Focus of lawWhatever you focus it consciously or unconsciously, then you get it. If you need a car while riding a view to the side of the road, then your car will also turn the focus toward you in a while. If you continue to look straight, then you will remain on the road. This is the power of focus.Most people do not focus on what they want in life. They become impatient, and when they lose focus, then they reached a dead end. You will find these people are trying to do a lot of ongoing or changing their jobs. Because they lack focus, they were confused. They did not develop anything. A driver jumped out of a bus that plunged into a river depth of 3,000 feet. After
he realized he said that he had noticed the depth of the river and was
afraid and in the end he knew that the bus will be plunged into the
river.Most people do not have any focus in their lives. They just spend time. If they never know where they are going, then they see themselves will never get anywhere.* You have something that is focused (desire for life or any other purpose)* You focused just with everything that is large and positive.* No matter how difficult it is, never lose sight of your goal or target.There is nothing that happens without a cause. You are responsible for every aspect of your life. Humans are constantly thinking about all the bad experiences and then complained of depression. Well, if that is your focus, then that's what you get. If you want to feel comfortable, confident, and happy, then you should concentrate on good things. Say that you want to feel happy. Begin
to focus on a variety of gifts, the people who surround you, meets
these kids, your friends, go out and find a quiet place, watch the birds
and flowers, imagine you're sitting in one place The cool, calm and beautiful with a love that grasp your hand, and within a few minutes, you will feel happy. That's the power of focus."" Pray, and you will be given, and you will be give it. (Reported by at-Turmudzi)
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