Mind and its laws
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cep bagoes
Mind and its lawsThe brain is something with which you can see, feel, and touch; While the mind is not. The brain is the processor, the mind is a repository of information.Every person has a brain, almost the same size and have similar functions. Then the question is why some people become more educated than others. When we want to praise someone for his intelligence, we do not say, he has a great lebi brain. But we say he has a great mind. If someone is good in memorizing or remembering things. Bad or evil. Then he said to be "out of mind"-no mind "and not" out of brain-no brainer ". It is not the brain but the mind which distinguishes each person.The mind is what were a man think, perceive and feel. Are the thoughts and perceptions that are part of the consciousness which is also known generically as smart or intelligent. It brings together the individual consciousness and unconscious experience. Once the brain processes information so our thoughts give meaning. If you see a picture, hear, feel, smell, and taste, then the brain that does the job. And is in charge of deciding whether the mind images, sound, feel, smell, or taste that is good or bad. We differ in their thinking. Our memory is different and we have a different data store in our minds.Because our data are different, then we perceive nothing in different ways and our likes and dislikes are different. The mind can not make it good or bad thing in itself. His job is to use the information stored in memory to perceive and give meaning to something, many people, and events. Just as the brain, the mind has two compartments, conscious and unconscious. Because the mind is responsible for human behavior, then one must know the principles that govern the behavior of our minds.The law of cause and effect: is universal and does not suggest there is something that happens automatically. There's always a reason for whatever we do or what happens to us.Control
law: if one decides to accept the responsibility for anything in his
life, then he can do it, if someone wants, then he can control a
person's life.Legal focus: you will eventually get the land or what is consciously or unconsciously been the focus of it.The law of confidence: all of our beliefs are our choices, conscious or unconscious. Whatever
the first time we accept or believe srbagai right or wrong, good or
bad, is a reality and stay with us if we do not make a conscious effort
to change it.Luring law: whatever you store in the memory of your mind, consciously or unconsciously, you charmed or captivated him.
the law of cause and effect
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cep bagoes
the law of cause and effect
there is always a cause behind every effect, there is nothing that happens automatically, if you suffer from sore throat or upset stomach, there must be why. you fail the exam, you get fired from a job, you get a crash, you fight with your spouse or your kids do not care. you can not find a suitable job with a choice, you are starting a campaign, any effect there must be a cause of these effects. well-known proverb that says, 'prevention is better than cure "also witnessed it. you can prevent a disease by preventing the effects of the disease.
if you feel disappointed, frustrated, irritated or depressed, then the conditions will not arise without a cause. of course you have an option to eliminate the effect. however, if you do not remove the cause, then it will happen again and again. a man is never matched with a job. he left so many jobs but never found the cause, and one day he discovered the cause and eliminate it, so he was able to settle with the job. This is nature's way of teaching us. we do not learn from our achievements, but we always learn from these setbacks we experience. kia is now learning the lessons it teaches us to retreat and stop the cause, so the effect does not occur. if you are sick must have a cause, find and remove the cause and you will soon recover. however, if you have to remove the effect, which is a disease without removing the cause, then you will be cured for a while, but will be back pain.
there is always a cause behind every effect, there is nothing that happens automatically, if you suffer from sore throat or upset stomach, there must be why. you fail the exam, you get fired from a job, you get a crash, you fight with your spouse or your kids do not care. you can not find a suitable job with a choice, you are starting a campaign, any effect there must be a cause of these effects. well-known proverb that says, 'prevention is better than cure "also witnessed it. you can prevent a disease by preventing the effects of the disease.
if you feel disappointed, frustrated, irritated or depressed, then the conditions will not arise without a cause. of course you have an option to eliminate the effect. however, if you do not remove the cause, then it will happen again and again. a man is never matched with a job. he left so many jobs but never found the cause, and one day he discovered the cause and eliminate it, so he was able to settle with the job. This is nature's way of teaching us. we do not learn from our achievements, but we always learn from these setbacks we experience. kia is now learning the lessons it teaches us to retreat and stop the cause, so the effect does not occur. if you are sick must have a cause, find and remove the cause and you will soon recover. however, if you have to remove the effect, which is a disease without removing the cause, then you will be cured for a while, but will be back pain.
Change your mind, your life is transformed
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cep bagoes
Change your mind, your life is transformed
You are what you think, every time, what do you think becomes your beliefs. Your beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad, became the basis of your personal values, a sense of your likes and dislikes and influence behavior and your life. Then your life depends on what you think. You become what you think. The mind controls the body but your heart providing guidance Sitem. When you change your mindset, then you change your life.
You are what you think, every time, what do you think becomes your beliefs. Your beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad, became the basis of your personal values, a sense of your likes and dislikes and influence behavior and your life. Then your life depends on what you think. You become what you think. The mind controls the body but your heart providing guidance Sitem. When you change your mindset, then you change your life.
Setbacks exist to teach
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cep bagoes
Setbacks exist to teachWe never learn from the successes we've achieved, but we always learn from the failures that we experience. Our learning will stop, only if we have success in life. Consider a small child trying to learn. Every time down, then he learned something and he tried it again. One day he started walking and you see the expression of achievement and kemeenangan that radiated from his face.I do not understand why people are looking for overnight success. Bring a success story without encountering many difficulties and setbacks. There is a handsome young man who follows the intermediate exam and failed twice. She asked her father to open a video cassette rental store because he thought that he thought that he would not pass the exam. Why do we so quickly lose enthusiasm?A
young man aged 23 years who has an MBA, during the last two years has
sent his personal data (curriculum vitae) and application files to the
work of some 200 companies. Among the 200 companies, about 50 companies called to do the interview, but she always refused. He
was very confident that he will never get a job too, and intends to
begin to come to work with small businesses that are managed by his
uncle that he himself never liked it. But
because he thought that he was not good enough, so he decided to take
the step, after the case of this young man, looks like a young kid is
well behaved and pleasant. The
only problem he had, he had an attitude of respect towards him low and
it can be reflected in the way he spoke, sitting, dressing, and so on. And he never asked or ask the opinion of their opinion that called for the interview to say what constitutes a deficiency. Can be concluded that he had lost 50 times the opportunity to learn. And this is the underlying problem.And
after he discovered the underlying problem, through a consultation that
he did, and he's still interested in finding a good job. And he was motivated to blajr of failure: Personal experiences. And the account after he visited several companies every day. He
introduced himself, talked to manjer company, bringing his bio, or if
they are interested in, he immediately did the first interview and then
perform subsequent actions with those based on the time provided. If
the application was rejected, he would have phoned the manager or go
there personally to find out why he was rejected and what its
shortcomings. But not only that, he also filed an application in response to all advertisements on the field that he was interested."And do not despair of Allah's mercy. Surely not despair of the mercy of God, but the unbelievers ". (Yusuf [12]: 87)" "Each week, he visited about 20-25 companies and conduct interviews about 5-7 times. He
carefully follow up the application works, and every time, he was told
that he was not good enough, and he phoned or visited the manager handle
it. He'll
introduce myself and tell them, "the father, I do not mean here against
your decisions, but you see I was a young and new in this field. I
have much to learn from the experiences of people like you, would would
you say to me, why I was not elected or deficiencies that may be what I
have and please identify one or two things for the improvement of me?
"He would listen to the answer, learn something from him , and moved again. Within a week he began to enjoy the activity. He began to believe in yourself, presentation and communication skills improved. He changed his bio data is up to three times in its first week. It goes on. In the third week of this training, he has been offered two jobs with a gross salary of more than the average monthly cost. Whereas
previously he had been in despair to get a job with an average monthly
salary, but on that day, he decided to reject the job offer, because he
was confident that he will get a better job.At each subsequent week, he received a better job opportunity because he had believed that increased sharply. Finally. In the third month of this exercise. He was offered a job at a salary three times that of the average monthly salary. Until that time he has followed more than a hundred interviews. He asked the manager why he accepted. Communicated
to him, "all telephone relationship that you have done and how you
followed up have assured us that you are a worker who we need. If one can work with so jealous to get a job, then he would have to work twice harder to defend it """ Say: 'O My servants who believe. Your duty to your Lord ". those who do good in this world that is good. and Allah's earth is spacious. Only those who are patient are paid back their reward without limit. (Az-Zumar [39]; 10) ""He has decided that rather than continue to survive with little work, then he prefers trying to move forward. He refused to work again and started a small training center. Prepare students to do the interview. He thinks that because he has learned so much from all the interviews that he is the best person to teach it. He began earning money ten times the average monthly salary of the training center. And after a year he was offered a job in a multinational company, in the human resources department. And he's earning tens of times per month.
Control law, accept responsibility
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cep bagoes
Control law, accept responsibility
You always have the responsibility for all aspects of your life, if you want it. Remember, there are "ifs" associated with it great.
A child who becomes a senator, a man who becomes a maker of soccer shoes, and an almost divorced his wife because he thinks there's nothing he can do, take over their lives, achieve their goal of living of their choice.
There are many conditions and events in life, we can not control. How do we react to these things, is about us. If we react to all the trouble in a positive way, then they can make a good turning point in our lives. Controlling life requires full responsibility for all the thinking and your behavior.
If you do not have responsibility for your own life, then you will be a frustrated, depressed, and unhappy. Someone who is always in complete control of his life is someone who is very kua.
"" That is because Allah will never change something that already favors bestowed to a people until they change what is in their own *, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. "" (al-Anfal [8]; 53)
* God does not revoke the blessings that have been handed him over to a people, as long as people remain obedient and thankful to God.
You always have the responsibility for all aspects of your life, if you want it. Remember, there are "ifs" associated with it great.
A child who becomes a senator, a man who becomes a maker of soccer shoes, and an almost divorced his wife because he thinks there's nothing he can do, take over their lives, achieve their goal of living of their choice.
There are many conditions and events in life, we can not control. How do we react to these things, is about us. If we react to all the trouble in a positive way, then they can make a good turning point in our lives. Controlling life requires full responsibility for all the thinking and your behavior.
If you do not have responsibility for your own life, then you will be a frustrated, depressed, and unhappy. Someone who is always in complete control of his life is someone who is very kua.
"" That is because Allah will never change something that already favors bestowed to a people until they change what is in their own *, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. "" (al-Anfal [8]; 53)
* God does not revoke the blessings that have been handed him over to a people, as long as people remain obedient and thankful to God.
Focus of law
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cep bagoes
Focus of lawWhatever you focus it consciously or unconsciously, then you get it. If you need a car while riding a view to the side of the road, then your car will also turn the focus toward you in a while. If you continue to look straight, then you will remain on the road. This is the power of focus.Most people do not focus on what they want in life. They become impatient, and when they lose focus, then they reached a dead end. You will find these people are trying to do a lot of ongoing or changing their jobs. Because they lack focus, they were confused. They did not develop anything. A driver jumped out of a bus that plunged into a river depth of 3,000 feet. After
he realized he said that he had noticed the depth of the river and was
afraid and in the end he knew that the bus will be plunged into the
river.Most people do not have any focus in their lives. They just spend time. If they never know where they are going, then they see themselves will never get anywhere.* You have something that is focused (desire for life or any other purpose)* You focused just with everything that is large and positive.* No matter how difficult it is, never lose sight of your goal or target.There is nothing that happens without a cause. You are responsible for every aspect of your life. Humans are constantly thinking about all the bad experiences and then complained of depression. Well, if that is your focus, then that's what you get. If you want to feel comfortable, confident, and happy, then you should concentrate on good things. Say that you want to feel happy. Begin
to focus on a variety of gifts, the people who surround you, meets
these kids, your friends, go out and find a quiet place, watch the birds
and flowers, imagine you're sitting in one place The cool, calm and beautiful with a love that grasp your hand, and within a few minutes, you will feel happy. That's the power of focus."" Pray, and you will be given, and you will be give it. (Reported by at-Turmudzi)
the brain is the processor and provide meaning
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cep bagoes
the brain is the processor and provide meaningwhen our eyes see something, they take the light that radiates. These photons pass through the lens. after reflection, they fall on the retina at the back of the eye. signals have a number of processes in the brain and the perception as an image. so, what we believe to be seen through our eyes is made in the brain. interesting brain in our head isolated from the light coming from another world, we see the light bulb is so close that we feel the heat. our eyes see light and feel the heat of our body and transmits the information to bagoan different parts of the brain for processing. brain, not so close to the light, he was in the dark. as for ear, nose, hand, or tongue, her job was to gather information relevant to goto get sent from the brain to process. we never grasp the objects that exist in the outside world if the nerve cells that connect the parts that are assigned to the brain that processes insformasi disconnected.
"" They only know who was born (only) of the life of the world; they are about (life) is neglected hereafter. (Ar-rum {30}; 7) ""
though we have eyes, ears, nose, tanagan, and tongue do their job to gather information and get sent to the brain, but we still will not be able to, see, mendengnar, smell, feel, and taste, if not the place to do processing function, because the reality is not in the outside world, but he created in our brain. it means that in fact, is not the eye of the beholder, but is thought to form a picture. is not a listening ear, nose instead of a kiss, not the taste of the tongue and not the body that sense, but the brain.
"" The human brain weighs only 50 ounces at an average human male and dikuranagi about 5 ounces in an adult female human being. brain consists of billions of nerve cells. take ten million years to count the number of nerves are connected in the brain when we do it with the clock speed. the brain processes information at a pace equivalent of two to ten are increased to thirteen-under on doing this a modern computer takes 10,000 more besa of the brain. '"
above discussion concludes that:A. everything we see touch, hear, and perceive the object (substance). no more than signals that are processed in our brain.2. all the qualities and character, size, color, flavor, which we refer to an object is coming from within and not from the outside world.3. perceptions in the form in our brain.4. what we know to be true in the outside world is the perception in the form in our minds.5. jka part of the brain responsible for processing the information is corrupted, then we will not be able to see hear, taste, smell, and feel.6. if reality is outside then we will all be taking everything in one way.
"" "The lucky people are those who wash their hearts Allah, which Allah made him perfect, her honest, quiet soul, good morality, ears to hear, eyes to see, and with his eyes he spread and accept what is collected and the perception in the liver. indeed a lucky person is one who makes him understand. (misykatul mashabih, Bayhaqi, and Ahmad)
"" They only know who was born (only) of the life of the world; they are about (life) is neglected hereafter. (Ar-rum {30}; 7) ""
though we have eyes, ears, nose, tanagan, and tongue do their job to gather information and get sent to the brain, but we still will not be able to, see, mendengnar, smell, feel, and taste, if not the place to do processing function, because the reality is not in the outside world, but he created in our brain. it means that in fact, is not the eye of the beholder, but is thought to form a picture. is not a listening ear, nose instead of a kiss, not the taste of the tongue and not the body that sense, but the brain.
"" The human brain weighs only 50 ounces at an average human male and dikuranagi about 5 ounces in an adult female human being. brain consists of billions of nerve cells. take ten million years to count the number of nerves are connected in the brain when we do it with the clock speed. the brain processes information at a pace equivalent of two to ten are increased to thirteen-under on doing this a modern computer takes 10,000 more besa of the brain. '"
above discussion concludes that:A. everything we see touch, hear, and perceive the object (substance). no more than signals that are processed in our brain.2. all the qualities and character, size, color, flavor, which we refer to an object is coming from within and not from the outside world.3. perceptions in the form in our brain.4. what we know to be true in the outside world is the perception in the form in our minds.5. jka part of the brain responsible for processing the information is corrupted, then we will not be able to see hear, taste, smell, and feel.6. if reality is outside then we will all be taking everything in one way.
"" "The lucky people are those who wash their hearts Allah, which Allah made him perfect, her honest, quiet soul, good morality, ears to hear, eyes to see, and with his eyes he spread and accept what is collected and the perception in the liver. indeed a lucky person is one who makes him understand. (misykatul mashabih, Bayhaqi, and Ahmad)
how do we perceive?
Posted by
cep bagoes
how do we perceive?we have become accustomed to what we believe in conditioning to believe in our world that whatever we see, hear, feel, smell, and feel, then we take a literal way. if you loved the smell, then you think there is something in the smell that you like and others will smell the same as you kiss. when you see a rose, you are assured that there is beauty to her. and when you meet people do not like the rose arrives, you will be wondering why? preconception is caused by our misunderstanding entng something (of substance). we've bgitu accustomed to this life that we do not even think that if something (substance) is really there or not.This may sound philosophical, but is actually very scientific. a substance has no absolute reality, if not, responses to questions on the previous discussion must be the same. if all farfum smell so fragrant, then we will all use the same farfum. if there is something like keindaha the "real" then kenudian anyone would look good for anyone Saj, why the same people in the perceived "ugly" by others. if intelligence is absolute, it is then why for some men, a woman who weighs 160 pounds is someone smart and beautiful, while for many others, he may even close "to cantnik".
"" And those who reject their deeds are like a mirage on the level ground, the water was suspected by those who thirst, but when he came aiir tiu not find it anything. and he found (decree) of Allah on his side, and Allah gave him the calculations with sufficient deeds and Allah is swift at reckoning. (An-nur {24}; 39) ""
insformasi science has proven that we have of this world comes from our five senses. it is what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, we process information in the brain and decide. we do not care about that reality will or may be different from what is given by our senses. why would a newborn baby reacts to things differently than an adult? they can catch fire and we could not. they do not form a perception of something we already have.modern science ignore the conclusion that everything electrical signals. information that we perceive through our five senses (ie electrical signals) was then taken to the brain, where this information is in the process and then its meaning is formed. It bererti that perception or our view of the "outside world" that is formed in our brain is the brain response to electrical signals earlier. color, sound, smell, tenderness, or roughness, bahjan people and what we have, computers, houses, cars, watches, telephones, and so consists of electrical signals. then, what we see atu hear is our perception and our perception is a picture of the world or objects created by ourselves in it.
"" And those who reject their deeds are like a mirage on the level ground, the water was suspected by those who thirst, but when he came aiir tiu not find it anything. and he found (decree) of Allah on his side, and Allah gave him the calculations with sufficient deeds and Allah is swift at reckoning. (An-nur {24}; 39) ""
insformasi science has proven that we have of this world comes from our five senses. it is what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch, we process information in the brain and decide. we do not care about that reality will or may be different from what is given by our senses. why would a newborn baby reacts to things differently than an adult? they can catch fire and we could not. they do not form a perception of something we already have.modern science ignore the conclusion that everything electrical signals. information that we perceive through our five senses (ie electrical signals) was then taken to the brain, where this information is in the process and then its meaning is formed. It bererti that perception or our view of the "outside world" that is formed in our brain is the brain response to electrical signals earlier. color, sound, smell, tenderness, or roughness, bahjan people and what we have, computers, houses, cars, watches, telephones, and so consists of electrical signals. then, what we see atu hear is our perception and our perception is a picture of the world or objects created by ourselves in it.
there is always a hidden opportunity in every and each setback
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cep bagoes
there is always a hidden opportunity in every and each setback
The winners are not born, but they are made. the only difference between them and the losers is how they react to setbacks. so many examples, there are obstacles that the street is not the end of the road. that is what causes us to easily take a detour immediately. however, I witnessed a man who changed the course or even collapsed because of the obstacles in his life. their whole lives into disarray, with only one failure.Remember, failure is a god way to teach us something and we do not we learn. he gives us an opportunity to reflect on our life experiences and learn what is wrong with it. if you get the boon of a failure that we experience, then we will bounce back and take more soared high on a ball. the harder you throw to the ground, the higher he will soar. The winners were born of defeats. there is no difficulty, then nothing is gained. is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you, but what you do with what you yourself who paused to decide where you will land in this life.a man aged 46 years to get a burn in a horrible motorcycle accident. and four years later he was paralyzed due to a fracture in a plane crash. What is your opinion about what is done by people in his life after experiencing all this tragedy? Can you imagine that person being a "super successful" and one of the most respected public speaker ynag, have a happy marriage, and is a successful entrepreneur? Can you imagine yourself following the exercise arum rapids?diving?, and control of a political office while in a state of paralysis, helpless and dependent on others for help and even to take a spoon, lift the phone, or even go to the bathroom. however, W. mitchell just as it refuses to be treated.mitchell worked day and night to get back everything in his life as much as he did. he was elected mayor of a small town, Colorado. then he fought a member of congress, to change the appearance of strange (65% body burns) to be "an asset" although it initially seemed depressed and physically challenged, but mitchell started following sports arum rapids, he fell in love and married. he got a glass master in the field of public administration and continued to fly and become a public speaker. he said, before I was paralyzed, there were 10,000 things I can do, now there are 9,000. I left the 1,000 or focus with the 9000 I have been leaving. what he should do in dlam one year, then he does in a day. this will not happen if she gave up. Now he spends his time by giving the message of hope to people around the world. if you play too safe in this life for a variety of setbacks, then you've lost a lot of great opportunities to learn and grow.
there is no absolute failure. no one has achieved global success in one night. There is an Olympic champion in yan grab it without experiencing any setbacks. You never fail until you stop trying to. there's always tomorrow and you can push it harder. Do not let others decide your fate! it remains to be patient and persevere, then you can realize your dreams come true.
The winners are not born, but they are made. the only difference between them and the losers is how they react to setbacks. so many examples, there are obstacles that the street is not the end of the road. that is what causes us to easily take a detour immediately. however, I witnessed a man who changed the course or even collapsed because of the obstacles in his life. their whole lives into disarray, with only one failure.Remember, failure is a god way to teach us something and we do not we learn. he gives us an opportunity to reflect on our life experiences and learn what is wrong with it. if you get the boon of a failure that we experience, then we will bounce back and take more soared high on a ball. the harder you throw to the ground, the higher he will soar. The winners were born of defeats. there is no difficulty, then nothing is gained. is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you, but what you do with what you yourself who paused to decide where you will land in this life.a man aged 46 years to get a burn in a horrible motorcycle accident. and four years later he was paralyzed due to a fracture in a plane crash. What is your opinion about what is done by people in his life after experiencing all this tragedy? Can you imagine that person being a "super successful" and one of the most respected public speaker ynag, have a happy marriage, and is a successful entrepreneur? Can you imagine yourself following the exercise arum rapids?diving?, and control of a political office while in a state of paralysis, helpless and dependent on others for help and even to take a spoon, lift the phone, or even go to the bathroom. however, W. mitchell just as it refuses to be treated.mitchell worked day and night to get back everything in his life as much as he did. he was elected mayor of a small town, Colorado. then he fought a member of congress, to change the appearance of strange (65% body burns) to be "an asset" although it initially seemed depressed and physically challenged, but mitchell started following sports arum rapids, he fell in love and married. he got a glass master in the field of public administration and continued to fly and become a public speaker. he said, before I was paralyzed, there were 10,000 things I can do, now there are 9,000. I left the 1,000 or focus with the 9000 I have been leaving. what he should do in dlam one year, then he does in a day. this will not happen if she gave up. Now he spends his time by giving the message of hope to people around the world. if you play too safe in this life for a variety of setbacks, then you've lost a lot of great opportunities to learn and grow.
there is no absolute failure. no one has achieved global success in one night. There is an Olympic champion in yan grab it without experiencing any setbacks. You never fail until you stop trying to. there's always tomorrow and you can push it harder. Do not let others decide your fate! it remains to be patient and persevere, then you can realize your dreams come true.
yes, I can
Posted by
cep bagoes
yes, I can
if you think you lose, you lose;
if you think you dare not, then you do not dare;
if you want to win, but you think you can not, then you almost certainly will not win.
if you think you lose, you lose;
because the outside world we find success begins with a will;
all that is in the form of thought.
if you think you are not equal, then you are not equal;
you have to think to get up, you should be sure of yourself before winning the trophy.
the battlefield of life is not always destined for a faster or more powerful;
but sooner or later the man who wins is he who thinks he can.
if you think you lose, you lose;
if you think you dare not, then you do not dare;
if you want to win, but you think you can not, then you almost certainly will not win.
if you think you lose, you lose;
because the outside world we find success begins with a will;
all that is in the form of thought.
if you think you are not equal, then you are not equal;
you have to think to get up, you should be sure of yourself before winning the trophy.
the battlefield of life is not always destined for a faster or more powerful;
but sooner or later the man who wins is he who thinks he can.
definition of the mind
Posted by
cep bagoes
definition of the mind
you control your mind through your thoughts, if you do not control your thoughts, then reverse your thinking will control you.
thinking is;
A. train of thought
2. establish, understand, or spinning in the mind
3. believe or assume
4. strength training decisions
5. has atu generate a reflection in the mind
6. have a mind that works in reflection, to imagine
7. assume something similar
8. have a view or opinion
Your mind is your own decision about what is happening around you. is your interpretation of what happened and why. AS the various decisions or point of view, thinking you could be right atu wrong, even if your decision is correct, then it is your choice how you interpret it. positive in a negative atu. because of your behavior reflects your thoughts, then rest assured that you are making a wise choice between what to think and what to not think about.
you control your mind through your thoughts, if you do not control your thoughts, then reverse your thinking will control you.
thinking is;
A. train of thought
2. establish, understand, or spinning in the mind
3. believe or assume
4. strength training decisions
5. has atu generate a reflection in the mind
6. have a mind that works in reflection, to imagine
7. assume something similar
8. have a view or opinion
Your mind is your own decision about what is happening around you. is your interpretation of what happened and why. AS the various decisions or point of view, thinking you could be right atu wrong, even if your decision is correct, then it is your choice how you interpret it. positive in a negative atu. because of your behavior reflects your thoughts, then rest assured that you are making a wise choice between what to think and what to not think about.
whether that thought?
Posted by
cep bagoes
whether that thought?
nothing happens by itself, everything starts with the mind. there is nothing in itself correct atu wrong, good or bad, what is your opinion about something that makes it right or wrong. Let us assume that someone slaps your face and your revenge. not a slap that made you angry, but your mind's perception and the associate who makes you do this. you must take it as an insult and then reacted with a bang.
the mind controls the body. you control your thoughts through the mind, if you reply to slap the other person, it does not happen automatically, the mind takes the signal from your mind, you perceive a slap in the negative and then you react negatively, you may catch a slap in the following manner;
* The person has blamed you for someone else.
* The person misunderstood your neighbor.
in two cases, the reaction is not very precise, you should check and evaluate the person's behavior before reacting. how would you react if the person is insane or in need of help? Would you react the same way? no. instead of slapping your back, you'll feel sorry for these people.
nothing happens by itself, everything starts with the mind. there is nothing in itself correct atu wrong, good or bad, what is your opinion about something that makes it right or wrong. Let us assume that someone slaps your face and your revenge. not a slap that made you angry, but your mind's perception and the associate who makes you do this. you must take it as an insult and then reacted with a bang.
the mind controls the body. you control your thoughts through the mind, if you reply to slap the other person, it does not happen automatically, the mind takes the signal from your mind, you perceive a slap in the negative and then you react negatively, you may catch a slap in the following manner;
* The person has blamed you for someone else.
* The person misunderstood your neighbor.
in two cases, the reaction is not very precise, you should check and evaluate the person's behavior before reacting. how would you react if the person is insane or in need of help? Would you react the same way? no. instead of slapping your back, you'll feel sorry for these people.
the mind is important
Posted by
cep bagoes
the mind is important"I've thought about it, but I do not." you must have heard many people say so. unfortunately, people do not know what the mind can do. everything begins with thought. there's always a thought behind every thing good or bad in this world. there is nothing that can occur without thinking first.even for many people the thought of the mind of a psychological object is not fun. close your eyes and Think about your favorite food, how to shape, smoke billowing from it, and bit and see how your body responds. for many people, just by thinking about their favorite foods is enough to make hell mouth salivating. even many people feel it just by thinking about it.when you think about the fun events in your life. then you will feel comfortable and when you consider the events of the past and a variety of negative situations in life, your body responds in a negative way and you become worse. in a situation that should not, right now anything can happen. you think about it. all the achievements of the invention, and creation begins with a thought, but that is different is the quality of these thoughts, positive or negative.the story of a prison sentence for burglary in the bank. she reported that she had worked at the bank over 15 years. life running smoothly and wife and their three children to love each other and love one another yan. One day his family was invited to the wedding sebua. when they nearly went, it started raining, the situation has been difficult for his family to go because there is no private or public transport available in the rain. then the family should stay at home, although istru and children are very cooperative and did not grumble, but he was beaten for not being able to give a car to them.
"" Thinks that both are part of worship. (Mishkat al-mashabih and Abu Dawud) ""
at night, he thought that his work has owed much to him. so he should get a return. he will share with his colleagues, but he thought that it was a private matter. beerapa weeks later, he noticed a car, personal property, home, and dress his customers and friends. family also noticed different about him, but remained silent. every night for hours, he always berpilir about how he got his wages and in the end he planned to break the bank.she took hundreds of thousands of dollars. five months later his crimes came to the surface, he was on hold and finally the verdict. This all started with a thought. thoughts create reality, it is very important.Consider your mind; then so be it saysConsider your words; then so be it actionConsider your actions; then so be it a habitConsider habits; then so be it characterconsider the character; then so be it fate(Frank otlaw)
"" Thinks that both are part of worship. (Mishkat al-mashabih and Abu Dawud) ""
at night, he thought that his work has owed much to him. so he should get a return. he will share with his colleagues, but he thought that it was a private matter. beerapa weeks later, he noticed a car, personal property, home, and dress his customers and friends. family also noticed different about him, but remained silent. every night for hours, he always berpilir about how he got his wages and in the end he planned to break the bank.she took hundreds of thousands of dollars. five months later his crimes came to the surface, he was on hold and finally the verdict. This all started with a thought. thoughts create reality, it is very important.Consider your mind; then so be it saysConsider your words; then so be it actionConsider your actions; then so be it a habitConsider habits; then so be it characterconsider the character; then so be it fate(Frank otlaw)
left and right brain
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cep bagoes
left and right brain
our creator, Allah SWT has two parts of the brain confers upon us, (two parts, namely the left and right) and open it for a purpose. the left brain is logical, critical, analytical, and evaluative. reasons derive from it. section controls language skills, reading, and writing, and remembering names, dates, and facts. the left brain is also evaluating information rationally and logically, coherently processing the data. He also conducted the analytical calculations. ootak even left also controls all the movements of the body to the right.
"Remove your bad thinking, because thinking bad is the maximum error. (HR.bukhari)"the right hemisphere is usually intuitive and artistic. the dreams born here. when we think holistically or imaginative, it is part of the right hemisphere. it is intuition, problem solving, and synthetic. the right brain controls our imagination, problem solving, and synthetic. the right brain controls our imagination. when you enter wilayan your imagination, then you're using the right hemisphere. and told to rest the left hemisphere first. is the right brain that make up the image and concept. right brain also processes some of the information at the same time. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.to criticize and analyze a problem is bagia of the left brain, is to get the solution is part of the right hemisphere. some people have told you about how bad things and every person. they spend hours and hours to tell you about what is wrong with the state or political. but if you ask about the solution, they do not have the answer, they just use seblaj left brain, which they have, this does not mean that the left brain dii not expect. I also do not recommend to abandon its use. but to analyze the problem is an initial step, the challenge is to find a solution that is the task of the left hemisphere."Pessimism is part of a bad character. (HR.ahmad.)"We live in a country where the left brain thought to be much appreciated. the better student numbers and the data have a higher level, giving the wrong message to the public so that more memory recall skills in respect of the artistic and creative skills. most of the sisiwa be left brain thinkers at the time they graduate high school.only by using both hemispheres of the brain that can deliver results because they work in harmony and complement each other. no one can reach its full potential only using half of the grace of god.
our creator, Allah SWT has two parts of the brain confers upon us, (two parts, namely the left and right) and open it for a purpose. the left brain is logical, critical, analytical, and evaluative. reasons derive from it. section controls language skills, reading, and writing, and remembering names, dates, and facts. the left brain is also evaluating information rationally and logically, coherently processing the data. He also conducted the analytical calculations. ootak even left also controls all the movements of the body to the right.
"Remove your bad thinking, because thinking bad is the maximum error. (HR.bukhari)"the right hemisphere is usually intuitive and artistic. the dreams born here. when we think holistically or imaginative, it is part of the right hemisphere. it is intuition, problem solving, and synthetic. the right brain controls our imagination, problem solving, and synthetic. the right brain controls our imagination. when you enter wilayan your imagination, then you're using the right hemisphere. and told to rest the left hemisphere first. is the right brain that make up the image and concept. right brain also processes some of the information at the same time. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.to criticize and analyze a problem is bagia of the left brain, is to get the solution is part of the right hemisphere. some people have told you about how bad things and every person. they spend hours and hours to tell you about what is wrong with the state or political. but if you ask about the solution, they do not have the answer, they just use seblaj left brain, which they have, this does not mean that the left brain dii not expect. I also do not recommend to abandon its use. but to analyze the problem is an initial step, the challenge is to find a solution that is the task of the left hemisphere."Pessimism is part of a bad character. (HR.ahmad.)"We live in a country where the left brain thought to be much appreciated. the better student numbers and the data have a higher level, giving the wrong message to the public so that more memory recall skills in respect of the artistic and creative skills. most of the sisiwa be left brain thinkers at the time they graduate high school.only by using both hemispheres of the brain that can deliver results because they work in harmony and complement each other. no one can reach its full potential only using half of the grace of god.
the importance of attitude
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cep bagoes
the importance of attitudeappearance in every mood of life depends on three things;1. knowledge about the work being done.2. skill that is expected to do it.3. attitudes that motivate and create a desire to do something,the appearance is p = (k + s) a(P is a (performance) appearance, k is the (knowledge) knowledge, s is the (skills) skills, and a is the (attitude) attitude.)
a man has run the submarine engines for years. He knew very well that machine deserves 100 points. trained to handle it, he knows the best way to run it, when it should be oiled and how to clean it. he got 90 points ubtuk job. experts in the running, servicing, cleaning, examine it carefully, he became the most senior and an expert in his company and has trained other employees. however, when mesinnnya decreased capacity and number of accidents happen because he did not want to practice their knowledge. He taught everyone the value and importance of regular servicing and maintenance, but he did not apply it the knowledge he has. it produces a rich attitude "0".appearance in this case are:P = (K + S) AP = (100 +90) 0P = (190) 0P = (0)many people like that who knows what to do. they have the skills to do so, but the negative attitudes and lack of confidence to do them his way.some people have to get knowledge from books, people and opportunity to master various skills from him, yet they remain ignorant because they do not want to learn or do not see a necessity to learn. some people have reached a position in history, although they are not even enough opportunity to receive education in schools. with a strong will, the peacock has created resources to master the knowledge and skills to become what they aspire.abraham lincoln have to borrow a book to learn. even he had to clean the car, mow the lawn or cleaning the house for a book. He graduated in law and became president of the United States. if there's a will, anyone will find a way to master the knowledge and skills and get to the miracle.a positive attitude, a "strong desire", a "burning desire", a "burning desire", "tempestuous spirit", is the best, who have owned and developed every irang. positf attitude can only remove a person from suffering.
a man has run the submarine engines for years. He knew very well that machine deserves 100 points. trained to handle it, he knows the best way to run it, when it should be oiled and how to clean it. he got 90 points ubtuk job. experts in the running, servicing, cleaning, examine it carefully, he became the most senior and an expert in his company and has trained other employees. however, when mesinnnya decreased capacity and number of accidents happen because he did not want to practice their knowledge. He taught everyone the value and importance of regular servicing and maintenance, but he did not apply it the knowledge he has. it produces a rich attitude "0".appearance in this case are:P = (K + S) AP = (100 +90) 0P = (190) 0P = (0)many people like that who knows what to do. they have the skills to do so, but the negative attitudes and lack of confidence to do them his way.some people have to get knowledge from books, people and opportunity to master various skills from him, yet they remain ignorant because they do not want to learn or do not see a necessity to learn. some people have reached a position in history, although they are not even enough opportunity to receive education in schools. with a strong will, the peacock has created resources to master the knowledge and skills to become what they aspire.abraham lincoln have to borrow a book to learn. even he had to clean the car, mow the lawn or cleaning the house for a book. He graduated in law and became president of the United States. if there's a will, anyone will find a way to master the knowledge and skills and get to the miracle.a positive attitude, a "strong desire", a "burning desire", a "burning desire", "tempestuous spirit", is the best, who have owned and developed every irang. positf attitude can only remove a person from suffering.
MIND - the difference
Posted by
cep bagoes
MIND - the difference
One night, a tornado swept in toronto a small town, killing hundreds of people, and generate multi-million dollar property damage. The next night, a man was driving home when he saw all this damage. everywhere, there are many ruins scattered houses and cars. he felt sorry for all this tragedy, but he thought nothing more could be done with all this except wail.
on the same night, there are a senior manager at a media company, he also drove through the same path. He stopped to consider that there are unfortunate. he also felt sad but it's not the end of everything. he has a different mind. He thought there must be something he could do for the people who were there. finally she is determined to help people who suffer from disasters caused by tornadoes.
at the end of next week, he called everyone yan in his office, and on top of a chart he wrote three 3s, he asked them that how they would attempt to do if they are required to earn three million dollars. ribs of the present day, in just three hours and give money to those who are suffering from a tornado? then the room became quiet. finally, someone said. 'Are you crazy?' there is nothing we can do to the accident. "He replied that he did not force them if they can not afford. what he is asking for is to do something. and the room quiet again. later he wrote again on one side of the chart, "why we can not afford?" on the other hand, "how can we afford?" after writing this sentence, he further said that they should not waste one minute of time only to discuss why they can not afford. it is in vain. however, they can write down every idea that comes up, about how they can afford. He also said that they would not leave the room so that they find, how to do it? Again the room was quiet.when he forced all of the participants are present in the room to use the right brain, after finally fell silent for a long time, one said that they could conduct a radio show in all regions of Canada. he appreciated the idea and write it down. not long after, one another, saying that they can not organize the show because they did not have radio stations across the country. it is a valid excuse because the company has only two or three radio stations in Canada."" Nay! exactly what they were trying to do is close their hearts. (Al-muthaffiffin [83]: 14) ""He said that radio stations are very competitive and usually they do not cooperate unless there is something, which they can do together. Concurrent with the one proposed that they should find some people with big hearts to take the show across Canada. and they end the meeting with an agreement. short stories, in a few days after the meeting, they held a radio show across Canada and is running successfully earn as much as three million dollars in three hours for three days work. you see, that it is the power of the right hemisphere. if you decide to take the word "no" to something, then almost sure, you will have it.
"I believe it is true thatadah mind something;endowed with the mind body and breath and wings;that's why we sent them to fillworld with good results or badthat is what we call the mind raasiago to the farthest point on earth,leave blessings or cursesas traces left behind when he passed,
we build the future,a thought by thought,for something good or bad,no one knows.as did the universe was created.the mind is another name for fate.select and then destiny and wait,love cause love andhate lead to hate.(Henry Van Dyke)
One night, a tornado swept in toronto a small town, killing hundreds of people, and generate multi-million dollar property damage. The next night, a man was driving home when he saw all this damage. everywhere, there are many ruins scattered houses and cars. he felt sorry for all this tragedy, but he thought nothing more could be done with all this except wail.
on the same night, there are a senior manager at a media company, he also drove through the same path. He stopped to consider that there are unfortunate. he also felt sad but it's not the end of everything. he has a different mind. He thought there must be something he could do for the people who were there. finally she is determined to help people who suffer from disasters caused by tornadoes.
at the end of next week, he called everyone yan in his office, and on top of a chart he wrote three 3s, he asked them that how they would attempt to do if they are required to earn three million dollars. ribs of the present day, in just three hours and give money to those who are suffering from a tornado? then the room became quiet. finally, someone said. 'Are you crazy?' there is nothing we can do to the accident. "He replied that he did not force them if they can not afford. what he is asking for is to do something. and the room quiet again. later he wrote again on one side of the chart, "why we can not afford?" on the other hand, "how can we afford?" after writing this sentence, he further said that they should not waste one minute of time only to discuss why they can not afford. it is in vain. however, they can write down every idea that comes up, about how they can afford. He also said that they would not leave the room so that they find, how to do it? Again the room was quiet.when he forced all of the participants are present in the room to use the right brain, after finally fell silent for a long time, one said that they could conduct a radio show in all regions of Canada. he appreciated the idea and write it down. not long after, one another, saying that they can not organize the show because they did not have radio stations across the country. it is a valid excuse because the company has only two or three radio stations in Canada."" Nay! exactly what they were trying to do is close their hearts. (Al-muthaffiffin [83]: 14) ""He said that radio stations are very competitive and usually they do not cooperate unless there is something, which they can do together. Concurrent with the one proposed that they should find some people with big hearts to take the show across Canada. and they end the meeting with an agreement. short stories, in a few days after the meeting, they held a radio show across Canada and is running successfully earn as much as three million dollars in three hours for three days work. you see, that it is the power of the right hemisphere. if you decide to take the word "no" to something, then almost sure, you will have it.
"I believe it is true thatadah mind something;endowed with the mind body and breath and wings;that's why we sent them to fillworld with good results or badthat is what we call the mind raasiago to the farthest point on earth,leave blessings or cursesas traces left behind when he passed,
we build the future,a thought by thought,for something good or bad,no one knows.as did the universe was created.the mind is another name for fate.select and then destiny and wait,love cause love andhate lead to hate.(Henry Van Dyke)
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