humans and computers (self motivation)

humans and computers

computer and the robot is a replica of a human
1. the human brain resembles a computer processor.
2. mind is the memory in the computer memory and there are two kinds of human beings and computers.
3. the conscious mind is hard idsk of the computer.
4. The subconscious mind is like a ram (random acces memory)
5. command requires a computer to process information. so also, when information is received through our senses. then the information is sent to the brain uuntuk in the process. If our senses did not receive new information from the outside world, then the brain to process what had just the shelf, the computer can also perform a task for emproses data already stored, either in hard disk or ram.
6. like a computer, is dependent users what they save in hard disk and what they keep in the ram.
7. you can add new data and delete data that does not want the computer. The same principle applied in the human mind.
8. when we sleep, our conscious mind but also to stop our subconscious mind remains active for handling the blood pumping and breathing. kiita will die if our subconscious mind also stopped working. similarly, when we played a computer, hard disk then we also stopped, but the ram still active, if too long akanmogok computer failure.


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