Setbacks exist to teach

Setbacks exist to teachWe never learn from the successes we've achieved, but we always learn from the failures that we experience. Our learning will stop, only if we have success in life. Consider a small child trying to learn. Every time down, then he learned something and he tried it again. One day he started walking and you see the expression of achievement and kemeenangan that radiated from his face.I do not understand why people are looking for overnight success. Bring a success story without encountering many difficulties and setbacks. There is a handsome young man who follows the intermediate exam and failed twice. She asked her father to open a video cassette rental store because he thought that he thought that he would not pass the exam. Why do we so quickly lose enthusiasm?A young man aged 23 years who has an MBA, during the last two years has sent his personal data (curriculum vitae) and application files to the work of some 200 companies. Among the 200 companies, about 50 companies called to do the interview, but she always refused. He was very confident that he will never get a job too, and intends to begin to come to work with small businesses that are managed by his uncle that he himself never liked it. But because he thought that he was not good enough, so he decided to take the step, after the case of this young man, looks like a young kid is well behaved and pleasant. The only problem he had, he had an attitude of respect towards him low and it can be reflected in the way he spoke, sitting, dressing, and so on. And he never asked or ask the opinion of their opinion that called for the interview to say what constitutes a deficiency. Can be concluded that he had lost 50 times the opportunity to learn. And this is the underlying problem.And after he discovered the underlying problem, through a consultation that he did, and he's still interested in finding a good job. And he was motivated to blajr of failure: Personal experiences. And the account after he visited several companies every day. He introduced himself, talked to manjer company, bringing his bio, or if they are interested in, he immediately did the first interview and then perform subsequent actions with those based on the time provided. If the application was rejected, he would have phoned the manager or go there personally to find out why he was rejected and what its shortcomings. But not only that, he also filed an application in response to all advertisements on the field that he was interested."And do not despair of Allah's mercy. Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the unbelievers ". (Yusuf [12]: 87)" "Each week, he visited about 20-25 companies and conduct interviews about 5-7 times. He carefully follow up the application works, and every time, he was told that he was not good enough, and he phoned or visited the manager handle it. He'll introduce myself and tell them, "the father, I do not mean here against your decisions, but you see I was a young and new in this field. I have much to learn from the experiences of people like you, would would you say to me, why I was not elected or deficiencies that may be what I have and please identify one or two things for the improvement of me? "He would listen to the answer, learn something from him , and moved again. Within a week he began to enjoy the activity. He began to believe in yourself, presentation and communication skills improved. He changed his bio data is up to three times in its first week. It goes on. In the third week of this training, he has been offered two jobs with a gross salary of more than the average monthly cost. Whereas previously he had been in despair to get a job with an average monthly salary, but on that day, he decided to reject the job offer, because he was confident that he will get a better job.At each subsequent week, he received a better job opportunity because he had believed that increased sharply. Finally. In the third month of this exercise. He was offered a job at a salary three times that of the average monthly salary. Until that time he has followed more than a hundred interviews. He asked the manager why he accepted. Communicated to him, "all telephone relationship that you have done and how you followed up have assured us that you are a worker who we need. If one can work with so jealous to get a job, then he would have to work twice harder to defend it """ Say: 'O My servants who believe. Your duty to your Lord ". those who do good in this world that is good. and Allah's earth is spacious. Only those who are patient are paid back their reward without limit. (Az-Zumar [39]; 10) ""He has decided that rather than continue to survive with little work, then he prefers trying to move forward. He refused to work again and started a small training center. Prepare students to do the interview. He thinks that because he has learned so much from all the interviews that he is the best person to teach it. He began earning money ten times the average monthly salary of the training center. And after a year he was offered a job in a multinational company, in the human resources department. And he's earning tens of times per month.


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