MIND - the difference

MIND - the difference

One night, a tornado swept in toronto a small town, killing hundreds of people, and generate multi-million dollar property damage. The next night, a man was driving home when he saw all this damage. everywhere, there are many ruins scattered houses and cars. he felt sorry for all this tragedy, but he thought nothing more could be done with all this except wail.
on the same night, there are a senior manager at a media company, he also drove through the same path. He stopped to consider that there are unfortunate. he also felt sad but it's not the end of everything. he has a different mind. He thought there must be something he could do for the people who were there. finally she is determined to help people who suffer from disasters caused by tornadoes.
at the end of next week, he called everyone yan in his office, and on top of a chart he wrote three 3s, he asked them that how they would attempt to do if they are required to earn three million dollars. ribs of the present day, in just three hours and give money to those who are suffering from a tornado? then the room became quiet. finally, someone said. 'Are you crazy?' there is nothing we can do to the accident. "He replied that he did not force them if they can not afford. what he is asking for is to do something. and the room quiet again. later he wrote again on one side of the chart, "why we can not afford?" on the other hand, "how can we afford?" after writing this sentence, he further said that they should not waste one minute of time only to discuss why they can not afford. it is in vain. however, they can write down every idea that comes up, about how they can afford. He also said that they would not leave the room so that they find, how to do it? Again the room was quiet.when he forced all of the participants are present in the room to use the right brain, after finally fell silent for a long time, one said that they could conduct a radio show in all regions of Canada. he appreciated the idea and write it down. not long after, one another, saying that they can not organize the show because they did not have radio stations across the country. it is a valid excuse because the company has only two or three radio stations in Canada."" Nay! exactly what they were trying to do is close their hearts. (Al-muthaffiffin [83]: 14) ""He said that radio stations are very competitive and usually they do not cooperate unless there is something, which they can do together. Concurrent with the one proposed that they should find some people with big hearts to take the show across Canada. and they end the meeting with an agreement. short stories, in a few days after the meeting, they held a radio show across Canada and is running successfully earn as much as three million dollars in three hours for three days work. you see, that it is the power of the right hemisphere. if you decide to take the word "no" to something, then almost sure, you will have it.
"I believe it is true thatadah mind something;endowed with the mind body and breath and wings;that's why we sent them to fillworld with good results or badthat is what we call the mind raasiago to the farthest point on earth,leave blessings or cursesas traces left behind when he passed,
we build the future,a thought by thought,for something good or bad,no one knows.as did the universe was created.the mind is another name for fate.select and then destiny and wait,love cause love and
hate lead to hate.(Henry Van Dyke)


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