do. The caveat is that you actually have to want to change. Most of the time, people tend to get too comfortable with where they are in life and lack the will power to make any internal adjustments or develop a new vision of themselves.

If you are at a place in your life where you honestly want to make positive changes, then it's easy to get started; simply start having more positive self dialogue and treat yourself better. The words you say inside your own mind are the most powerful words you'll ever hear. Internal dialogue directs your thinking and ultimately shapes your ideas and beliefs. Always make a point to choose self-talk that uplifts you, encourages you, and that keeps you on the path of self-actualization Anytime you hear harsh criticism from your own mind, stop it immediately and say something positive.

Self Confidence Building: Changing Other's Perception of You

The idea of changing other people's perception is somewhat of a dicey subject. On one hand, a highly confident person need not be concerned about other people's superficial opinions. On another hand, it's just plain foolish to pretend that you are immune to criticism and not influenced by other people.

One thing you definitely want to do immediately is to begin surrounding yourself with good people. People who build you up, are honest and forthright, and have your best interest at heart. Having a good solid peer group will show you where you can improve and at the same time will reinforce your already good qualities. When you surround yourself with uplifting people, you will be able to get authentic feedback about self-improvement and the things you need to change. It's extremely great resource if you are able to embrace this genuine feedback and use it to your advantage.

Just as important as surrounding yourself with positive people is ridding yourself of negative people. If you are at the point in your life where you do not feel highly independent and are not as confident as you would like to be, you absolutely must make a point to limit negative influences. Toxic people will only pull you down and should be avoided at all cost!

*On a side note: Once you reach a high level of strength and abundance, you may find that you get a great deal of satisfaction from having a constructive influence on negative people. Just make sure you are at a point in your life where being around negative people is pragmatic.*

Self Confidence Building: Responding to Perceptions

Of course you cannot surround yourself with positive well-intentioned people 100% of the time. If you are to become the person you wish to be, you must be able to accept the fact that not everybody on Earth is going to like you. Humans innately tend to be judgmental and cliquish; occasionally we can be quite rude and condescending. When faced with such nonsense, you simply cannot allow it to affect the way you feel about yourself. Simply remove your emotions from your dealings with overly spiteful judgmental people and allow them to have whatever opinion they may. Move on to bigger better things and continue to live your life fully.

Self Confidence Building: Raising Your Standards

If you wish to have an improved perception of yourself be it yours and others, you must raise the bar for the way you live! It's simply not practical for anybody, especially YOU, to see a truly great person if you choose to live in perpetual mediocrity. If you wish to be viewed highly and feel the self confidence that comes with that view, you must continuously strive for self-actualization and greatness. Of course, everybody has a different opinion of what greatness is but people generally know greatness when they see it. Be the person who is honest and true to their word. Take action when you know you need to take action. Follow your plans and pursue your dreams passionately. Don't hesitate to stand tall for your ideals, ethics, and principles. And never stop getting back up. A very large and magnificent world awaits those who are confident, alive, and courageous!

Self Confidence - Two Tip Teaser

So let's start with a base and work up. Here are some tangible tips you can use right away to get you started.

Teaser Tip 1

First tip, this is very hard, so brace yourself; learn to smile more often, wear the smile of a winner in your life. Rule #1, never let anyone see you down; it's a negative world out there... be different and just smile, practice it in the mirror, find your most attractive smile. The last thing that you need is to pull off some quirky, dorky smile if you are not used to it, so find that winning smile and use it.

Life is a mirror, you will reflect back into your life what you give out, that, my friend, is fact. Give a frown and you will attract a frown, give a smile and you will attract a smile.

Remember, bite size pieces to test this out. This week, when you are presented with an opportunity to meet or greet someone, I would like you to be very conscious about what you are about to do. I want you to walk up to this person with your back up straight, look at them dead in the eye, pull out that award-winning smile you practised in the mirror, stretch out your hand and give a firm handshake then say (while you are shaking their hand) just a couple of words like "how are you today" or "welcome" but with an enthusiastic voice tone, people will love you, people love positive people. Note: to all those single people out there who lack confidence, this is an absolute cracker of a strategy, you will become more attractive to the opposite sex.

As much as all this will be uncomfortable for you, DO IT! Just do it OK? And see the response you will get. I really want you to observe the response and how did their response make you feel. Then do it more often, go ahead push yourself and try it 5 times this week, then develop a habit of doing it.

Teaser Tip 2

Go out and buy yourself new clothes, get your hair cut or done, shower, shave, splash some perfume or after shave on. This act in itself will make you feel good, and when you feel good, you have more belief in yourself and when you have belief in yourself, you naturally become more confident. I am always surprised at the amount of men who don't take advantage of the way they are dressed, women on the other hand are fashion queens. Women in general take full advantage of the way they are dressed. If you are a woman, and lack in self confidence, try looking at a new style that will reflect the image of the confident women you want to be, men? Do the same thing.

If you think an award-winning smile and being well dressed doesn't matter much to you, then you have missed the point and you will be on a long journey to find the confidence you are looking for. Get these two tips right and you have laid your first foundation down to start working on the next level of confidence.

Go ahead... I dare you, I dare to win, I dare to push your boundaries, I dare to start the path on fulfilling the person you were called to be.

Self Confidence - 5 Steps To Turbo Charge Your Confidence And Inner Belief

Self confidence is the key to success

Self confidence is a balance of a positive self-image, self-respect and an inner belief in yourself.

Your perception of yourself is critical to how you live your life. This perception is based on how you see yourself, feel about yourself, and how you believe other see you and feel about you.

It is these perceptions that lay down the foundations of whether you life will be one filled with happiness and success, or struggle and failure

A belief and a confidence in yourself and your abilities, enables you to take advantage of any opportunities that present themselves to you and approach them with vigor and energy.

Also with belief and confidence comes an inner strength and determination which is vital when confronting the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come your way.

Having these personality traits and a positive attitude of mind will ultimately make it almost impossible for you to succumb to so-called 'insurmountable challenges' that you sometimes face and enable you to go on and achieve any desirable goals.

Every challenge that you face and overcome, will further strengthen you self-confidence and inner beliefs making you an unstoppable goal achiever and an irresistible attractor of success.

A great story that highlights great confidence in their own abilities was that of Hannibal. With an army numbering 38,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry and 37 war elephants, he told his generals he wanted to cross the mountain ranges of the Pyrenees and the Alps and attack Rome. His generals replies were an emphatic "It can't be done", in which Hannibal famously replied, "We will find a way or we will make one!"

Want a similar level of confidence? Well here are some steps to follow that will help you on your way

5 Steps To Self Confidence


Be easy on yourself, and try not to judge yourself too critically and harshly. All the mistakes you do are opportunities to learn and grow so treat them as such.

The words you use and your inner self talk holds incredible power. All words have accompanying thoughts and when consistently repeated create harmonious beliefs and ideas. These ideas and beliefs have corresponding actions which then ultimately determine your journey in life.

So I ask you choose your words carefully. Avoid negative and derogatory words and instead use language of a more positive, encouraging and uplifting nature.


Frequent with people you admire and would like to emulate. Be with people who are confident and successful and copy what they do, how they act, speak, stand and walk. Being in a vibrant positive environment will increase your confidence no end.

Whereas hanging out with people who are always negative and pessimistic towards you will inevitably drag you down to the extent that you start forming negative beliefs about who you are and what you can achieve. Avoid these people at all cost. They will drain your confidence and self-worth


Whatever plans, action or direction you decide on, just make sure to follow through.

Possessing a 'never give up' attitude will enable you to achieve anything and everything in life

There no such thing as failure, you only fail when you throw the towel in. There is nothing more damaging to your self-confidence than GIVING UP!!!!!

Keep focused and determined towards achieving your goals. Be flexible. Try different strategies, techniques and approaches and your goals will eventually be realized. The pay-off with all this is that your self-confidence will soar and you will develop more rounded, innovative and diverse skills.


Fronting up to your fear and just tackling it head on will mean that the fear will shrink to nothing and just disappear. Ok, it may not happen exactly like that, but the more you confront that fear or phobia that's been haunting you, I can guarantee that it will subside and eventually go away. Whether it's the fear of heights, approaching someone of the opposite sex, public speaking the more you confront the fear the easier it will disappear and of course the more your confidence will grow.


Keep a journal or diary of all your achievements and gains that you've experienced each day. No matter how small they are record these before you go to bed and congratulate yourself.

These positive thoughts prior to going to sleep will start to imprint on your subconscious mind that you are achieving goals and success which are the foundations to achieve more goals and success in the future.

Some of these achievements could relate to point four above when confronting and overcoming a fear. Whatever it is that makes you feel proud and good about yourself make a note of it and bask in some of the glory. In a few months you can then look back and see the strides you've made in your personal development journey; the challenges you've faced and overcome. All this will lead to giving you self-confidence and inner belief.

If confidence is an issue for you then I advise you to start practicing some of these points in your life With a little patience and perseverance, I'm certain your self-confidence and inner beliefs will slowly but surely reach the heights that enable you to realize any goal and making your life more happy, rewarding and fulfilling.

Relationships - Erasing Feelings of Low Self Confidence Responsible for Fears of Intimacy

Do you know that the fear of intimacy is a permanent impediment to having a successful and fulfilling relationship? Do you know it drives self sabotaging behaviours that irreparably damage one's most prized relationships? Do you know that one of the more significant drivers of this fear is low self confidence that is rooted in earlier negative memories of abandonment, neglect, rejection, humiliation, abuse, etc. that are stored within the subconscious mind? Do you know these memories behave like "pirates" that literally hijack one's mind, body and life away from them and ruin their best chances of achieving an intimate loving connection? Finally, do you know that you can now take back control and ownership of your relationship life simply by erasing these destructive negative memories? Want to learn more?

Metaphorically, if one builds a house on a weak foundation it is unlikely that person will ever feel secure living in that house. Well, in the same way, a relationship is built on internal emotional foundations that require each partner to be whole, self confident, self assured, mature, emotionally independent, worthy, etc. This often necessitates having had an ideal early family life; a rare and illusory concept for many.

Instead many individuals have had negative early life experiences that undermine their natural self esteem, self confidence, self worth and sense of adequacy. This leaves them feeling defective, deficient, unworthy, and often ashamed of who they "believe" they are. They also assume that others will feel the same negative way about them that they do.

This leaves them with no other option than to make themselves emotionally unavailable to their partners; i.e. what many recognise is driven by a fear of intimacy and ultimate rejection. This leaves them feeling inauthentic, vulnerable, insecure and like imposters.

Until recently it was impossible to rectify this situation because one was permanently "scarred" by an unchangeable past that they carried within them in the form of negative memories. Such memories harbour the emotional pain of early negative events and also serve as the so-called "evidence" justifying why they feel so bad about themselves.

What if that "evidence" could be permanently erased however, would that help restore one to a sense of wholeness, self confidence and self respect? Well, in order to answer that let me make a short diversion.

Those memories behave much like a series of hypnotic trance like states. In other words the person is actually still living in an early childhood trance in which they feel like they did when the negative event actually took place. In other words they have become stuck in a state that in no way represents who they really are i.e. an effective, mature, capable self confident and empowered adult.

Like any trance, once one is able to permanently wake up from it they will then be immediately restored to this mature and whole state. Many individuals actually never wake up from their early negative childhood trances and go through life feeling like unworthy and inadequate "children". This is because few have realized their entranced state and fewer still have realized a strategy to wake up from it.

A decade ago it was discovered that such trance states can be completely eliminated simply by erasing the negative memories associated with them. Exactly how this is accomplished is difficult to fully describe here. Let me say however that it has been helping empower individuals around the world and has helped put their relationship lives on a solid and unshakeable footing.

To learn more about this new coaching process or to request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation kindly visit the web site below.

Rebuilding Self Confidence Requires Acceptance

What kind of mindset do you have? Do you tend to think about the bright side of life or only the bad things? Did you know that having a negative mindset can crush your self confidence? Having a low self esteem tends to undermine your achievements and everything you do. No matter what you try to do, you will never be happy.

That is no way to live life. If you want to make the most of your life, you have to get out of your current negative thinking patterns and raise your self esteem. Rebuilding self confidence is the only way to get out of your rut and get yourself appreciating all aspects of life, the good and the bad.

Remember that rebuilding self confidence will only happen if you are willing to accept your current mindset and are willing to change it. For most people, the way they think affects the way they will think in the future. If they are normally happy individuals, they are likely to bounce back from stress and negative situations whereas an unhappy individual would have to fight much harder to become positive. You have to really believe in yourself if you want to change. Here is what you can do.

Think about your own strengths and weaknesses and do not compare yourself to other people. Chances are that if you think that someone else is better off, you are not seeing the entire picture. You may think someone has a better life but you probably do not see the problems that they have. In public, you may see that they are very outgoing, seem to be friends with everyone and are able to buy many things that you do not have. But who knows what inner problems they may have? They may have problems handling their finances and are actually in debt by thousands of dollars. You just never know. Instead of focusing on other people, just focus on yourself.

Think of all the good things in life that you have. Do you truly have nothing to be thankful for? How about your health? A place to live? Food to eat? You are allowed to feel bad when something bad unexpectedly happens to you, as long as you do not dwell on the problem forever. Give yourself a few days to recover, and then drop the problem. Do not try to deny the problem or hide it, because doing so will only make you feel worse later. Acknowledging the problem is one of the first steps to rebuilding self confidence.

Sometimes in life when something bad happens to you, something good happens afterward. Life is a series of good and bad moments, so although it looks like grey skies and burning infernos right now, those bright blue skies might just be a few days away. Everything in life tends to happen in patterns. If you are willing to wait it out, good things will eventually happen to you. Something that seems bad, such as getting fired, may actually turn out to be a good thing in hindsight, as getting fired allows you to have more free time to do what you really want to do. So, even if you're worried something may not work out, just give yourself enough time and it will.

Quotes to Inspire YOUR Self Confidence

Confidence is a bit like money. You don't need it to enjoy life, but it certainly makes it easier to do so. Yep, being self-confident just makes life more fun.

And it's possible, really possible, for anyone to be self-confident. In fact, when you look closely at those around you who ooze self-confidence, quite possibly the only reason they're self-confident is...

They have self-confidence!

That is, there is no reason for their self-confidence. Just as there is no reason for your lack.

That's what I say, anyway, and with the help of 3 self-confidence inspirational quotes I hope to prove my case. I also hope to show you why it's important to enjoy self-confidence in your life...

Self-confidence Quote #1:

"Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."

-- Peter T. Mcintyre

Here we are straightaway, then, breaking one myth of self-confidence: confidence isn't about knowing you're right, or feeling best able to deal with a situation, it's about being okay if you make a mistake.

Let me repeat that, as it's such an important message to anyone who believes they lack self-confidence: it's not about being right, it's about being okay with being wrong.

Imagine now, for a moment, a situation that often occurs in your life where you do not think you are being confident. Let me imagine, also:

* You're in a group of people you don't know, and you're not speaking up, because...

* You're attracted to a woman (or man) in a bar, but you don't go over to talk to her (him) because...

In both these cases you might say that you're behaving like this because you lack confidence. And I say, it isn't true! You're being 'less' than you truly are because you're afraid of 'being wrong'; i.e. of the woman/man not being interested in you; or of the group not finding you interesting when you speak.

See? Subtle difference. Confidence is about showing people who you are and NOT being afraid of their reaction. This is quite simply a fear of rejection. "Great," you say, "but I can't handle rejection."

And I say back to you, "Really? Have you tried it lately?..."

Confidence Quote #2:

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."

-- E.E. Cummings

...Well - continuing on, and to put it bluntly - I don't believe you! You CAN handle rejection all right, you just don't like it. And, who can blame you - I don't like it, either.

But at least we're now being honest about the confidence thing. It's not that we lack confidence, it's that we don't want to take 'risks'.

But when you don't take risks in life, you don't grow. When you don't take risks in life, you don't fully appreciate what life can offer. Life IS about risk! That's what you signed up for - risk - the moment you were born!

And look at what you get when you dare risk, according to EE Cummings anyway. Wonder. Spontaneous delight. The human spirit...

Wow, can there be any better reason not to take risks, not to reveal to the world who you are (confidently so)?...

Self Confidence Quote #3:

"Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings."

-- Samuel Johnson

Clearly, a life filled with self-confidence is a life with many more pleasures and experiences than one blighted by self-confidence doubts.

And boy don't I know this from first hand experience! Ask any of my friends who have known me a while - both men and women friends, and partners - and most will say that I can lack confidence at times.

So, as ever with these articles that I write to inspire, the message is most definitely aimed at me, as well as you - this message of self-confidence.

Self-confidence is just your way of telling the world who you are, what you think and what's important to you. And your opinion matters, just as mine does. And when you are self-confident a whole new 'bigger' world opens up, it really does...

Your self-confidence is a gift to the world. So don't short-change us all, eh!...

Power Tips to Gaining Self Confidence

Self confidence is a trait highly important for your success in life, regardless of your field of work. If you're either an athlete or a politician, self confidence help you face your daily challenges and achieve more. This article will describe 5 power tips to gaining self confidence easily.

Listen and Act on your Inner Self. The first tip is simply. Most people listen to their inner self but are to afraid to take action and really do what they know they should do. Your want to approach this attractive women, and you know you should, but you don't. Why? Because you don't respect your inner self enough to do as he wishes, what is best for you. Do not care about what others think of you and just do what feels right to you.

Make a list of the things you are proud of. Make a list of all the things you've achieved in life and all the things you are proud of. Whenever you feel down or is in a low state, just remember the things in yourself that you are proud and thankful for, and you will feel much better instantly. You can also list the goals you've achieved in life, and the things that you are thankful for in your life. We often forget the things we are proud of and get used to them. This is why it is important to remind ourselves that we are good, worth and are valuable to our society.

Develop a Winner Mentality. Constantly challenge yourself to do more than you've done before, face your goals and go towards them quickly and decisively.

Never take what others say seriously. Listen to what others say but never take their views too personally or be affected by them. Think first on what is best for yourself, and guard your interests viciously. It doesn't mean not to be friendly or help, but make sure nobody is using you or putting his interests before you. You may be criticized for this approach but it will lead to high sense of self confidence and overall to a better outcome for you in business and in life.

The last trick is to maintain a strong body language. By walking in a strong body language and straight posture you radiate confidence and others will start to treat you as a more confident person. As a result you will also feel more confident and will feel better about yourself.

Male Sexuality - Want to Restore Your Sexual Self Confidence

Do you know that many men suffer from poor sexual self confidence? Do you know that this manifests as premature ejaculation, impotence, a fear of intimacy, a fear of rejection, poor self-image, feeling unattractive, shyness, and a general fear of approaching women just to name a few? Do you know that much of this is rooted in early negative memories of such events as abuse, neglect, humiliation, rejection, abandonment, shame, etc.? Finally, do you know that this need not be a life sentence any longer as much of one's sexual self confidence can be permanently restored simply by deleting those early negative memories from the subconscious mind in much the same way that one deletes old useless computer files from a hard drive? Want to learn more?

Let me use a common example that may resonate with most individuals. Let's say during a seemingly normal and sexually satisfying relationship your female partner, for whatever reason, appears to be sexually unsatisfied or emotionally distant. As many men are very sensitive about their sexual performance and often base their sexual self confidence on it such events can make them feel vulnerable, anxious, unsure of themselves and insecure.

The tendency to personalize the problem i.e. assume that the problem has something to do with them often prevents them from openly discussing the issue with their partner in the moment. Instead they begin to own it only to have it undermine their sexual self confidence the next time.

As you can see this can snowball into a vicious negative cycle of poor sexual performance that can severely damage not only their self confidence but also their self-image, self-esteem, self-worth, and their relationship just to name a few.

Unfortunately, as a discussion of sexual issues often feels embarrassing most men with this problem never get the help they need to free themselves from a life of misery and loneliness.

The resolution of such a problem is now more easily achieved than was ever thought possible in the past. A decade ago it was discovered that negative thoughts, feelings and the negative memories that generate them could be rapidly deleted from the subconscious mind. When this happens the individual is left feeling renewed, restored, self-confident, empowered and like past negative events never took place.

What's more they become more emotionally resilient to similar events, more discerning and more able to effectively communicate about sensitive sexual issues with their partners. This makes them feel more mature, attractive, potent, adequate and desirable.

So if you are one of those individuals who are silently suffering from low sexual self confidence and you would like to kick start your sexual life into high gear then you may wish to visit the web site below where you can request a free introductory coaching consultation that will begin to take you there.

Improving Self Confidence Now

Improving self confidence is a very common desire in our world. More and more people begin to understand the importance of self confidence and are willing to make an effort to improve it. How you perceive yourself has a very big impact on the way others perceive you. Here a few tips that will help you in improving self confidence:

How You Dress

The clothes you wear has an effect on the way you feel about yourself. If you wear nice and clean clothes it will certainly raise your good feelings about yourself and will help you in improving self confidence. You also want to shave and bath frequently and smell good. Now, you don't have to spend all your money on clothes.

Instead of buying a lot of cheap clothes, buy a few high quality clothes that will stay with you longer in the long run and you will have more space and less clutter in the closet.

The Way You Walk

If you want to know if a person is confident, look how he walks. Is it slow or lazy? Or is it fast, determined and full of purpose?

People with high self confidence walk fast because they have a lot of things to do, places to go to, people to meet, so if you want to feel more important and start improving your self confidence walk 25% faster.

Your Posture

The way a person is standing is telling a story. People who act with slow movements show lack of self confidence. Improving self confidence require changing your posture.

Stand up, get straight keep your head up and look on the other person in the eye. That way you will make good impression on other people, feel more alive and full of power. Full of power.


Everyone has a talent for something, so find out the things at which you are good at, then focus on them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Do not allow yourself to be a victim.

Express your abilities, whether it's through art, music, writing, etc. Find the things you enjoy to do. Everyone is born with some talents and strengths.

You can develop in yours. If you can't name two or three things you have some ability in or love to do, think about the things other people do that you would like to do as well and take lessons or join an enthusiasts club. compatible friends!

When you follow your passion, not only will it have a therapeutic effect on you, but you will feel more unique and accomplished, all of which can help you build more self confidence. Plus, adding this variety of interests to your life will not only make you more confident, but it will increase your chances of meeting new and interesting like minded people.

Improve Self Confidence - 5 Powerful Tips to Boost Your Teenager's Self Confidence

Lots of teenagers all over the world are suffering from low self-esteem and self confidence. They talk down on themselves and they don't think they are good enough for anything. What's worse, as long as they keep thinking this way, they will never reach their full potential.

Since low self-esteem and confidence can lead to depression, drug abuse, alcoholism or suicide, it's a good idea for us as parents, to find out how to get our teens to a happier state of mind, before it's too late.

Here are 5 things you can do to boost their self confidence:

1. Give Compliments.

Say "You look great" or "Those colors look great on you." These are just two things you could say to your teenager to make them feel appreciated, creative, and confident. Teenagers enjoy sincere compliments from their loved ones.

2. Reward Independent Thinking.

When teens get appreciated for taking initiative and thinking for themselves, it builds faith in them to make greater decisions. It builds their character and helps them make better choices in different situations.

3. Create a challenge.

Ask them to see how long they can go without doing some kind of negative behavior that is causing them to have low self confidence. For example, say "How many days can you go without calling yourself stupid" or "How long can you go without staying in your room." Remember to appreciate every good accomplishment they achieve.

4. Encourage them to speak up.

Getting them to speak up for what they believe in builds character and courage. Also, try to get them to participate in class presentations, school politics and/or open debates. The more practice they get, the more comfortable they become with the sound of their voice. The more they hear their voice, the more they can learn to trust it.

5. Teach them to remain faithful.

Low self-esteem and confidence really hurts the mind, body, and spirit and eats away at the very fiber of our being. So, when you teach your teen how to remain faithful, you give them the keys to unlock any problem or situation they will face in life.

By understanding that there is a source of power greater than them, willing to help them through any situation, and committed to loving them as long as they believe and continue to pursue it for the rest of their lives, you have just passed along the priceless gift of Serenity.

How To Increase Self Confidence for Aspiring Business Professionals In 5 Mins

Your pattern of thought keeps you in this never ending circle of self sabotage and this pattern is usually a direct result from your dominating environmental surroundings.

We are Victims of our Environment.

I have read a few bio's of young entrepreneurs that are in there teens age years. One of the teens had a best selling book, and another a million dollar tech company. That kind of thing puts me to shame but interestingly I notice that over 90% of the teens listed showed that there family was rich, knowledgeable, or well established in there professions.

On the website, Alltop, Harvard Business School has a really nice website for the education of professionals that don't actually take classes on the campus. Harvard has another website dedicated for more campus based information which states.

"Into two years of leadership practice immersed in real-world challenges. Into a diverse community of colleagues and faculty reflecting a world of talents, beliefs, and backgrounds. Into an intense period of personal and professional transformation that prepares them for challenges in any functional area-anywhere in the world."

According to an article: bizjournals

There has been 10 students starting Tech Companies that are attending Harvard Business School just November last year. Harvard is also know for the reputable speakers that drop by Harvard to educate it's students about entrepreneurship.

Such speakers are Bill Gates, Guy Kawasaki, and many others.

Harvard as done an excellent job at give there students, a learning environment to create large companies such as Facebook.

The environment that your surrounded with has tremendous effect on your self confidence. If you think in your mind, habitually, reasons on why you can't do something, this causes you to focus on those reasons as if they are absolute fact.

What you need to do to combat the environmental odds stacking against your self confidence as an aspiring business professional, is to make an effort to positions yourself into environments that change you and push you outside of your comfort zone.

Some of those efforts may involve:

Taking a leadership positions in another organization.
Find a mentor in your niche
Hire a coach that has a track record of success in your market place
Join a mastermind group that has been meeting regular for over 1 year
Take a speech class to work on improving your presentation communication skills and overcome a common fear which will help to increase your self confidence.

Also, Be mindful of the information your reading, listening to, studying. Be aware of bad news but use logic when addressing it. Try not to waste too much valuable time getting distracted surfing the web or watching videos on YouTube.

It dampens your self confidence when you don't see progress toward you goals, and allowing for too many distractions will hinder your progression.

When you notice a place where you can focus, then Do what ever you can to change up your working environment. I go to Starbucks when I really want to focus and get my task completed.

I usually buy a coffee but that's all of the distractions I have. There are no television, refrigerator, or people interruptions. Just Coffee and a hard stool chair to keep you focused.

How to Improve Self Confidence Through Hypnosis

Improving your self confidence can be a difficult task. Most people associate having a high level of confidence with being successful. In some ways this is true, since most successful people have high levels of self confidence and are able to take on any challenges in their path.

Developing self confidence can be hard, especially if you are starting with little or no confidence. It can take a long time to develop over time, but it certainly can have a massive positive impact on the rest of your life.

Self confidence can be the route to achieving many of your other goals. Whether it be asking that certain person out to dinner, becoming successful in business or even with your weight loss goals. There are a few basic tips to help improve your self confidence and make you into a more self-confident human being.

- Face what you fear; Most of the time, what you fear will not really be as bad as it seems. Whether it is being too embarrassed to go to a new fitness class since you think you will stick out like a sore thumb, or going for that promotion at work. You will find in time that everyone is fearful or has insecurities about something, and even the most self confident people have certain issues. They just deal with them in a different and positive way.

- Improve your self confidence by finding out what you really want from life. Try new things that excite you. Don't be afraid of failing, since life is one big learning curve. I bet the most successful people you've met failed over and over again before they hit it big.

One method that can help to improve self confidence is through the use of Hypnosis. By utilising the techniques used in hypnosis you can gain access to your sub-conscious mind, allowing you to plant positive thoughts that can greatly help you with your progress of becoming a more self confident person.

Hypnosis is actually really simple. You enter a relaxed trance like state, imagine just like when you are day dreaming. You can then bypass the normal logical conscious mind that usually blocks you from making lasting changes to your life. Allowing you to make deep, lasting effects and helping you move towards your goals in life. These techniques, even though not definite cures, can really push you towards becoming a more self confident person.

How to Get Self Confidence

Self-confidence is an aura that makes you glow to those around you. It is a power that creates a feeling of goodness and leaves you feeling that you can conquer the world. You want to get out, and enjoy life, and when you possess self-confidence this is exactly what you do. However, there are many here among us that don't have the self-confidence we need to fully enjoy and take advantage of life and all the wonderful things it has to offer.

The trick is to learn how to build self-confident, which this handy little guide will teach you.

How to Build Self Confidence

The first step to build your self-confidence is to realize that each of us has insecurities, whether they are something from childhood that we just can't seem to get over, or something about yourself that you are uncomfortable with. Maybe you don't feel that you have that "winning appearance", or maybe you were bullied by the classroom bully as a kid. Whatever it is, recognize it and work on it, so that you can become self-confident. When you begin to take the steps to make yourself feel better, you begin to build your self-confidence. It can be something as simple as a diet that sheds unwanted pounds. But, with those unwanted pounds comes a new confident you and a glow and feeling that you did not previously possess.

It may be necessary to write down what you feel you lack, and to discuss it with someone that cares to get to the root of the problem. You need to understand why you lack confidence to know how to cure it. Some things are out of our control, and you may not be able to change the past, but, you can recognize that it may have been a situation that was out of your control and that you do have value and learn how to recognize your good qualities to help you build this value. If it was a mistake that you made, realize each of us makes mistakes, and not one of us is perfect. Each of us has insecurities, but not each of us lets these insecurities bring us down or destroy us.

Begin to acknowledge the good in you and your accomplishments. If you are a wonderful parent, then recognize yourself as a wonderful parent. If you are great with creativity, then recognize your greatness. If you have an understanding ear, then realize this as part of those wonderful qualities that only you possess. Even if you feel like you don't possess something special, then think of your likes and dislikes, and you will find something special about yourself. Appreciate yourself for the type of music that you enjoy listening to. Allow yourself to feel good about yourself so that you can begin working on how to build your self-confidence.

It is important that you also learn how to express yourself. Each of us has talents. It is much harder for the young person to often realize that than the more mature. But, each of us has strengths within ourselves that when you are able to recognize, help to build your self-esteem and confidence.

Getting involved in things that you are interested in will also help you to build your confidence. This could be something simple from a social outlet, such as, dancing, or it could be a hobby. Whatever it is, get involved, and do what makes you feel good and that you enjoy. It is important to count the blessings that have been placed on your table, and each of us has things that we enjoy doing. Whether it is sitting by the lake, socializing, work, volunteering, listening to our favorite song on the radio, or whatever it is, it is important to be thankful for the interests you have.

Interests are not the only thing to be thankful for. Also, take the time to be thankful for family and friends. It is all too often that we overlook what we have. We aren't grateful for our loved ones, or that wonderful career. When you appreciate what you have, you are able to experience gratification which helps you on your journey to how to be self-confident.

Self-confidence is also about your outer image. Learn how to smile. Learn how to compliment and be complimented. Learn how to be interesting and interested in others. Learn how to look your best so that you feel your best. Self-confidence often takes work to become the best you can be. There are many among us that don't feel they are their best, but, when they begin to take the necessary measures to become the best self they can be, they gain that self-confidence that was hidden beneath the layers.

Smiling is important for you and for others. Acceptance is important for you and for others. Caring is important for you and for others. And when you are able to smile, accept and care about yourself, it shows and reflects to others and you become an individual that has the admiration of others which builds your confidence.

Be a person that has integrity and morals. Principles and scruples are important especially in this ever day present society. It is important that you realize that your action have an impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Have strong morals, and be confident that you are a part of society with a strong role.

Confidence is about being someone that is assured of them. When you are liked, you feel confident. When you learn how to build self-confidence, you feel liked. It is about becoming a person that is liked, by you and those around you. You must be genuine, you must be a person that is likable and you must be someone that is kind and wins the approval of others. There is a great power in self-confidence, and taking the necessary steps to build your self-confidence is crucial for the best life you could possibly have.

How to Build Your Self Confidence - Positive Affirmations for Women

Women love to feel good and be appreciated for who they are. You know the feeling when your boss praises you for doing a good job, or when a man adores you for looking good. Fundamentally, we all want to feel good about ourselves. But what about those incidences when we've been hurt? When someone passed a hurtful comment, or we failed at something? Those are the times when negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves may have been formed. Lets explore how you can use positive affirmations to build self confidence. You can use these affirmations to feel more secure about yourself and feel good from within.

What are some positive affirmations for women?

I love being a woman
I love my body
I rejoice in my femaleness
My body is doing the best it can now

If love feels like a word that is too strong for now, use the word appreciate or enjoy. You may not feel like you can love your body yet, but starting to appreciate it is a good start.

Appearances affect your self confidence

A woman's appearance can really affect her confidence level. The media bombards us with images of what is 'perfect' and then we inadvertently compare ourselves with that. If we believe what they show us is the only form of being beautiful, and we look different from that, then we may start to form certain negative views about the way we look. Over time, negative thoughts and beliefs about ourselves limit us and create fear in our lives. We start to become fearful of being who we really are inside.

How can positive affirmations help?

Positive affirmations help to improve your self image by changing the way you look and think about your appearance. The fundamental basis of using positive affirmations is that we create our thoughts and beliefs in life. These thoughts and beliefs then shape our responses to anything that happens. We need to understand that events in themselves have no meaning, only the interpretations we give to it. So if we have chosen hurtful thoughts such as 'I am ugly' in the past, we can just as easily choose to change them into 'I am beautiful'.

I used to have an unrealistic ideal of looking like Kate Moss when in fact, I may never reach that goal. Comparing myself to super models, celebrities and even prettier girls in school, I felt that I was ugly and undesirable. It was worse when people remarked about my looks and unconsciously scarred me even more. It made me fearful to express myself.

Positive affirmations help change your negative thought patterns and habitual responses into more positive and self loving ones. The key is to notice when a negative thought comes up. Ask yourself if the thought makes you feel good. If it doesn't, choose a better one by turning it around.

What if it's not working?

Sometimes, you strongly believe and identify with thoughts and ideas that you have held on to for a long time. While those thoughts may have served you in the past, you can let them go and choose new ones that nourish you. You are an amazing individual with intelligence, beauty and wisdom. Seek to find confidence from within by believing in yourself and trusting that you are worthy and beautiful.

How to Build Self Confidence With Affirmations

How did you build self confidence?"

This question was asked of me recently when I was recounting my journey from a shy, quiet, and socially awkward boy to an outgoing, fun-loving, and confident man. It occurred to me that while I had figured out how to nurture my own self-confidence, others are struggling with theirs every day. I don't like this at all.

Everyone deserves to be self-confident and happy with themselves. You live with your perception of yourself 24/7 and it pervades every aspect of your life. If you are unhappy with yourself then it will manifest across your life - jobs that you hate, relationships that are no good for you, and friends that aren't very good friends.

The perception you choose for yourself, good or bad, is how you showcase yourself to the world. If you choose to showcase yourself as a loser then that is how the world will see you. How can you expect the world to treat you better than how you treat yourself?

With that in mind I decided to share my tricks for building self-confidence and becoming the person that you've always wanted to be. The first technique I recommend for building self confidence is to use positive affirmations.

These are the stock weapon for most players in the self-help, personal development, and motivational industries, and they are so prevalent for a reason - they work.

Most people like to use affirmations as a tool to remind themselves of the good and positive things in their life. While this certainly is a big part of affirmations it fails to address the need to foster the traits that you might not currently possess but wish to in the future.

Affirmations are about both of these - reminding yourself of your existing positive traits but also encouraging personal growth towards developing new behaviours.

Tips for writing your own affirmations

Target all aspects of yourself - physical, personality, relationships, leadership etc.
They must be uplifting - you must finish reading them with a big smile on your face.
Be ultra-positive, even if you don't 100% believe it at the time.
No negative words, even if they are double negatives (e.g. "I am beautiful" is much better than "I am not ugly")
Repeat them to yourself in the mirror - tell yourself how great you are.
Read them to yourself every single day (preferably twice a day)

Unsure where to begin? Just pretend that you are a crazy groupie (your number-one fan) who is so ridiculously in love with you that they think that everything you do is awesome. Then start writing all the good things down with that completely biased point of view. The positive should start to flow soon enough.

Example affirmations from my past
But I cannot expect you to actually do this if I don't lead the way can I? So I dug through my old notebooks to find some of the early affirmations I wrote. Here are some samples:

  • I am a sexy, smart, and funny man. 
  • I give myself permission to be the person I want to be. 
  • I am cool, calm, and confident. I am always in control. 
  • I am so talented that I can do ANYTHING I want to. 
  • I deserve great relationships and fantastic friends. 
  • My life is great! 

Got the picture? Interestingly I read through those affirmations of mine and I realise two things - firstly; they are all second nature to me now which is great, but the biggest thing I notice is how my life has taken some new directions based on them.
For example, as I began to develop my self-confidence and believe my own affirmations I met Sophie, a fantastic and wonderful woman who I fell in love with. I have no doubt that our relationship would not have been so successful had I not turned my self esteem around with affirmations.

Affirmations work so why not give it a go? Maybe you'll meet someone special too.
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