the mind is important

the mind is important"I've thought about it, but I do not." you must have heard many people say so. unfortunately, people do not know what the mind can do. everything begins with thought. there's always a thought behind every thing good or bad in this world. there is nothing that can occur without thinking first.even for many people the thought of the mind of a psychological object is not fun. close your eyes and Think about your favorite food, how to shape, smoke billowing from it, and bit and see how your body responds. for many people, just by thinking about their favorite foods is enough to make hell mouth salivating. even many people feel it just by thinking about it.when you think about the fun events in your life. then you will feel comfortable and when you consider the events of the past and a variety of negative situations in life, your body responds in a negative way and you become worse. in a situation that should not, right now anything can happen. you think about it. all the achievements of the invention, and creation begins with a thought, but that is different is the quality of these thoughts, positive or negative.the story of a prison sentence for burglary in the bank. she reported that she had worked at the bank over 15 years. life running smoothly and wife and their three children to love each other and love one another yan. One day his family was invited to the wedding sebua. when they nearly went, it started raining, the situation has been difficult for his family to go because there is no private or public transport available in the rain. then the family should stay at home, although istru and children are very cooperative and did not grumble, but he was beaten for not being able to give a car to them.
"" Thinks that both are part of worship. (Mishkat al-mashabih and Abu Dawud) ""
at night, he thought that his work has owed much to him. so he should get a return. he will share with his colleagues, but he thought that it was a private matter. beerapa weeks later, he noticed a car, personal property, home, and dress his customers and friends. family also noticed different about him, but remained silent. every night for hours, he always berpilir about how he got his wages and in the end he planned to break the bank.she took hundreds of thousands of dollars. five months later his crimes came to the surface, he was on hold and finally the verdict. This all started with a thought. thoughts create reality, it is very important.Consider your mind; then so be it saysConsider your words; then so be it actionConsider your actions; then so be it a habitConsider habits; then so be it characterconsider the character; then so be it fate(Frank otlaw)


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